At the risk of getting flamed I am going to say my piece.
First let me say I have NOT had the lapband but I have had experience with Dr Arturo Rodriguez. He was supposed to do my VSG a few weeks ago but due to a monumental bank screw up it had to be cancelled but that is not the point.
My point is I came on to this board tonight to see about getting info on how folks handled liquid diets but when I came across this thread I could not keep my fingers from responding.
I also tried to get hard facts and sources from WASA on another board and not only could/would she not give me her sources or cites for her stats she became rude and disresptful and finally put me on ignore.
I had a conversation and several email exchanges with Dr R about the accusations Wasa had made and I found his answers to be credible. He did talk about the band they used over 10 years ago and was honest about the problems that resulted, hence they stopped using that band.
As for all the hype about Dr Sanchez, the man is dead and accusing others of being incompetent or worse because the associated with him defies logic to me.
I wish I had been able to have my surgery with Dr Arturo Rodriguez. The reasons I am not have nothing to do with any concerns I had about him, had nothing to do with my doubting his skills and everything to do with timing and location.
I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, however when folks starting spouting facts and statistics they refuse to back up that is no longer an opinion.