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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rockchick

  1. I'm the biggest baby going when it comes to pain!! I tried "waxing strips" on my legs & gave up on the first strip, cos I couldn't take the pain! Thats how bad I am & I can honestly say I was fine from the op! Yes, a little uncomfortable when I sat down/stood up & could feel the port when I bent over (which more grossed me out than hurt!) The first night in hospital, I had soluble painkillers, but taking them was worse than any discomfort (they never dissolved properly & were really bitter!) so I gave them up the day I got home. I was more tired than usual & if I did too much walking, I got that heavy, dragging feeling in the bottom of my stomach (a bit like strong period pain) but I was shopping 2 days post-op! Getting in & out of bed wasn't too much fun but only cos I didn't want to pull on the new wounds & I couldn't sleep on my side/stomach for the first couple of nights! But I wasn't ever in pain! And I haven't had any kids, either, so I'm not trying to make comparisons with childbirth or anything. I had a pilonidal sinus about 10 years ago & ended up on gas & air when they tried to change the packing in the wound! Now, thats pain.......!! Sorry to hear that some of you have suffered, but to think we're covering something up from potential new bandsters isn't true at all. Everyone is different & I'm glad to say that my surgeon must be one of the best, cos I didn't suffer from any gas or shoulder pains at all! Not once! And I'm the person who, if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong for me! So any "soon to be" bandsters out there, lets hope you are more like me than the "op". Good luck!
  2. rockchick

    Manchester UK

    Does anyone know if the meeting tonight at Bolton is definitely going ahead? I'm planning on popping in for my first time, but don't wan't to make a wasted journey, if I turn up & am the only one there!! Suzi ;0)
  3. rockchick


    Just an update!! My Viactiv chocolate calcium chews have arrived & boy, are they good!! They taste just like the "Reisen" chocolate chews. Only 20cals each & you need to take 2 a day. Its like getting your Vitamins & chocolate fix all in one! I'm definitely going to buy some more - they have a range of flavours, including Chocolate Cherry, Chocolate Mint & Caramel! Just wish I could get them from UK & not have to pay the extortionate shipping from USA! Suzi ;0)
  4. rockchick

    Uk Support Groups

    Hi Shanaz, I can't help with an answer about support groups in your area, but I'm willing to help answer any questions you might have, if I can!! I've had my band fitted about 3 months ago, so its all fairly new & fresh in my mind!! If you want to talk, I can give you my mobile number or just send me a PM, if you want to ask me any questions! There is nothing better than the support & advice you get on here from fellow bandsters! Suzi ;0)
  5. rockchick

    Plastic Surgery?

    Hi, everyone! Does anyone know whether it is possible to get any Plastic Surgery done on the NHS in England? If so, are there any criteria to fulfil! And does it matter if you originally had the op on the NHS? Or would they consider surgery for someone who was self-pay? Its a long way off for me, cos I'm only at the start of my journey & I'm actually hoping that I won't need to have it (I have been overweight for years, but haven't ever been pregnant, don't have many stretchmarks & my skin seems fairly firm, which other postings seem to suggest this is a positive sign - but you never know!) but I probably will need a breast reduction (I'm a 38J & am expecting that, by the time this journey ends, I'll probably be able to polish my shoes as I walk!!! If you get my drift!! :biggrin:) I might consider surgery on my upper arms, if I get the "bingo wing" effect. If I go the whole hog & go for breast/tummy tuck/upper arms, I dread to think how much that will cost!! I need to know whether I've got to start saving, all over again! Any stories/previous experiences would be really helpful! Suzi ;0)
  6. rockchick

    Plastic Surgery?

    Hey, Mrs JBJ1 Good to hear from you! Hope you're well! My GP was a waste of time when it came to surgery :biggrin: (hence Self-Pay!) but I'm thinking of trying to change GPs. I just wondered if there is any specific criteria to meet? I'm currently a J Cup! Its never really bothered me before, but they are already round my waist without a bra, so god knows what state I'll be in later!! I don't seem to be losing the weight from up top at the moment, though. One bit of good news is that I'm down 2 sizes in jeans! I ordered a pair of Next Jeans (Size 20) & they were TOO BIG!! :biggrin: Waheeey! Looks like I'll soon be shopping in normal shops, not just Evans, etc!! Keep in touch! Mrs JBJ2 xx
  7. rockchick

    Long Haul Flights - Band Fills

    Hi guys, I don't mean to be negative on this subject, but I think you would be VERY lucky to feel restriction after your first fill. Looking at most people stats on here, most take a number of fills to feel anything like proper restriction. I had my first fill about 3 weeks ago, 5ccs in an 11cc band & it feels no different at all, apart from when I have meat/bread & I then I need to be really, really careful & chew!! But I could still eat for England! I just have to be strong & not! I've put myself on a self-imposed liquid Slimfast diet, cos I know that, if I try & eat "normal" food, I'll overeat. So I'm having shakes, Soups & a bit of fruit & yoghurt. Its made the pounds drop off, like the pre-op diet did. But I wouldn't worry about your holiday! Just enjoy it. I went away for 5 days in June, ate 3 times a day, each time fairly normal meals & got back the same weight as I went. As long as you enjoy the hol, you can always work extra hard for a couple of weeks when you get back! I figure I have earned a "break" & try not to stress about it! Beating myself up means I feel like I've failed & I'm more inclined to be "naughty"!!!
  8. rockchick


    Hi, Jenny! What part of the country do you live in? I'm sure that, wherever it is, there will be people on here that have had treatment nearby & would gladly share the info with you. Or are you looking at treatment abroad? Also, does the cost come into it? I'm presuming that you are looking at self-pay, rather than on the NHS? Have you tried the NHS? If you are not looking at having the band fitted immediately, you have got time to look into this process. I beleive that my local NHS has relaxed the conditions of getting a band recently & are paying for surgery, if you meet the local PCT guidelines, which you can find on the internet. Personally, I had my operation with the BMI Group & would definitely recommend them. The website is Weight loss surgery from BMI Healthcare: obesity surgery & aftercare treatment in UK hospitals & they offer a fixed price package, with the price clearly shown on the website. I had my actual op at the Alexandra Hospital, Cheadle (Nr Manchester) with Mr Agwunobi. All the staff there are great, from the consultant to the dieticians. And they hold a monthly support group meeting where you can get support & guidance from others who are at different stages in the process. This is invaluable! If you want to ask any further questions, I'd be happy to help, if I can. Otherwise, I'm sure there are many others on here who will assist you. Good luck on your journey! Suzi ;0)
  9. rockchick


    Hiya, I'm 3 month post-band & I use Haliborange Multi-Vitamin liquid from Boots. Its £3.99 a bottle & at the moment its on a "3 for 2"! Its orange flavoured, sugar free & tastes lovely - I have 2 spoonfuls every morning. I also recommend using Benefibre, cos I find I'm not having much natural fibre in my diet at the moment (I'm not a great fan of veggies!) I put two spoons in my first sports bottle of Water every morning & then I know I'm done for the day!! I noticed another post on here about talking calcium too, which is something I wasn't advised to do by my Consultant, but I figure it can't hurt. The post was talking about a product called "Viactiv" & its a chocolate or caramel flavoured chew!! Yum Yum!! I can't find anywhere to buy them in the UK, so I've just placed an order on Ebay from a US Seller. Can't wait to get them to give them a try. I also ordered some Crystal Light at the same time (small packets of flavoured crystals to mix with water). My friend brought me some back from the US a couple of weeks ago & they taste fab! I'm not a great fan of tap water & having these tiny packets in my bag means I can keep filling up my sports bottle whilst I'm out & about, throughout the day, in order to make sure I get my liquids in, especially now were in this "heat wave" :tt2:!! Good luck in your journey!! Suzi
  10. I'm from the UK & I'm taking Haliborange Multi-Vitamin liquid, which tastes of orange (surprisingly!! ) & is yummy! Its the first Vitamin that I have taken for more than a fortnight!! Looking at other answers on this post, I like the idea of the chocolate chews! I've found the Viactiv website but can't find anywhere to buy them, outside of the US. I can't even ask a question on the website because of having to say I'm from a particular state of the US!! Does anyone know of a website that would ship these to the UK? I've found a few on Ebay (all from US) but they seem to be selling "out of date" ones & the shipping costs seem a bit expensive! Any help on this would be appreciated. I want to try the Chocolate Multi-Vitamins & also the Chocolate Calcium chews! Keeping my fingers crossed! Suzi :biggrin2:
  11. rockchick

    wedding pics

    Spooky!! I see it mentions Vegas in your signature! Does that mean that you're a person in the know! Would you be able to give me help/advice for my trip next year, a bit nearer the time! Any help would be greatly appreciated! :thumbdown:
  12. rockchick

    wedding pics

    I can relate to what most people have put on here. I don't have any pics of my wedding, can't bear to look at them or at my wedding video. I know I have the "reverse anorexia" syndrome & that I see a totally different "me" when I look in the mirror - it was a really unflattering pic that friends took on holiday last year that pushed me that last little bit into getting the band, I was mortified as to how I looked!! But getting back onto the subject of weddings, I had the fairytale Caribbean wedding - white sand, blue sea & the "beached whale" in the wedding dress! We even took the family with us! I cringe at the thought of what a mess I looked! But I've decided (& hubby doesn't know about this!) that I'm going to Vegas next year (its the BIG "4 0" for me & cos I live in the UK, its a big deal to go there!) & whilst we're there, I want to renew our vows in the Little White Wedding Chapel! Hopefully, I will be able to look at these photos with pride! I won't be at my goal by then, it'll be just before my first "bandiversary", but I'm hoping to fit into a "normal" size dress (albeit maybe a 16 or 18!) As I haven't told anyone about the band (other than people on here, my husband & my boss) its not something I can share with anyone, so its good to put it on here!! I have already been looking at wedding dresses online! It makes me so excited to think about it. I'm sure hubby won't be that thrilled, this is more for me than him but I don't care!! Sorry to have babbled on a bit!! :thumbdown:
  13. rockchick

    Warning:Poop Question!

    Its definitely normal, I was banded on 4/30 & got exactly the same reaction for the first few days I was home. I worried about the same as you, that the awful churning in my stomach would somehow move the band or break the stitches (as so much emphasis is placed on not eating anything which may do this) but others on here put my mind at rest & I had my first fill last Tues under X-ray, which confirmed everything was definitely OK! Don't worry. What I will add, is that by day 14, I had the opposite - Constipation! I have never had this before, and I hope NEVER to again! Without going into too much detail, I was in agony for 5 hrs in the middle of the night, in a house on my own, unable to drive. I won't tell you what I resorted to doing to help ease the pain, it would gross you out, but I never realised the extent of the pain it could put someone in. I believe it was because I wasn't drinking enough, I wasn't a great liquid drinker before the op & struggled to get my 2 litres a day down. I've never failed to drink enough since! Once was enough!!! Be warned! If this posting can help just one person not go through what I did.....! Good luck on your journey Suzi ;0)
  14. Just got back from the hospital & the fill went ok!! Thats put my mind at rest about the port, he got it first time! I had to stop it part way through though, cos I nearly fainted (it wasn't anything he did. it was just the thought of it! I didn't feel a thing, cos he numbed the area with local anaesthetic) I was a bit embarassed, though! I was on this big bed-thing & he had to tip me up so the blood went to my head!! Even with the minor interruption, the whole process took less than 10 mins & I just had to drink some barium so he could see how fast it went down. I've had 55cc's for the first fill, they won't put any more than that in. I've tried sipping Water since & it seems fine! Good luck on your band journey! Suzi :biggrin2:
  15. Hi, I'm 6 weeks post-op & up till now haven't had much in the way of pain & discomfort (after the first 10 days or so) My incisions took a long time to heal, but now seem to be doing ok. What I wanted to ask was that today, the area round where I think my port is, has become very tender & "bruised" feeling inside, especially when I bend or stand up/sit down. There is no discolouration to the skin or incisions, no hotness to the skin or other sign of infection, but the skin does look a bit puffy (though this area has been a bit like that since surgery & I'm not sure if I'm just fearing the worst!!). I wondered if anyone else had suffered anything similar & could suggest what has caused it? I'm a little concerned, as I go away on holiday at the end of the week & my consultant only visits the hospital a couple of days a week, so there is a chance, even if I rang up first thing in the morning, that I couldn't get to see him before I go. The pain isn't excruciating, but is a slight worry, as I don't want to be "ill" whilst I'm away. I firstly wondered if it meant the port had flipped/moved, but from reading other posts on here, people don't seem to feel this & only find out about it when they go for a fill. The second thing that I wondered was it just internal bruising, as I upped my exercise yesterday in order to try & shift more weight, including advanced step, hula-hooping & waist trimming exercises all on the Wii Fit. Has anyone else felt this kind of bruising from embarking on exercise? Anything to put my mind at rest would be appreciated! Suzi :confused2:
  16. Hi Perky, My pain did ease up after I stopped the waist trimming exercises on the Wii, so I do think its pulled muscles that cause the pain. I wouldn't worry, it just seems that some of us have done things that have caused some aggravation to the area around the port & others haven't. I'm going to have my first fill on Tuesday (under fluoro) so that'll show for definite that everything is ok (fingers crossed!!) & put my mind at rest. Hope the pain settles down soon. Suzi ;0)
  17. Its not a dumb question! It just means fluoroscopy (or x-ray to me & you!) But its a continuous image, not just a snapshot like a conventional x-ray, so they can see how the band is performing before, during & after the fill. See this link on Wikipedia Fluoroscopy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia They make you drink barium (which I have been told is quite nasty - I've been told to take a straw with me so it goes down easier, cos its thick & sticky!) so they can see how the band is performing. I've got my first fill this way on Tuesday & not looking forward to it cos I'm a bit needlephobic!! My consultant likes the first fill to be done this way, then makes minor adjustments in clinic (but will only add a maximum of 1cc at a time in clinic) Doing it under x-ray lets them put more in at a time, so hopefully less fills overall! Hope that explains it. Keep your fingers crossed for me!! Suzi ;0)
  18. Hi, Mrs Bon Jovi 1


    I wasn't aware of your messages till just! There is nothing that pops up to tell you they are there, unlike the "Private Message" system, which shows up on the main pages. Has this thing about "Friends" only just appeared on the site, too, or have I just been a bit blonde & only just noticed them on the forum posts?!!


    I've tried accepting your "friend" request a few times, but it doesn't seem to do anything? I'm sorry if you think I'm ignoring you, but I'm not. And thanks for your message about the hug. I was very upset on the night, but as I said a bit later on, the best thing that came out of it was that I scored a victory over emotional eating & managed to avoid the fridge/bar of chocolate. That felt really good!


    I'm debating whether to get a ticket for next Sundays concert! I'd definitely go, if I could find someone to go! My friend who I went to the last concert with has been brought tickets by her parents as a present & her & her mom are going in seats, so I can't join them & no-one else that I know likes them. I've considered going alone, but I need someone with me to enjoy it, cos how can you drool over someone on your own!!!! Did you decide to get tickets? I think I could manage to stand ok, but in Manchester, they open up the lower tier of the football ground to standing ticket-holders & its first come first served for the seating, so I think I'd try & get a seat, rather than stand, anyway.


    And thats not a pic of Miss Piggy, its a self-portrait!! lol!!


    Suzi X

  19. I've just come off the phone from my mum & I need to vent some emotion, so I'm sorry if this goes on a bit! To give some background to this, I'm 39 & have been overweight all my life, on diets since I was 9 & banded in April this year. I have two overweight parents, who provided no support to me whatsoever (it was ok for them to be overweight, but not me - then when I tried to do anything about it, they would just be negative about it) When I took the decision to have the band fitted, I knew that I didn't want them to know, didn't want the added pressure of them asking how much I'd lost, commenting with every forkful of food that I put in my mouth. But last week, I went to visit my mum & almost relented when I was there & fessed up! I do feel a bit guilty for keeping it from her, as in some ways, we are quite close. But today, she has really shocked me. We were talking about Fern Britton - she is an english TV presenter, who "came out" at last weekend about having a band fitted two years ago. She was forced to "come out" due to a sunday paper threatening to "out" her in the press. She had previously only commented about her weightloss being due to diet & exercise (she has recently completed various sponsored cycle rides in foreign climates for charity, so it is definitely major exercise, not just a walk in the park) Poor Fern has not been back in work since the day after the news broke. She has a history of depression & it is reported that this has pushed over the edge. My mum took great delight in saying how she had "cheated" the public, how the band made her loose all her weight & she was decieving people by saying it is just diet & exercise. My mum seems to support the call for Fern to lose her job over this! And Fern is also the face of Ryvita (don't know if you have the Ryvita Minis range where you are?) & she is also supposed to be in line to loose her £200k/yr contract for this, too. I tried to explain about the band just being a tool, not a magic wand & how you can eat round it, but she thought she knew best! Saying things like "your stomach is only the size of a thimble" & "you must lose weight, cos if you eat more than a couple of mouthfuls, you are sick. Sharon Osborne said so". I just got madder & madder & in the end I just gave up! But I'm so disappointed that she has that opinion. Its really hard trying to cover up my new eating habits infront of her & I'm not even restricted yet. It would be much easier if I could admit having the band. And some moral support wouldn't go amiss, as hubby is not supportive either. I feel very alone in this journey. :grouphug: But boy, am I glad I did not come clean last week. When (or should I say "if") she mentions my weight loss, I shall just smile sweetly & say its down to diet & exercise! Sorry, rant over!! Suzi :behindsofa:
  20. rockchick

    My mum has shocked me!

    Thanks to all for your heartfelt words of support. I really appreciate them. To explain to the others, I am NOT ashamed of the surgery, but I am afraid of failure! I do not want others to be heaping more pressure onto me that I am already putting onto myself! I have tried every diet under the sun & the voice in my head is saying to me "Why should this be any different"! As everyone on here says, the band is only a tool & not a magic wand. I'm afraid that I won't be able to work with it, as, at the moment, I am going through "Bandster Hell" - I have no restriction & I could eat from morning till night, though I am trying to be good. I seem to have an inbuilt "panic button", when I start to experience any hunger pangs, my immediate reaction is to eat till I feel full! This reaction, I feel, is a result of all the years of dieting I have gone through. I have been on diets for 3/4 of my whole life. Maybe, in the future, when I am at the point that some of you are already at, when I feel some restriction & can see the weight coming off, I will feel ready to admit to what I have done. But I need to be sure that it is working for me, that I am making a difference. Otherwise, I will be in the "failure" category, once again. And this time, I will be £8000 poorer, too. When the results start to show, I will hold my head high & shout about the band from the rooftops, but until then, I will be keeping this under wraps. I just don't have the luxury of family & friends who provide support, just ones who are quick to judge, without taking time to learn the facts. I agree with those that say that band surgery should be celebrated, it is no different to eye surgery or breast enlargements, but as with anything else that is weight-related, we are seen to be lazy & weak. I am glad I am taking back control of my life, preventing further distruction to my body & hopefully helping to become a new, happier & healthier me! I AM proud to be a Bandster & hope that anyone else who hasn't got support from their immediate family has also read these posts & got some comfort from them, as I have. Suzi
  21. rockchick

    My mum has shocked me!

    Thanks for your words of support, ladies. I really don't know what I would do without this forum. I've calmed down a bit now & the best thing is, I've just scored a big success in the eating front!! As soon as I got off the phone & finished typing my post on here, my next thought was to go straight to the kitchen & grab some comfort food. But, I got as far as the fridge, realised what I was doing & stopped myself, put some washing in the washing machine & by the time I'd done that, I'd calmed down enought to realise that I wasn't hungry, I'd just gone for the comfort option! Score 1 to me!! It feels soooooo good! I totally agree about Fern - its a real, real shame as she is such a lovely woman & if this ruins her life, it will be scandalous! Here's to reaching our goals & blowing a raspberry in the face of everyone else! A much more positive Suzi :behindsofa:
  22. Thanks to you both for your replies. Its really put my mind at rest! I think I'll cut back on the exercise & hope that it eases off, at least until after my holiday. And well done, Salsa, for your incredible weight loss! I hope I can do half as well as you! You are an inspiration! Suzi :biggrin2:
  23. Thanks for your reply. I do understand that recovery can be a lengthy process, but what is worrying me most is that I have been totally pain-free for a month & then this starts up? If I had been in pain the whole time, it wouldn't be such a worry, its just that I have been able to bend, etc, with no pain whatsoever until today & now it is quite sore. I just wanted to know if anyone else had experienced anything similar. Thanks again, Suzi
  24. rockchick

    Wallet/Purse Card

    I was banded on 30/4/08 at the Alexandra Hospital, Cheadle (Manchester) Has anyone else been banded there? Did you get a card to put in your wallet/purse to state you had a band fitted? I've been looking at the forum about getting a "Medicalert"-type dog tag/bracelet made & in reading the posts, most people also seem to have a wallet/purse card, especially those from USA. The cards have three purposes, to be used in an emergency to inform first aid staff about the existance of the band, to be used at an airport, if the titanium in the port is picked up by security and, in the USA, to get reductions/childs portions of food in restaurants. Some of the cards in the US even carry an x-ray of the band, along with the serial number of the band & their consultants name/phone number! Has anyone in the UK got a card & also has anyone used their card to get a discount & if so, where? And does anyone know where I can get a card from, as I have contacted both my dietician & consultants secretary, both of whom cannot supply one for me. I'm also looking for a multi-lingual card, to be used when I go on holiday (especially as I go to Egypt a lot & there can be big language barriers! Imagine trying to explain a lap band in their airport security checks!) Any replies would be appreciated! Suzi :confused2:
  25. rockchick

    To shrink the liver?

    Its really hard, but it just needs a lot of willpower over a short period of time. I know how it feels, I was put on a pre-banding liver-reducing diet in April & I was convinced I wouldn't lose enough weight & that the consultant would take one look at my insides & refuse to operate. But, to my surprise, on the day of the op, when they weighed me in hospital, I had lost a whole stone (14lbs) in a fortnight!! :biggrin2: The hospital gave me a diet sheet to follow, but I just didn't like the food on it & it was VERY limited, so my dietician suggested I try Slimfast. I put this diet together myself, but it roughly works out at under 1000 calories a day. I have never wee'd so much in all my life!! This is a good sign for liver-reduction, though, I beleive! Breakfast - 1 x Meal Replacement drink (Slimfast) lunch - 1 x meal replacement drink (Slimfast) dinner - 1 x Slimfast Soup 1/2 pre-packed Asda fresh tropical fruit salad (Melon, Mango, pineapple, etc) with a low-fat Muller Light yoghurt poured over Snack - 1 x Slimfast chocolate Caramel Bar (like a Mars Bar) Boots online sell multi-packs of the Ready-to-drinks, Soups & Chocolate Bars & when I bought mine, they were on a 3 for 2, so it cost me about £40 for the fortnight. Well worth it, in my estimation! I also kept the cost down by buying a tub of the Slimfast powder & making my own shakes. I took them to work in a sealable cup, but I must admit that the Chocolate Ready to Drink bottle is a much nicer flavour than the powder! It seemed like the fortnight went on forever, but I just crossed each day off my calendar & tried not to think too far ahead. Just try & drink plenty & if you feel like you need food, go for a walk or ring a friend for a chat, just to take your mind off it. I had to do the "meal replacement" route, as when I try & cut down my portions of "normal" food, I know that I always go over the portion size, so by taking the temptation away & sticking to the above, I had total control over the calories. Good luck! Suzi

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
