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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by emtbaby4

  1. I love my Wii Fit! Looking for fellow users.

    My favorite is the step class with all the other Miis- My boyfriend made a Chuck Norris Mii and he was working out with me yesterday! It really keeps me going- I can't say enough good things about my Wii Fit! It even calculates my BMI and tracks my weight. I will be banded on Dec. 30th, BTW.

    Good luck to all!


    i am thinking about getting the wii exercise, does it work?

  2. I don't regret having my band placed at all. I've been banded for five months and have lost 42 pounds. I had a little problem with reflux which responded well and is completely gone after using Nexium.

    I'm sure I would have lost more weight during this time but I've been waiting to have a second fill until after my reflux was completely healed and *grin* after my end of summer vacation - I wanted to be able to eat too much! LOL My vacation just ended and guess what? I DID eat everything I wanted (didn't actually overeat because I really didn't want to - a first for me) AND I didn't gain an ounce!!!!!!! That's amazing to me. I went on vacation and didn't gain any weight at all. When was the last time THAT happened? Try never for me. lol

    Time to schedule my second fill and lose another 42 pounds!

    thats cool. congrats. well i got trush from the heavy antibotics. and my left is numb. i lost 55lbs in 5mo. i got 2 fills so far. i may need another 1 by sept, but for i am doing surprisly well. i can go days without wanting to eat anything. well hope u had a great vacation:clap2: . i have 50 or so more lbs to lose. then i am done

  3. Nixon is a topical treatment. You can get a kit at the beauty supply store for about $24. Purchase the one you need for your h air type, natural, chemically treated, colored etc.
    hey i know the feeling. ever since i got the band i am going to need rogain soon. i brush my hair and out it comes. i should save it and have it put right back on my head

  4. i was told to wait 6mo. to a yr. before to have a baby. i just recently had a misscarrge. all my doctors who did my band said its would be healthier to wait the yr. so i just might have to that. i have had problems in the baby department. do i really need to wait that long. confused. anybody have any suggestions. help

  5. I am thrilled with my band. It's the best decision I've every made.
    yeah i am with u. i am very happy with my band. i have been banded since march 1st of this year. i have had some complications, but nothing to cry about. i have lost 55lbs already. i wish i had some pics. i started at 242. now i am down to 187. i wish everyone good luck with all there sussess:clap2:

  6. this is for anyone who knows or has the answer. my brothers friend got his band in november of last year. and when he got his first fill he got a major infection and they had to remove the band. he said that he is doing good without it. what is the odds of that happening to me. can getting a fill cause a sever infection like that. anyone please respond. i am getting very scared about getting my first fill. i am due on the 14th of april. thanxs:help:

  7. A net? Where did they get that from? I certainly have never heard of anyone's stomach exploding from having a band. Don't let them scare you. I think they're all just worried about how much better you are going to look then them when you reach your goal. Ignore them and go for it.
    i do not know where they got that from. but that did freak me out. thank you for clearing that up for me. yeah i was very very scared about that

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