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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by crazycanuck

  1. Sorry, I didn't see your question until after I went this morning. I will ask him next time I see him though.

    It was truly a comforting and wonderful experience having my fill this morning. I've been having a rough time lately in many ways and he made me feel so much better. I feel silly now for being so scared to deal with what was going wrong and realize if I had just smartened up, I could have been feeling better sooner.

    He did mention in passing that he only does Dr Cobourn and Dr Mumford's patients.

    Just wanted to let you guys know that he is a very nice and knowledgeable man.

  2. There is also Dr Bishop (who was mentioned on previous pages, but I didn't see anyone who's actually seen him). I see him on Wednesday for a fill so I'll let everyone know what he's like. I am also trying to be free for the February 9th meet-up but it's not looking good.

    My name is Cindy BTW! I was banded by Dr Cobourn 2 years ago.

    Nice to be "clued in" a bit again.



  3. Hello my fellow Canadians!

    I'd be happy to email anyone and offer support. I actually met someone at Dr Cobourn's office from Winnipeg that I will be emailing soon. I would love to be a modern cyber penpal.

    Your right about it being exciting. I was lucky, I had Christmas stuff to keep my mind occupied until January. I only started getting nervous after that.

    I'm schedule for my first fill on March 10th and that has me a little concerned. Just because he's so far away (not compared to you of course!), if it's too full I'd have to take even more time off work. But alas, worrying about everyone else is part of the reason I'm in this predicament...anyway, when you're there, try to make a friend in the waiting room. (Not the recovery room...because you won't remember!)


  4. Hello There Argonsoleil (and everyone else),

    I just wanted to let you know I had my band put in 2 weeks ago today by Dr Cobourn and I haven't had a single problem so far! Everyone there was supernice. I haven't quite figured out how to do the ticker thing yet, but since starting the liquid stuff before the surgery and in the last 2 weeks I've lost 30 lbs (started at 311.5 Lbs)

    I'm hoping there are other Dr Cobourn patients out there and others from the Ottawa area.

    Good luck, you picked a good guy!


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