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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle

    402 lost 95 pounds

    From the album: Before pictures

  2. ssflbelle

    497 highest weight

    From the album: Before pictures

  3. I also am just starting the 6 months supervised diet. I meet with my Nutritionist on Monday for the first time. I have no idea what to expect but hope some weight will come off during the next 6 months. I tried to get the lapband in 2008 but was denied. Now I am back on the site again. This time trying for the sleeve I don't remember much about the site but am trying to learn my away around here again as I am hoping this will be a good resource for help and support. Being new to the site is there a way for invites to be sent to become friends.
  4. ssflbelle

    New Medicare rules

    Yes the one fill is a major concern of mine too after all this other crap with the denial of surgery and testing is taking care of I will be looking into how much the fills are and see if I can afford them. I have the WLS coordinator looking into everything as well as well as an insurance guru (that is what she calls herself). SO hopefully if nothing else I will not have to pay for all the testing. The WLS office called my insurance before hand and told everything was fine and then when they got all the testing results and submitted the info to the insurance to get approval everything fell apart. Even the Coordinator agrees this insurance is under Medicare and if Medicare pays they should pay. I really can't write much more about this as every time I do I get aggravated again and I can't do that as it affects my health. So this is the last I am writing until I hear good results. I will pray for you and hope all will pray for me that we get all these situations taken care of and quickly.
  5. ssflbelle

    United Healthcare Denial?

    Well I also have United Health Care but it is through the Medicare advantage plan as I am disabled with numerous physical problems in addition to a BMI over 50+ I was denied and not only that they will not even pay for all the testing I had done. Before I even saw the WLS the consultant told me all I had to pay was $500.00. BS!!!!!!!!!!!! UHC stinks!~ I will be appealing, this is unbelievable that I would be denied with all the complications I have.
  6. ssflbelle

    Experience with Obesity Law Firm?

    Congratulations. This Obesity Law firm you speak of, did you have to pay for the service? If so, would you mind emailing me privately and letting me know what the rates are. I have a Medicare advantage plan through United Health Care and I was told that whatever Medicare paid for the Advantage plans had to pay for. I was not only denied the lapband surgery but now they will not pay for all the testing I had.
  7. ssflbelle

    New Medicare rules

    I heard they would pay for only one fill. But get this I have a Medicare advantage plan with UHC and they denied the lapband surgery and all the testing I had. I am going to appeal it but I have this strange feeling I am going to have to pay thousands of dollars for all the tests I had and I am disability and don't have that kind of money. What a shame they would rather me stay morbidly obese with all my complications than pay and help to get me well and back into society working.
  8. ssflbelle

    UHC Denied, but have sleep apnea test tonight

    Sorry you got denied I know how that feels as I just got denied today by MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN through SECURE HORIZONS through UNITED HEALTH CARE. MEDICARE approves lapband but an MEDICARE AVANTAGE PLAN doesn't this made no sense to me and I have been on the phone almost all day long with the various Insurances and the Drs. I still haven't heard back a thing. I have a BMI of over 50 with HBP, spinal stenosis, 2 bulging disc, 1 herniated disc and half of a right hip bone, can't walk without canes, must use a scooter for shopping and I get denied. I am so pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will NOT win I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. ssflbelle

    Any out there from South Florida!

    CM as the organizer of a meetup group I can start 3 more I believe for the price of the one. That ability is only good for 4 more months and it does take some time to get a meetup group established so if you are wanting to do this I would like to suggest that we get into and maybe plan this out. Email me privately if you wish. Amanda C
  10. ssflbelle

    Rash..under my stomach (apron)

    Thanks Mrs. Flipflop. I haven't had the surgery yet so that was with WW and Nutrisystem. It has taken me three years and a lot of won't power. I won't eat this or that. LOL I was able to get a Medicare advantage plan insurance in May and I am hoping they will pay for the surgery. I have finished all the evals and I am just waiting for a surgery date. I will be having a radio frequency neurotomy to my back on Sept 18th which hopefully will allow me to walk again without canes. If I hadn't lost the weight I did I never would have been able to have that procedure done. Once I am walking I hope shortly after that I have my lapband and get started with the rest of my weight loss journey.
  11. ssflbelle

    Rash..under my stomach (apron)

    I have had this rash off and on for years in my arm, breast and stomach folds. Each time I get it I use corn starch and in a day or two it is gone. If you use it after a shower be sure you are super dry as the corn starch will cake up and make a mess and not work like it should. During the summer I take a large swatch of soft T-shirt type fabric and place it in my belly fold and that also seems to help to prevent it from happening.
  12. ssflbelle

    Any out there from South Florida!

    HI Cm Congratulations on being banded. Dr Larson was the first Dr I had contact with in regard to lapband surgery but JFK at the time was not a Center of Excellence. Do you know have they become one yet? Since they were not at the time I was intereted back in May 2008 I had to go to Dr Bass in Hollywood. I am still waiting for my surgery date. What a shame that the psychologist your not crazy about is running the support group. At one time I believe there was a group of people from another message board that tried to start up their own support group in Lake Worth but for some reason it broke apart. As far as starting your own I suppose those of us in the county and near by counties can all get together as a group maybe with meetups.com. I haven't been to a support group yet so I am not sure what they are all about, but I wonder if there is information they give out that we in our own group wouldn't know about? If your interested in starting a meetups WLS group feel free to email me privately, I will be glad to help as I experience with meetsups. I belong to one in NC even though I live in Florida and I am sure the coordinator would be willing to provide help too. Amanda C
  13. ssflbelle

    Has anyone else been told this?

    I have an BMI of 59.6 and my Dr stated I was a good candidate for the lapband and he would do it. Which surgery does your Dr do more of the rou-en-y procedure or lapband. Sometimes I have heard that the Doctors don't want to follow up with all the fills that are needed with lapband patients. Many have lost 100's of pounds with lapband and I wouldn't let him tell you want he wants you to have. It is your decision and if he will not do lapband see if you can find another Dr who will. What do the rest of you think?
  14. ssflbelle

    Psych Eval In Two Parts?

    My Dr never gave me a test either. At the first meeting she said "so tell me about yourself" and as I did she asked questions. We have a few issues that need to be discussed and worked on so I will be seeing her a few more times. Serenity55 do you use JAWS or Zoomtext to read the messages here. Perhaps the Dr could put the test onto a disc for you and you could use the JAWS and Zoomtext program to read the questions and you can type out the answers. Also some of the Libraries in our County have SARA a reading machine like a copy machine that will scan the questions and than read them to you. You can record SARA reading the questions and than answer on another tape. You might want to check if your Libraries have SARA. Just a few ideas other than having your best friend read them for you. Amanda C
  15. After waiting for 6 weeks I finally saw the Surgeon on July 22nd. He felt I would be a godd candidate for the Lapband. He wants me to take 2 Nutrition classes, get a Psychological Evaluation, a cardiac evaluation (I have no heart problems so not sure why) and bloodwork done. He also wants me to get with my PCP and find something other than Voltaren to take for the pain. Plus I need to get with the Pain management Dr to get off of Lyrica. It seems the Lyrica causes weight gain. I already had the Psychological Evaluation this week. Next Monday I can get the blood work done and Thursday will be the first Nutrition class. I will need to call for a Cardiac evaluation and schedule the 2nd nutrition class. When the Surgeon's office has all the evaluations I will be able to see him again, get a surgery date, final insurance approval and attend the preop class. When I asked how many more weeks he stated about 6 to 8 weeks. So we are looking at a possible Sept surgery date. In the mean time on July 17th I had three Thoracic Facet Joint Injections in my spine and have been finally able to do things for the first time in over 10 years. I still have some pain but not the knife stabbing, take away my breath kind of pain. I am walking about 6 to 9 minutes with 2 canes where as before I could barely walk 1 to 2 minutes. Instead of rolling around on the desk chair in the house I am now walking. I have been swimming and in the hot tub as I can finally lift my leg high enough to get up the stairs. I have taken day trips down to Fort Lauderdale and loving every minute of the drive. I am finally living and not just existing. I just hope and pray the pain does not come back as I will be even more depressed and upset if it does. Till next time have a great journey! If you noticed the date, this was written in 2008. It is now 2015. The pain came back in a matter of months and the weight went all the way up to 390. I am starting over again in 2015 to be approved for the sleeve. So anything after this date is my journey for the second try at WLS.
  16. ssflbelle

    Any out there from South Florida!

    Hi all South Floridians I saw Dr Bass in Hollywood on July 22nd and he oked me for the lapband but wanted me to have several evaluations and a Nutrition class. I had off 2 weeks from work and was able to get the blood work, Psychological evaluation and the Nutrition class done but have run into a snag with the Cardiac evaluation. Seems the Cardiac Dr didn't like the looks of my EKG and wants me to do a Thallium Stress Test. I am waiting to hear when that will be scheduled but I have the Dr follow up visit for Sept 9th. So I suppose the test will be done soon. The WL Surgeon didn't ask for a sleep apnea test but my pain Dr did. I will be having that done here at home this Friday. I never heard of an at home test but I sure do like that idea. So if any of you have that test coming up check into having it done at home. I hope the Thallium Stress Test will not prevent me from having the WLS. Did any of you have that test and then weren't approved for lapband? I'll keep you all posted when I know more. Amanda C
  17. Hi Everyone. The cardiac evaluation was the last thing I had to do but we have run into a problem. :thumbup: It seems that the Dr didn't like the looks of my EKG as it seems to show a problem he said "with the back of your heart and that you might have had a mild heart attack" What that means I don't know as I never felt like I had a heart attack. All my other evaluations were good but this one, so we have a bit of a set back. The Dr wants me to have a Thallium Stress Test. From what I understand this is a test involving an injection of some sort that would simulate that I was exercising and after the injection I have to be put under a camera like machine for a few hours. Does anyone know what I am talking about or had this done to them? If the outcome isn't good would this prevent me from getting the Lapband surgery? I don't know when this test will take place but he has me scheduled for Sept 9th as a follow up visit for after the test. Needless to say I am a bit concerned and upset. One good thing about the visit was that my Blood Pressure was 130/70. :smile2:So the BP pills are working. Any infor about this test beyond what I know would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Amanda C
  18. ssflbelle

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Wow Froggie that is good news. That loss is through a diet program right? You have not been banded yet or have you? I kind of now the joy in seeing those smaller numbers of weight and BMI's When I went Tuesday for my first consultation I discovered I am only 5' 4" not 5' 6" as I thought I was. So I had to redo my BMI. What a shock. 3 years ago at my highest weight my BMI was 85.3. So hard to believe that was even possible After following Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers and losing over 150 by BMI is now 58.5. Still need to lose another 200 pounds and I know the lapband will help me to do that. Keep up the great work. Amanda
  19. Welcome to the boards and the state of Florida. I am from Florida but not in your area and I am still going through the evaluation process. Check out the Florida state group here on this site, there may be people from your area and age. Florida Local Lap-Band Support - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum Also do a search on yahoo groups for Floridabandsters. They are located on the West coast of Florida. They email back and forth and support each other. They recently had a social fun meeting and I understand they post support meetings as well. Being on the East Coast I have never attended but I do email back and forth and they are a great group of supportive and friendly people. Hope to see you on both of the boards Amanda C
  20. ssflbelle

    A good candidate

    After waiting for 6 weeks I finally saw the Surgeon on July 22nd. He felt I would be a godd candidate for the Lapband. He wants me to take 2 Nutrition classes, get a Psychological Evaluation, a cardiac evaluation (I have no heart problems so not sure why) and bloodwork done. He also wants me to get with my PCP and find something other than Voltaren to take for the pain. Plus I need to get with the Pain management Dr to get off of Lyrica. It seems the Lyrica causes weight gain. I already had the Psychological Evaluation this week. Next Monday I can get the blood work done and Thursday will be the first Nutrition class. I will need to call for a Cardiac evaluation and schedule the 2nd nutrition class. When the Surgeon's office has all the evaluations I will be able to see him again, get a surgery date, final insurance approval and attend the preop class. When I asked how many more weeks he stated about 6 to 8 weeks. So we are looking at a possible Sept surgery date. In the mean time on July 17th I had three Thoracic Facet Joint Injections in my spine and have been finally able to do things for the first time in over 10 years. I still have some pain but not the knife stabbing, take away my breath kind of pain. I am walking about 6 to 9 minutes with 2 canes where as before I could barely walk 1 to 2 minutes. Instead of rolling around on the desk chair in the house I am now walking. I have been swimming and in the hot tub as I can finally lift my leg high enough to get up the stairs. I have taken day trips down to Fort Lauderdale and loving every minute of the drive. I am finally living and not just existing. I just hope and pray the pain does not come back as I will be even more depressed and upset if it does. Till next time have a great journey!
  21. ssflbelle

    Older Candidate With Concerns

    Check out the sixty forum I am not 60 yet but I did join th e 50's forum Good luck Sixties - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum
  22. ssflbelle

    Should I get the lap-band?

    There is a pregnant and lapband forum here. Check them out I am sure they can answer all your questions. Good luck with both Pregnancy with the Lap-band (NEW!) - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum
  23. ssflbelle

    Spring Hill FL.

    Thanks Bug57for the hello. Everyone seems to be doing well and getting over their surgeries except for me. I haven't even had mine yet. After waiting for 6 weeks I finally had my first consultation with the surgeon on Tuesday and he said yes I was a good candidate for Lapband. :thumbup:Than his wife came in and gave me all the referrals and the booklet etc. So far I have had the psychological evaluation and she said yes I am good to go and would let the Surgeon now. She did suggest a few more visits as I do have a few issues I would like to work through but it was not manditory. (do tell where is the spell checker?) I have my first of two nutrition classes scheduled for July 31. I need a blood work up done as the one done 2 months ago is a bit old as I had been given new meds after that one was done. Plus I have been referred for a cardiac evaluation. Why I am not sure as I have no heart problems. I forgot to ask why. I don't need a sleep apnea evaluation or anything else done. When those 4 things are done I call the surgeon back and meet again. I was off this week and have next week off too so I am going to try for the blood work up on Monday and hopefully I can get the cardiac evaluation done too. I was told I do have to spend the night otherwise my insurance will not pay for the surgery. I don't mind as I am alone and was concerned I might not have been able to drive myself home the same day. I do have to meet with my PCP and Pain Management Dr as I have to change two of my Meds as the Surgeon will not allow me to take them once I have the surgery. So things are progressing and now I get to learn how to show that progression on my signature line or is there a special place where all that is done? Amanda C
  24. ssflbelle

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Maudie WOW! That is fantastic. Keep up the great work. Was it only shakes you had no food at all. I have off two weeks from work and even though I haven't even seen had my first consultation yet,(that will be the same day as your surgery) I thought this might be a good time to see how I would do with 2 shakes and a dinner meal. I also plan to exercise at the sit down machines at Curves. I hope to be on line a lot during these next two weeks as I can't afford to vacation. You keep going you have a great starts with 37 gone in 3 months :wub: Amanda
  25. Did he give you something to replace the nsaid? I also take that and I can't imagine going withoutanything as the pain would be too severe for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
