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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle

    Sleeve cookbook?

    Thanks for the info on the WLS cookbook. I didn't realize it was free but when I entered the name in the search engine I found a PDF of it for free.
  2. It's an herbal tea not a caffeinated one. I'd clarify that one with your doc myself as I'm finding it MUCH easier to get down peppermint or chamomile tea (unsweetened) than Water these days. It's really helping me stay hydrated. OH Thanks for that bit of info. The Nut did say I could have herbal teas. Something I very seldom have. Is green tea consisted a herbal tea. If it isn't green tea than I usually have black. So I gather black tea is out of the questions for at least 2 months when the surgery happens sometime in 2016
  3. I haven't had the surgery yet. But I do have the post diet information from the Dr already and it says no coffee or tea for 2 months. How is it that some of you can take the smooth move tea? Are you taking this right after your sleeve or several months later? Just a bit confused.
  4. ssflbelle

    6 month wait...

    Not only a standardization of hoops but also of what the post op diet is that must be followed.Based on my research every Dr has a different plan. For example My Dr says week 3 should be one egg only and what I had for the first 2 weeks. I do not see anyone else that was required to eat only one egg. By week 3 I have seen people are eating pureed foods.
  5. ssflbelle

    Products to make life easier!

    These are some fantastic ideas. I will be following this thread and be sure to come back often as I prepare for when the time comes in 2016. Am going now to check out this veggie spiralizer- never heard of it.
  6. ssflbelle

    Emotional Rollercoaster

    Thank you so much for the info and for the invite. I would love to add you as a friend and share the journey together.
  7. ssflbelle

    3.5 months and 105 down!

    Wow that is a lot in 3.5 months. You can really see the difference. Good for you getting in your Protein and Water. Keep going strong!!
  8. Except for my roommate knowing I am doing this alone also. Most of my friends are obese and are against WLS and I only told one coworker and I know she will not tell a soul. They know I have had a hernia since 2012 so when I do go in for the surgery they will all think it is for the hernia. I only work 2 days a week and often do not have lunch so I don't see any problems with lunch time. If any one does ask I will just tell them that the hernia affected my stomach as well. I am willing to tell a little white lie to avoid all the questions and drama. I am just beginning as I have a 6 month supervised diet and will have surgery some time in 2016. I sent you a friends request. Anyone else feel free to send friends request to me too. Thanks
  9. ssflbelle

    Emotional Rollercoaster

    Leshell I am just starting the process so I am no where near the preop diet. I have to go through the 6 month supervised diet. Shrinking peach if I read correctly you were on a 6 month supervised diet as well and based on your profile it looks like you lost a lot of weight before the surgery. May I ask what kind of a diet you were on to lose so much weight? It seems like you have your head in the right place. Am looking for friends and hope you both don't mind if I send a friends request to the both of you as I can use all the support I can get.
  10. ssflbelle

    FL - South florida

    Hi Everyone I am in Lake Worth and had my initial meeting with Dr Vaughan. I had my first NUT meeting this past Monday. My insurance requires that I have a 6 month supervised diet and than maybe surgery can take place in 2016. I have been on Nutrisystem since June of 2014. Dr Vaughan told me to just continue with that plan. I had only lost 44 pounds this past year. So after seeing the NUT we reduced the 5 carbs NS wanted me to have down to 1 or 2. Maybe this will help me to lose more weight than I have already lost. I once was 497 and over many years have reduced down to were I am now. I have no family and the only one I have told about my decision is my room mate. All my friends are obese and are against the surgery. So it is best I not say anything to them. So any friends locally would be wonderful. Feel free to send my a friends request.
  11. ssflbelle

    Initial surgeon appointment

    Thanks Ladies for the info on your diets. I guess I am just disappointed as I was hoping to get something new beside what I have been doing for the past year without good results. I see the Dr again on July 22 so I will see what happens between now and than. Congratulations on the 10 pounds gone already.. I wish I could lose faster.
  12. ssflbelle

    6 month wait...

    Yeah, for my insurance I needed to go to the doctor for 6 months straight and have to meet with a psychologist and nutritionist once. There was no need to lose weight per se, but they put you on a very strict pre op diet so that you lose weight. I lost 32 pounds on the pre op diet. Yes but that preop diet was just before the surgery wasn't it? You were not on that diet for the 6 months supervised time were you? 32 pounds in what time frame?
  13. ssflbelle

    6 month wait...

    Sorry Ns is Nutrisystem
  14. ssflbelle

    6 month wait...

    I went to the WL Dr on June 17th. He told me I also had to do a 6 month supervised diet yet he didn't give me a diet. I had been following NS on my own for a year started at 390 and had lost only 44 pounds . The DR told me the NUT was not available the day I was there and to continue to follow the NS program. This past Monday I saw the NUT. She asked me a bunch of questions about my previous diets and my physical limitations. She then explained the post op diet I would have to follow after surgery which will not be until 2016. When she asked if there were any questions I said yes what diet am I suppose to be following for the supervised 6 months. She asked me what diet the Dr gave me and I told her he told me to continue with NS. Well then that is what you follow. I told her I wasn't happy as it wasn't giving me good results and I was expecting another diet from her. She asked me if I wanted the surgery and when I said yes then being on NS will prove to the insurance you have difficulty losing weight. This attitude of the NUT and the surgeon is not sitting well with me. I personally feel NS is too high in carbs for me as in addition to their foods they want me to eat 5 additional carbs. I think on my own I will reduce that down to 1 carb per day as I really would like to lose more weight before the surgery. What pre op 6 month supervised diet are you all on?
  15. ssflbelle

    Initial surgeon appointment

    Sandy May I ask what kind of a supervised diet were you given for the 6 months? Have you been losing? Did the Dr or the NUT give you the diet? I went to my NUT for the 1st visit as I am suppose to follow a 6 month supervised diet and she gave me nothing. She said she doesn't do that. All she did was tell me what I am suppose to do after surgery in 2016. She asked what diet did the Dr give me and I told her he said to stay with NS.I have been on NS on my own for a year and have only lost 44 of more than 200 pounds. When I told her that she said well that is what you should do than as we want the insurance to see you can't lose well on a diet. I was in shock and so confused as I thought the idea was to begin to change eating habits and lose weight before surgery.
  16. I went to see the NUT yesterday expecting to receive a diet for the next 6 months and she gave me nothing. I was so shocked after she had explained what the diet was I would have to follow after the surgery. I told her that wasn't until 2016 what was I to follow now. She said she doesn't do that, what did the DR say. I told her he said to keep with NS but it isn't working like it should. She said well that is what you want to show the insurance so you can have the sleeve. I was shocked!!! I thought the 6 month supervised diet was to help you change your way of eating and lose weight in preparation for the surgery. I would love to know from those who have had this surgery and had to do a 6 month supervised diet if this is what happened to you as well or were you given a diet to follow. I realize a lot of you haven't been to the Dr yet so would love to hear what happens when you do see the Dr. Hopefully you will not be as shocked as I was.
  17. ssflbelle

    I'm new

    Good luck for all those who are starting. I am also new. I went to see the WL Dr on June 17th and was told I had to do a 6 month supervised diet. I have been on NS since June of last year and only lost 44 pounds and have over 200 to lose. I told him I was very disappointed with such a small amount of weight lost. He said I would have seen the NUT but she was at a wedding so I would see her at a later date. He suggested I continue with NS. I went to see the NUT yesterday expecting to receive a diet for the next 6 months and she gave me nothing. I was so shocked after she had explained what the diet was I would have to follow after the surgery. I told her that wasn't until 2016 what was I to follow now. She said she doesn't do that, what did the DR say. I told her he said to keep with NS but it isn't working like it should. She said well that is what you want to show the insurance so you can have the sleeve. I was shocked!!! I thought the 6 month supervised diet was to help you change your way of eating and lose weight in preparation for the surgery. I would love to know from those who have had this surgery and had to do a 6 month supervised diet if this is what happened to you as well or were you given a diet to follow. I realize a lot of you haven't been to the Dr yet so would love to hear what happens when you do see the Dr. Hopefully you will not be as shocked as I was.
  18. ssflbelle

    Ticker Trouble

    I am just starting and I entered the wrong weight. I entered what I weighed at home and when I got to the Dr's office I was 3 pounds less. How do I change the starting weight?
  19. That would be wonderful Alex, I really appreciate that you willing to do this. I have downloaded the kindle for pc on my laptop. What additional info do you need from me and should it be in a private email to you?
  20. I became a member here on June 14th and purchased the book at a discount from this site. It is a PDF book. I started to read it and when I closed the PDF it went back to the first page. How do I get the PDF version to stay on the page I last read? Now Ih ave to search through the book and try an remember where I left off. A little frustrating but I am sure that is because I do not know how to use the PDF version. There is lots of info, very well written and a lot of it I never saw any where else online. I want to be able to also book mark certain sections so when I get my surgery in Jan I can refer back to the book. How do I do that? Thanks so much for writing it and any info you can give in regard to my reading it questions.
  21. ssflbelle

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    I am in The Lake Worth area near the County Airport on Lantana Road.
  22. ssflbelle

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    Dr Bass use to be in South Florida as I went to see him in 2008 for the lapband. My insurance at that time wouldn't pay for the fills so I didn't go through the surgery. He was very nice and his staff was friendly but he was over an hour 1/2 away from my home. This new Dr is only 30 minutes away.
  23. ssflbelle

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    Hi Fellow Floridians I am in Palm Beach County and just starting the journey with Dr Vaughan. I saw him last week and will be seeing the nutritionist on Monday. I have to jump through the 6 months supervised diet. Does this site have friendship requests? Sure could use some friends as I have no family.
  24. ssflbelle

    My Fitness Pal

    I have been on MFP since 2012 trying to lose weight on my own. I started at 497 and have managed to get down to 355. I saw the Dr for my first consultation last week and on Monday I will be seeing the nutritionist for the 6 months supervised diet that the insurance is making me do. I didn't have any Dr supervision for the 142 pounds I have all ready lost. Stupid move on my part. I still have another 200 pounds to lose so I will be here for a long time. I have no family and all my friends are obese and I haven;t told them I a doing this. They would never understand. I sure could use all the support I can get both here and on MFP. On MFP my id is ssbeadlady My profile says I have been here since 2008 as I tried for lapband back than but insurance denied me the surgery.
  25. ssflbelle

    352 lost 145

    From the album: Before pictures

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
