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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rockchick

  1. You CAN do it!! We're all behind you, willing you on!! Its really hard, but it just needs a lot of willpower over a short period of time. I know how it feels, I was put on a pre-banding liver-reducing diet in April & I was convinced I wouldn't lose enought weight & that the consultant would take one look at my insides & refuse to operate. But, to my surprise, on the day of the op, when they weighed me in hospital, I had lost a whole stone (14lbs) in a fortnight!! :biggrin2: I live in the UK, so some of the items may be called different things where you are, but I did it on the following: Breakfast - 1 x Meal Replacement drink (Slimfast) lunch - 1 x meal replacement drink (Slimfast) dinner - 1 x Slimfast Soup 1/2 pre-packed Asda (Walmart) fresh tropical fruit salad (Melon, Mango, pineapple, etc) with a low-fat yoghurt poured over Snack - 1 x Slimfast chocolate Caramel Bar (99cal "Mars Bar" equivalent) It seemed like the fortnight went on forever, but I just crossed each day of my calendar & tried not to think too far ahead. Just try & drink plenty & if you feel like you need food, go for a walk or ring a friend for a chat, just to take your mind off it. I had to do the "meal replacement" route, as when I try & cut down my portions of "normal" food, I know that I always go over the portion size, so by taking the temptation away & sticking to the above, I had total control over the calories. Good luck! Suzi
  2. rockchick

    Time off work?

    I took two weeks off work & felt ok, a little tired at times but as I was only on liquids, I figured that was more to do with nutrition. When I went back to work on the 15th day, although I felt ok, I am a supervisor in a call-centre-type environment & was almost in tears after 6 hours. Sitting up in a chair is nothing like lounging on the settee, in front of the tv. I was in real discomfort around my stomach & could not sit comfortably in my chair. I had to go outside for air on the one day, as I was feeling sick with the pain. This really surprised me, as I was mentally prepared for work & I'd read on here about people going back to work after just a couple of days. I did 8hr shifts for two days, over the weekend, as there is no-one higher than me in then, but on the Monday, I went to my boss & she let me do reduced hours, 6hrs the first week & 8hrs last week. Today was my first 10hr shift & it was fine. I've come to realise that everyone is different & don't put an undue pressure on yourself to meet unrealistic goals, just go by what your body tells you! Its important to put yourself first & let your body heal itself. Good luck with your journey! Suzi
  3. rockchick

    Wallet/Purse Card

    I suppose one in a foreign language isn't much use, unless of course you happen to be travelling to that country on holiday!! I'm definitely gonna speak to my consultant about it on Thurs. My dietician said you can get one by joining BOSPA, but that costs about £20, not worth it just for a card. I'm working when Bon Jovi come to Manchester!!:w00t: I live about 2 miles from the stadium & I know I'll be gutted when I have to drive past there on 22nd!! I just had a nightmare journey home this evening & have only just got in, cos the Foo Fighters are on & the roads are gridlocked! I can usually hear the music in my back garden, if the wind is in the right direction, so if I get home at a reasonable time & its not raining, I might sit out in the garden & sing along (God help the neighbours!! ) I saw them & Nickelback in 2006 & it was awesome!! Are you going? Suzi :thumbup:
  4. Have you seen the news today. Its apparently been confirmed by Fern herself that she was actually banded two years ago (though its quoted at saying she's only lost 3 stone since, it looks like a lot more to me!) She looks great & I think it does a lot for other peoples perceptions of Gastic Bands for someone like her to "come clean" & admit to the op. If people can see how it helps someone like her, then they might understand more. But she has put a lot of emphasis on the exercise regime she has also undertaken, like cycling & walking the dog. I'm hoping it doesn't make people think its a quick fix solution. The fact it was 2 years ago shows the lengthy journey that it takes. I'm just glad I got my band done already! Guess how big the queue will be at the GP's surgerys in the morning, when it puts the idea in peoples heads!! Suzi
  5. rockchick

    Wallet/Purse Card

    Hi Ann, Yes, you guessed it!! A BIG Bon Jovi fan! When you said you "found" your card, where did you find it? I haven't been given anything, no information, nothing. I'm going to see my consultant for the first time on Thursday, so its on my list to ask him about it! Lots of people seem to have had packs of information, band serial numbers, everything!! I'm feeling like a kid who missed out on Xmas!! Good luck with the journey ahead. Us fellow JBJ fans should stick together! Suzi
  6. I was looking on the forum about the medicalert-type jewellery & noticed that a lot of people mentioned they have a card for their wallet/purse, with the lapband details on & also that there are cards which can be used in restaurants to request smaller/child portions. I was not given any card when I was banded two weeks ago, even though my dietician did mention I would recieve one. I never thought to ask for one when I was in hospital, so I have today contacted my dietician, who stated that they do not hold spares & she informed me that my consultant should have given me the card whilst I was in hospital. I have contacted my consultants secretary, who had no idea what I was talking about!! I've now drawn a blank. Does anyone know where I can get one of these cards from, preferably a multi-lingual one, as I want to be able to use it on holiday? I've seen multi-lingual allergy cards on sale, but nothing for us bandsters! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Suzi :thumbup:
  7. rockchick

    Can you buy a wallet/purse card?

    Hi, Thanks to all that took the time to reply. I was more concerned about the "medical" aspect of carrying a card, carrying something with me abroad/going through airports etc, to explain about the band than the discount element (as I'm from the UK, there isn't anywhere that accepts any "restaurant" cards, anyway, to my knowledge) to back up the dog-tags that I have had engraved & wear round my neck. The one thing that a smaller portion would benefit me in, is that, with coming from the UK, they don't have the concept of taking leftovers home from a restaurant, so if you leave any food on your plate, it gets thrown away. I suppose it comes from being told at an early age, to "finish whats on your plate" but I find it very hard to leave food uneaten, so a smaller portion would help with not feeling guilty for the wasted food. Very often, I don't bother with starters, as the selections are very rarely appealing to me (UK starters are usually things like Garlic Mushrooms, Prawn Cocktail or soup) so I would have to order a full meal then leave half of it. Its just an added incentive not to overeat, if the smaller portion is served up to me. I accept what some people have said about non-bandsters not being able to eat a full portion (my sister is a US size 4 & can only eat a little at a time, but eats often! Wish I was like her!) I'm still unable to find a multi-lingual card to carry, but thanks to all that have put links to sites. I will keep looking & should I find anything in the future, I will post the details on here. As I said previously, these kind of cards exist for allergies, so perhaps we should petition the companies to add us bansters to their lists!! I'm going to see my consultant on 5th June, so I will ask him for more information, when I see him, as his secretary was clueless as to what I was asking about when I rang her! And keep your fingers crossed that I have lost some weight (I don't have scales in the house, as I weigh myself too often & get despondent when I haven't lost anything!) This will be my first "weigh in" since the day of surgery (30th April). Suzi :scared2:
  8. rockchick

    Help! newbie needing hospital advice!

    I was banded on 30/4/08 at Alexandra Hospital, Cheadle, part of the BMI group. Its a 12mth, fixed price package at £7950, including 2 follow-up appts with the consultant, 2 x-ray fills (others can be carried out in clinic) & 12 dieticians appointments. I was very impressed by their accessibility, email, phonecalls, consultants secretary's number, etc. They also have a monthly support group meeting. The link to the prices on their website is Costs of obesity surgery from BMI Healthcare: weight loss surgery & aftercare treatment in UK hospitals. They have hospitals all over the UK & also do a "credit card" giving 6mths interest free credit, for those that can't quite get the full amount together & want to get the ball rolling. I also looked into getting banded abroad, but after reading many negative reviews of other operations & more importantly aftercare, both here & abroad, I decided my health & peace of mind was well worth paying the extra for. I got no support from my GP & had to self-fund, so I saved hard for 18mths, finally cashing in an endowment policy to fund the op. I'm gutted, cos I found an entry on a UK based WLS only yesterday, which stated that, as from Jan 08, my local PCT had agreed funding for the op & there was no waiting list & they even had the agreement with the Hospital I went to, to carry out the operation, so I've paid out £8k when I didn't need to (I fulfil all the NICE criteria!) :cry_smile: Good luck with whatever path you decide to take. Suzi ;0)
  9. rockchick

    Can you buy a wallet/purse card?

    Hiya, Thanks for the quick responses. I live in the UK, so none of the restaurants that are listed on the Restaurant Card exist in the UK, but thanks for the link anyway. I suppose I'll just have to ask the consultant on my follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks. But its not promising, if his secretary doesn't know what I'm talking about! I'll keep my fingers crossed! I didn't recieve any info pack, which would have been nice/re-assuring to have. I'm more concerned about the medical/airport issues than any restaurant discount, but it would be a bonus if there were places in the UK that accept them. Some of our preferred local restaurants charge around £15 ($30) for a main course, & I begrudge paying that when I'm only going to manage a couple of mouthfuls! The starters are very unhealthy so I would prefer a main course than a starter, as I'm not a fan of Soup. Suzi ;0)
  10. rockchick

    Bands & X-ray Machines

    Good luck with the surgery, Pen!! If you do remember to get them to check you with the wand, it would be great to hear the outcome!! S ;0)
  11. Does anyone know if the x-ray machines in airports pick up on the bands? My dietician mentioned it & that the hospital will provide me with a multi-lingual card to carry with me, in the event I need to show anyone, but I just wondered if anyone had actually been stopped for it? On a similar topic, I was thinking of getting a Medicalert-type of pendant/bracelet, as I do a lot of travelling on my own & fear something happening where no-one would know what was wrong. Has anyone got one & what do/would you put on it? Do people understand "lap bands" or would that cause confusion (My GP didn't even understand the term, till I explained it to him) or should I use something more "medical" (& if so, what?!) Any help would be appreciated! Suzi :welldoneclap:
  12. Hi to all you fellow banders out there. All I can say is "Thank goodness for this website"!! I am 10 days post-band & for the last 5 days I have suffered from a reallly bad tummy upset. I'd not read anything on this subject anywhere else until I found this forum & was really starting to panic. I'm still on liquids (mainly s/f squashes/cordials, jelly & smooth yogurt/fromage frais, with the occasional icecream!) for two weeks (on instructions of my surgeon) then I can start on the mushy stage! Roll on Wednesday!! I've been lucky so far, no pain since day 3, no meds, no gas pain, no port pain, but my major concern was with the band slipping! The hospital placed sooooo much emphasis on not eating things for the first couple of weeks that would make your stomach muscles contract, so as not to break the stitches keeping the band in place. I'm sure that my stomach must have been moving like a washing machine, the feelings this tummy upset has generated!! Can anyone put my mind at rest on a couple of other things? Up until Thursday, I felt a real restriction when taking my liquids, even small sips of liquid seem to stick in my throat, but since yesterday morning, the fluids have gone down ok. Is this just the swelling in my stomach going down & the fluids passing through more easily or is this a sign that something is wrong with the band? Lastly, my wounds don't seem to be healing at all, not even the hole in the back of my hand from the drip, which is only small. I have changed the dressings & kept them clean & dry, they don't seem to be infected or anything, but I'm worried that the stitches will have dissolved & the wounds aren't closing up. Is this normal & is there anything I can do or take to speed up my bodies healing process? I've emailed the hospital for their views on the above, but with it being the weekend, I don't expect I'll hear anything till monday, earliest. Many thanks, in ancticipation! Suzi :thumbup:
  13. rockchick

    Bands & X-ray Machines

    My dietician definitely said there was a "possibility" of it setting off the machine, but I've no idea if that is true. The card was mentioned only in the conversation about airports, I'd not heard about ordering childs portions from restaurants, but it sure sounds like a good idea to me! Who wants to pay for a full adult portion & only eat a quarter of it! I'll wait to see what the card actually says on it, to see if that would work! Thanks for the idea! And thanks for the info re the bracelet - I'm off to look for one on Ebay now! I don't know what I'd do without this forum! You're all great!! Suzi ;0)
  14. rockchick

    Keeping it a secret?

    Carrie, Thanks for your reply. I can relate totally to what you're saying & even though we're on different sides of the world, I think we're in very similar situations. Its good to know I'm not the only one who feels the need to keep it all to myself. If you ever need to talk, send me a message! Suzi
  15. rockchick

    Keeping it a secret?

    I can relate to you all on here. I have only told 3 people, my husband (not very supportive, but is doing his best, bless him) my boss at work (who I trust not to blab!) & a female friend, who doesn't really understand but hasn't judged me for my actions. I know my family won't be very supportive, despite both my parents having weight issues. My dad is the worst, he put me on my first diet at the age of 9 & has continued to belittle me infront of others for the last 30 years. He would sit, stuffing his face with biscuits after a two course meal & call me names for having a fat-free yogurt after eating a plate of salad! And I wonder why I have issues!!! Plus my sister has never weighed more than 7 stone (apart from being pregnant & then she lost ALL her baby weight in a matter of weeks!) & she can eat anything & everything without gaining an ounce! I refuse to put myself in the firing line by telling them, though I am wondering how I will keep it a secret!! They don't live nearby, so when I go to visit, I go for the day. I had my banding done on 30th April, so I'm still on the liquid stage, but I'm dreading going to visit, as I'm overdue seeing them & I'm panicking about how I can keep it all a secret! Once I'm passed the mushy stage, I should be ok before my first fill, but I can't put it off till then, as that isn't for another 3 weeks! I think my mum might understand, but I don't want my dad or sister to know, so I don't want to put her in the situation of keeping it a secret. I haven't admitted it to anyone at work, other than my boss, as they are all so bitchy! I would be the subject of gossip for weeks & I know that they would take great delight in me failing & would be grilling me on a daily basis over how much I had lost. :thumbup: It feels so good to admit this to people who are in the same situation & understand. Its a bit sad that we feel we can't talk to our nearest & dearest, isn't it! But atleast we have each other!! Good luck to you all! My thoughts are with you. Suzi :biggrin:
  16. Thanks, guys. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. I'm trying not to get paranoid, but I'm the person who, if something is going to go wrong, it'll be with me! I nearly didn't get admitted to hospital, as the receptionist messed up taking the payment off my debit card & then they messed up the order on the surgeons list....so as you can see, I'm jinxed!! It tends to make me panic a bit!! On a positive note, I order a pair of jeans off Ebay, a size smaller than I usually take & I slipped into them with no problems this morning!! Result!! And, as hubby said "No overhang"!! Kinda makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it!! Thanks again, Suzi ;0)
  17. rockchick

    Really Bad Diarrhea

    Hi to all you fellow banders out there. All I can say is "Thank goodness for this website"!! I am 10 days post-band & for the last 5 days I have suffered from a reallly bad tummy upset. I'd not read anything on this subject anywhere else & was really starting to panic. My major concern was with the band slipping! They placed sooooo much emphasis on not eating things for the first couple of weeks that would make your stomach muscles move, so as not to break the stitches keeping the band in place. I'm sure that my stomach must have been moving like a washing machine, the feelings this tummy upset has generated!! Can anyone put my mind at rest on a couple of further points? Up until Thursday, I felt a real restriction when taking my liquids, even small sips of liquid seem to stick in my throat, but since yesterday morning, the fluids have gone down ok. Is this just the swelling in my stomach going down & the fluids passing through more easily or is this a sign that something is wrong with the band? Lastly, my wounds don't seem to be healing at all, not even the hole in the back of my hand from the drip, which is only small. I have changed the dressings & kept them clean & dry, they don't seem to be infected or anything, but I'm worried that the stitches will have dissolved & the wounds aren't closing up. Is this normal & is there anything I can do or take to speed up my bodies healing process? I've emailed the hospital for their views on the above, but with it being the weekend, I don't expect I'll hear anything till monday, earliest. Many thanks, in ancticipation! Suzi ;0)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
