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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Azlanie

  1. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    I have been experiencing minor lower left abdominal pain but nothing like you have described! When do you follow up with your surgeons office again?
  2. I came home last night (8/15) and showered. Now adjusting to life again. Sip sip sip is right! I thought I would be so stoked for something other than liquids...so far no desire for food or liquid of any kind! I am hoping to try thinned yogurt in the morning.
  3. You go girl! You're going to do so well! Meet you on the other side (in a few days ;))
  4. We are officially in *my* (and others' of course) week! Very excited. Today is my last full day of work, tomorrow will be a half day. I am supposed to get a call tomorrow afternoon with the time for me to report to the hospital. I am very much over the liquid diet and I am ready to have the procedure done and really get on with it! I bought a cookbook on Amazon for me to use for all of the various stages. I'm very excited to get my hands on it, dog ear and start planning for the rest of my life
  5. It is flavored! I have both the orange mango and the raspberry. If you are not allowed red dyes during your pre-op stage, steer clear of the raspberry. I purchased both from Amazon. Amazon Link
  6. My BMI is right at 50. I went through a lot of emotions when I was first considering the surgery. I have already talked myself out of it twice. I have had...wavering support from those who I thought would be extremely supportive. I've heard everything from "surgery is the easy way out!" to admonishments of "you're going to look gross with all that extra skin". I keep reminding myself that they do not matter. If I don't have this procedure, I may very well develop diabetes or have a heart attack. I would suggest looking for free support groups within the community. Dig a little deeper than just the surface. Hospitals tend to hold these in the evenings. I know my center has one and I can't wait to start going (life has been too busy thus far). But the requirement is POST op. And if you can't find one on your own, you can always start one. You can easily set aside time at a library or a high school for free. BUT We can be supportive here, even if not in person. Once you start on this journey, you are forever one of us!
  7. I'm not feeling hungry on day 6 of the preop diet, but I'm very bored with my options. I got some of the premier protein clear water. It's pretty good! It's a nice break from the shakes, highly recommend
  8. Azlanie

    Any Early August Sleevers?!?!

    Coming in right behind you at 8/14! One week! I'm excited and very much over protein shakes 😛
  9. Everyone told me that by day 4 the liquid diet would be easier. I did not believe them! I should have! I have not experienced true hunger today. I have been sipping on my water in between shakes (I have had two so far today, will fit a third in before I leave work) with 2 cups of chicken broth, and one green jello. I am literally amazed by how quickly our bodies can adapt to something! If you are starting the pre-op diet today or in the near future my advice to you is stay hydrated! Have something (protein, jello, broth) every 2 hours. It makes a difference! I am following instruction from my surgeon and it truly is working.
  10. I am currently on day 3 of the pre-op liquid diet. This was my first day on it at work, and of course, there was an ice cream social. My coworkers were awesome though and did not eat around me, so that was much appreciated! I'm surprised by how little hunger I am feeling. I contribute this to sipping water all day and spacing my protein shakes/jello/broth out every 2 or so hours. I feel better today than I did Saturday or Sunday. Yesterday I woke up with a killer headache. Today, the tylenol seemed to take care of it. I have been peeing a LOT. I think once an hour or every other hour or so. My preop diet is as follows: 4 protein shakes per day 4 cups of raw vegetables (or 2 cups cooked) - but no starchy veggies. I am enjoying broccoli, carrots and zucchini for now, but will have to drop the broccoli and carrots 3 days prior to surgery Unlimited: Sugar free popsicles (not red), Jello (not red), broth, decaf coffee or tea, sugar free juices, water Day before surgery: clear liquids, no protein We can do this!
  11. Right behind you on the 14th! Congratulations!
  12. I got a call from my surgeons office on Friday. I have to go in for my final preop class and sign all of the consent forms on Thursday! I've had my date for a hot minute now, but it's starting to feel really real! I'm done with all of my food funerals. I'm ready for the next step!
  13. Woo! I got my approval letter from my insurance in the mail yesterday! I'm waiting for my two pre op appointments and then all I have to do is wait =D
  14. I included my boyfriend when I was making the decision to have the surgery. I asked my mom of her opinion (she is a nurse) so I could get an additional point of view. Both were extremely supportive. I was also extremely transparent with my boss and coworkers. It made it that much easier to get time off scheduled for appointments. There was a point where I had at least one appointment per week. My boyfriend's family still does not know, nor do I care if and when they find out. It is my decision and I am doing this for me. Anyone who rears their head in jealousy or does not want to support me can be shown the door. I made a very public post on social media about my surgery date and I got some questions from supportive friends, and a little bit of push back from family ("oh you were doing so well on weight watchers, why would you want to have someone cut you open?"). Ultimately, I don't care about the opinions of those who are not going to be positive and supportive. I have learned to drown them out over the years. I would absolutely inform those who are with you on a daily basis and who mean something to you. Everyone else can just wonder how you did it!
  15. I *hate* pills. I can't even swallow them (psychological issue, I know). I chew everything, even when I am not supposed to. I got used to how bitter certain pills and gel cap fillings taste. Who thought you could do that? I am certainly looking forward to getting away from taking so many. I'd much rather switch a few supplements for the plethora I currently chew and gag down morning and evening
  16. I take solace in telling myself "next month I will have surgery" ... and it really IS next month that everything changes! I've been REALLY practicing eating and drinking at different times, cleaning up my diet, etc. I want to set myself up for success so I am more thankful than anxious for the wait
  17. Azlanie

    Denied and Grieving

    I don't feel that this is a fair post and it can be upsetting to OP. "Only" and "Not that bad" are things most of us have heard all of our lives. I understand that you were trying to help, or be positive but it rubbed me the wrong way. To OP - if you paid (be it a deductible or something else) ahead of time and were denied, you are entitled to a refund. HOWEVER - call the program office. Denials happen all the time. Call up your insurance company. Light a fire under EVERYONE'S ass. There are alternatives to the surgical procedures intended for people who have less severe obesity such as the Obalon. Call the insurance and see if they cover it. If not, find out what they DO cover for weight loss assistance for someone of your BMI.
  18. Congratulations, all! I received my date yesterday of August 14th. I'm a little disappointed it is so far out. The surgeon I am working with has had a smaller OR schedule than most, so I had to wait three weeks from when I had all of my testing done to getting the date, plus it being pushed out. I will be taking the "extra" weeks as time to start ramping up exercise, squirreling away a few extra PTO hours and really fine tuning my diet and cutting out sugar.

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