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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TotallyPosh

  1. Im feeling good as well no pain since the 1st night in the hospital.. my recovery was so smooth no gas pains at all and im so thankful for that... As of this morning im down 30lbs and so excited looking fwd for whats to come πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³..
  2. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    Hi everyone! I made to the other side lol the 1st night was rough with the nausea and dry heaving.. had to stay an extra day because of it.. otherwise im ok and will be goin home around 2pm!!
  3. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @november11 @Momofthree627 @RCompound We have one more day to go how are you guys feeling?? I am soooo nervous these butterflies in my stomach wont stop fluttering and i also feel very anxious but im ready to be on the other side.. I have to be at the hospital at 9:15 am.. 😊
  4. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @Momofthree627 Have u tried Quest? The vanilla takes really good like a milk shake!!
  5. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    Wow @november11 my diet consists of all liquids.. protein shakes, broth, and sugar free jello, popsicles.. and of course water.. it also allows diet snapple and crystal light but no real food 😩.. ur so lucky πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @Momofthree627 thts good tht you only have to do a week!!
  6. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @november11 so far so good as well but it is still early πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚..
  7. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @kia h yes It definitely is lol but it still will b here before we knw it
  8. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @MeredithElaine im on a β€œTour De Fat” as well my pre-op diet starts Monday 10/28 and i feel like i have to have all my favorites this week including a few Margaritas πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚ but im not going to kill it to bad πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  9. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    Yesss so slow.. i was telling someone earlier that I was flying thru all my appointments when i was still unsure but now that im scheduled and ready its taking forever and i feel so anxious.. im just ready to be through the hard part Lol
  10. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    Hi Everyone!! Is it just me or does it seem like time is moving so slow now... before it was flying and now its like a snails pace.. im still scared, nervous and excited.. but i guess now im jus anxious to get to the other side πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜©
  11. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @november11 definitely keep me posted I hope everything works out in your favor!!! @melflirt01 Congrats!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ
  12. Hi!! So I got the call today that I have been approved for surgery and my official date is November 11th.. I am soooo nervous now as well as excited that its really happening, but my fear of the unknown has me scared!! I love getting on here and reading you guys stories and testimonies they definitely make me feel like im making the right choice! Thank u!!☺️
  13. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @november11 im in Philly.. i was saying keep me posted about you pre admission testing, mine is the 29th but our surgeries are the same day lol
  14. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @november11 definitely keep me posted so i can knw what to expect at mine!!!
  15. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @november11 I was approved already, they gave me my date after approval πŸ™ŒπŸΎ.. I dont knw what my pre-op diet is but I am scheduled for Pre Admission Testing on 10/29 so i guess they will tell me then.. they paper work they emailed me didnt say when to start!
  16. TotallyPosh

    I Got a Date!!!

    @Mikeyy thank you
  17. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    @november11 yaayyyy!!! Im all done with everything they wanted me to check off all the boxes before they submitted it to my insurance.. i think im nervous, anxious, scared, and excited at the same time πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and im the same im on here alll the time LoL will definitely keep in touch
  18. TotallyPosh

    november sleeve

    I was scheduled today for 11/11!!!
  19. TotallyPosh

    Where's everyone from :)

    Hi!! Im 40 from Philadelphia and im getting the Sleeve and currently waiting on insurance approval so that I can get a date ☺️
  20. Hi I sae this thread and thought id jump in.. the weirdest thing im looking fwd to is riding a roller coaster I havent been to the amusement park since 2004 and I cant wait im planning a big trip for next Summer to Six flags... Cant wait!!!
  21. TotallyPosh

    Anyone having surgery next month?

    Heyy @claire5 im also waiting on a date, I have 1 last thing to do before I can start the scheduling process and thts my Psych Eval next Monday.. Apparently I was scheduled for tht in May (started the journey in March) but they didnt put it on my paperwork so I missed it and 9/30 was the earliest I could get. They told me they will call me the next day to start the process.. you are definitely not alone in the nerves dept πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  22. TotallyPosh


    Hi!! Im new here πŸ€— (but have been lurking for months πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) I started my journey for WLS in March of this year, Im looking to have VSG, my insurance has a 6 month period before approval.. Ive also struggled with weight all my life.. Ive been working out with a Personal Trainer since 2012 and I will admit tht my dedication has been more geared towards the workout vs. diet. I have tried Atkins lost 50 lbs and gained it back plus some, Keto, diet pills, calorie counting.. and still have yet to break 300 lbs (except for whn i did atkins).. I am so happy to have found this App because I love to hear the success stories as well as the bad stories (evn tho they scare me 😳).. I have 1 thing left to check off and then I guess ill be waiting for the approval from my insurance and thn on to surgery... On one hand im like no dont do and thn the other im like you have done all of the test and been to so many appts just do it lol.. Hopefully ill b on the Losers Bench soon!!
  23. TotallyPosh


    Thank You!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

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