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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Boo

  1. Mary,

    You are very wise to be concerned! I underwent an emergency unfill due to post-sinus drainage irritation. I had a fill appt. and then two weeks later noticed more restriction. It is allergy time and constantly have the post-nasal drip (thick). Well, dinner got stuck one night and that increased the irritation so much I started to bleed.

    I would definitely wait to get a fill. Take sudafed or something else, in addition to what you have now. Get the sinus/bronchitis/laryngitis situation cleared up first. Also, if you are PB'ing it can make the bronchitis worse by getting into your lungs.

    Take Care!!!

  2. Julie, I just love seeing your little "fishy ticker thing" at 199!!! I've watched it swim ever week for the past six months or so. It was exciting when you reached the 100 pound weight-loss! I am looking forward to the day (very soon) that you swim right past me. DON'T DOUBT IT! It WILL happen! :P

    Sara, it is now a matter of days. When I was walking to the surgery center in Mexico (!), I first thought that I was crazy, and then thought that I was a failure having to resort to surgery, until I stepped inside. A wonderful peaceful feeling came over me that help was finally here. I met other lovely people who shared the same struggle. I knew inside that everything would be alright. I wish that for you! Your life will have new meaning. Thoughts won't be dominated by food and size. The ridicule from others and from yourself will vanish and you will feel free to explore new options. You don't hate yourself. You love yourself enough to take this courageous step. We are all rooting for you to succeed!

  3. Betty, this is such good news. You are very sweet to be concerned about our group when you have a major event ocurring in your life now. You take care of yourself a little bit, okay? You must be thrilled, but exhausted, also.

    Julie, we can't have you fainting. Is it your Southern Belle charm and strategy to swoon into the arms of handsome strangers? haha

    Seriously, you have major stress now, with the job move and surgery coming. You have produced a miraculous weight-loss, but need strength and nutrition for good healing after the TT. Eat a little more!

    I am really inspired by the responses to the Bandiversary thread I started. Should I start one that is open to everyone, no matter when they were banded? I don't know what to call it..."Reflect, Succeed and Dream"? What do you think?

    To the gym I go!

  4. Hey, BubbleButt,

    I've never sued anyone. I just pray that no one has been negligent here. (Because it sounds like someone has!) We are blessed in the U.S. to have recourse if we have been mistreated. If there is a legitimate case, a patient has every right to make demands.

  5. Molly, that is a great start, and exactly how I started last September when I joined this challenge.

    Betty, hang in there! We are still thinking about you and Alan.

    Julie, enjoy your last few days before the surgery. You had the courage to face the band, you can face this, too. Of course, we will be envious of your flat stomach.

    Bluehill, where are you? How are you? I hope you are healing and not getting too down. You've been through a terrible ordeal. I hope things are going better.

    Roberta, how are you feeling, now that spring is in the air?

    Susan, are you up for some exercise?

    I am just starting to get my strength back after being so sick! I'm supposed to run a 5K in a month, so that is my goal! I doubt I will make the challenge this month. I'm just glad that I can tolerate liquids and that the band didn't slip! If I have another surgery, I want what JULIE is having!!!!

    TODAY'S EXERCISE: Cross-trainer for 48 minutes at level 10, bike for 10 minutes.

  6. Sophie123 and Kity, you ARE making one of the most important decisions of your lives! Our stomachs may be banded, but we are also banded together by our desire to overcome weaknesses and fully engage in life. We can relate to each other because of our struggles and desires.

    Please check in with us. We want to help our April '07 newbies because we have found great success in our association on this board.

  7. Thanks, Amourette!

    Okay, you little chickadees of April 2007, if you need some inspiration, tips, or wise words, check out the April 2006 Bandiversary!! thread. (I don't know how to provide a link.) We are the big (little, now!) sisters looking out for you and rooting you on!

    I started the thread for our '06 group to reflect, and for your '07 group to be inspired. You truly have no idea how high your life will soar in the next year! It is so exciting.

    If you need advice or support, please come to us!

  8. I'll tell you what my doctor told me, "You must get a total unfill until it heals, which is about three weeks." He told me that rarely does it heal on its own without getting an unfill. If you are bleeding regularly and throwing it up, you ARE too tight. Otherwise it would go down instead of up. By this time, you might also be anemic.

    After doing this for so long, I think you should have it scoped as well!!! This is a serious matter!! Don't let your doctor make light of it. Be pro-active!

  9. Hey,

    I know how you feel. In fact, we all do. We were all 180 pounds at some time in our lives and we were struggling to get a handle on our overeating.

    I'm all for the idea of prevention. I feel like I was banded as a precaution and as a relief. I did not want to wait until I was 100 pounds overweight before taking drastic actions. And when the fill amount is good I am spared the pain of the constant obsession with my weight and eating. It helps me to feel free!! The first time I heard about the band I knew I wanted it...and at that time I weighed less than I do now.

    Good luck! It is a long-term decision.

  10. Margi,

    I'm sure that the crunches will help you in some way. Probably the most important thing you can do is to walk until you breathe a bit harder to increase your stamina and lung capacity. Also, if you have other vices (like mine: Diet Coke) it is better to deal with them now, rather than quit everything after surgery.


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