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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lillster

  1. lillster

    Mexico Surgery (my first week after)

    Hi Teresah, I am glad you are doing well. I also had my surgery with one of the doctors from lite n free. Except I did not go to Monterrey for the surgery, Dr. De la Garza came to a hospital about 35 minutes from the border here in Texas to get my surgery done. Who was you surgeon? Wow, congratulations on the 16lb weight loss. I have only lost 12 so far and I was banded on 2/10/06. I am still barely recovering from the gases and small aches and pains. The chamomile has been doing wonders for me in that area. I’ll let you go now. And congratulations again.
  2. Hello fellow bandsters!! i have a dillema...:help: I have cheated after only 8 days post-op. I have no restriction what so ever, I have lost 9 lbs so far. I was banded on 2/10/06. But I have not been able to loose anymore weight. I have not been able to stay on full liquids and soft foods. I do liquids all day but I then I cheat at dinner time. I am scared that my band could have eroded since I have not taken care of it. Any advise or comments are greatly appreciated. I can't wait for a fill. Hopefully i can see a difference as far as restriction. bye for now.. Lillster
  3. Thank you guys so much for the advise and comments. This is exaclty why I love this website. I am really going to listen to your inputs and start over. Yes, and I meant slippage not erosion.
  4. lillster

    New to the Forum

    Hello, I Understand Completely When You Say You Are Stuffing Yourself Before The Pre-op Diet. But You Shouldn't Over Do It. Hey, I Beleive I Gained About 2 Lbs. About A Week 1/2 From Eating More Than I Should Have Once I Found Out The Surgery Date. I Was Just Band On Friday Feb. 1oth. So I Am 4 Days Post Op. The Liquid Diet Sure Is Hard. But It Will Be Very Well Worth It. Good Luck On Your Surgery.

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