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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Shellcat

    Water intake and outflow

    I think that your bladder has less stress on it as you lose weight. But I also think that once your body realizes you are getting regular water it flushes out the fluid that you were retaining and you don't have as many toxins to deal with so your kidneys become more efficient.
  2. Shellcat

    Stalled at almost 7 months

    I have found Intermittent fasting works for me. I eat around 6-7 pm then don't eat until after noon the next day and try to focus on protein and veggies. I then eat when I am hungry. I am not perfect as far as snacking and I enjoy a glass or two of wine when I get home from work. The theory is that this fast even though short helps to put your body in fat burning mode rather then carb burning mode. It helps with my carb cravings and I find that I don't miss the breakfast most days. If I wake up especially hungry then I just eat breakfast that day. I have been a slow loser all along but I am still losing so that is all that matters!.
  3. Shellcat

    Feeling "weepy" & sad

    I think you are in a kind of mourning. We all used food as a self medication for our feelings and now you can't even when you need to. I am trying to replace food with other healthier things like exercise and self help books and meditation.... Trying being the optimal word. I think it is normal to be weepy though.... I have been very irritable. Hang in there! It will get better.
  4. Shellcat

    Stomach hurt

    I am also getting that feeling. My surgery was April 22. I think it might be acid???? It seems to happen more when my tummy is empty also a slight nausea feeling. I have also noted I don't feel good when I eat.
  5. Shellcat

    Outpatient sleeve

    I had my sleeve at around 12 noon and went home at 8 pm. I was walking, sipping and peeing and that was good enough for them. I have not had any problems and I hate hospitals so it was best for me. I have noted that it is fairly rare but my surgeon does all of his as outpatient though many stay overnight and leave before 24 hours post op.
  6. Shellcat

    Throat gurgling after sipping water

    I did not hit my 64 oz goal on day one but remember you are so pumped up with IV fluids that should be okay. Better to go slow. Each day has gotten better and I am now hitting my goal. I get the gurgle too. I take it as a sign I may be sipping a bit too fast.
  7. Shellcat

    Recently sleeved

    My surgeon has me on a full liquid diet for 3 weeks ( this is a bit longer than most). Full liquids mean watery soups, broths, watery protein drinks, milk and that is about it. I am trying to get at least 45grams of protein a day and adding unflavored protein to soups or broths that have less protein.
  8. Shellcat

    Surgery is complete! Onto road to recover

    Thank you for your kind words. I do feel a bit less gassy today. Able to get a bit more protein in which is good. Trying to decide when to go back to work because I feel REALLY tired and shaky. How many days did you take off?
  9. Shellcat

    Surgery is complete! Onto road to recover

    So far no reflux but barely eating so not sure yet. I hope I don't. I pray I don't. I want to get on a plane and not worry if the seatbelt will fit. I would like to scuba dive with less then 20pounds of weight since the last time I went I needed 22pounds just to stay down because I float. I want to be able to get in my ski boots again. I have also had two knee surgeries in the last two years so they are screaming for relief. I am a very active person stuck in a fat persons body I guess.
  10. Shellcat

    Surgery is complete! Onto road to recover

    I also had the band in 2007 removed in 2012. I hated it due to the terrible reflux so I know how it adds a lot more anxiety to say the least. Good Luck!
  11. Shellcat

    Surgery is complete! Onto road to recover

    I had Surgery on 22nd and went home that night. My surgeon does not require a leak test. I also had the burping feeling without being able to get it out. The good news is Gas X got rid of that quickly. I missed the nausea too! yeah. I have been swollen though and struggling to get in all of the fluids I need. Today is day two and I am now able to sip without pain most of the time. I hope your recovery is going as well! Good luck!
  12. Shellcat

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I really appreciate all of you sharing your experiences! I am a bit of a lurker! My surgery date is 4/22 so this is my last weekend before "the change" ..... A bit worried, nesting for sure... Trying to get the yard work done the pantry cleaned the junk drawers cleaned out etc.... worried about taking time off from work... lots of moving parts and emotions right now.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
