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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by emtbaby4

  1. I am also a self pay. I live in AZ so Mexico is close. I went to Mexicali (2 hr east of San Diego, 1 hour west of Yma, AZ) and paid $8200. I was very pleased with my surgeon and my experience. I am able to travel to his office and back to my home in a day. He does not charge for fills. I only have to pay the xray charge when I fill. Last time it was $67. I feel this is a reald bargin. I also know many people go to Monterrey, Mex as this is a dbig medical school/specialty area. There are supposed to be mandy fine surgeons there who charege more or less what I paid. Email me privately if you want more info (I do not work for any doc or surgical center).
    thats really great.

  2. Hey There

    I'm from Ottawa and had my surgery by Dr Cobourn on January 27th. I'm heading for my first fill in March (probably). Whereabouts are you?


    i will be getting my band on march 1. i am from newyork. dr. reubenstein will be doing it in central soffolk hosp. in riverhead

  3. Jachut, I TOTALLY AGREE!

    It was a constant effort but it wasnt so hard that like you siad you have to be a diet natzi..

    I really really hate seeing reallly overweight kids..

    I hate to judge..

    BUT its hard.

    I cared so friggin much, I was able to do it and It was that care that motivated me the most as I was just a kid and not very health conscious at all..

    yeah i know. i have seen the talk shows where this kids are 1 and weigh more then me. and there mother says i do not want to denie my kid from food. its really bad. i do not have any kids. but my mom was always concerned about my weight. could not eat anything bad. well it caught up with me when i got my car and was able to drive:think

  4. everyone has the movies they like. regliuos or not. i mean i love all richard gere movies. i love that man. well i will have my band soon enough , march 1. i can not wait. well habve a good nite

  5. Look on the Blue Bar along the top of the LBT page...there is a link to "New Posts" which gives a list of all of the newest posts from all of the Forums. OR, when you open a Forum, for example "Support" you see the threads listed from newest to oldest. Threads with recent replies are at the top. When some one "Bumps" a thread, they post a reply, and cause the thread to go to the top of the lists, and it's able to be seen, rather than being buried under pages and pages of newer thread activity. You might never have found this thread if it hadn't been "bumped" to the first page of posts In the General Discussion Forum. Did I 'splain that good enough? LOL

    Oh, and threads that are "Stickied" stay at the top all the time, so folks can find them easily. Look for challenges at the tops of the forums for weighing weekly, etc.

    yes the help me out alot thank you:)

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