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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    This is the person I was referring to in my earlier post. I sent her a message and told her about this bariatric pal group. So nice to see you posted here swerdygnome. I know I am interested in knowing more info and hope others are too.
  2. Email me as I have a site that has big gal costumes up to 12X. She might be able to do a rush job for you. Depending on what you are looking for prices range from $45.00 and up. No I am not associated with her just have ordered from her and was very happy with what I got.
  3. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    Catmom I saw a posting recently from someone wanting to start a WLS meetup group. It was on another popular Weight loss site where you can track your foods, exercise etc. I am not sure if I can say the name here. If anyone is interested in that thread over at that site send me an email and I will send you the link. Maybe those of us down here in South Florida on Bariatric pals can let her know of our interest and she will start that meetups group. There are several hospital in our area (I am in Lantana) who do have support groups. However I do not know if they allow you to attend their support groups if their Dr didn't do your surgery. Maybe this next coming week I can call and see if they do.
  4. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    Catmom8 I was referred to Dr. Vaughan by a friend who has lost over 150 pounds. My surgery will be at the Jupiter Medical Center. Does your Dr also have supports groups? Have you gone to any yet? If so, what kinds of things do they do there? Are there people there who haven't had surgeon yet? Sorry for all the questions but I am pretty much doing this alone and looking for support. Only my roommate, the friend that referred me and 1 coworker knows about the surgery. My Dr has a group that meet the 3rd Wed of the month but I haven't gone yet. Plan to start in Nov.
  5. ssflbelle

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    My highest weight ever was 497. The day I saw the surgeon for the 1st time I weighed 352. I am on a 6 month supervised diet and am down to 325. Looks like surgery will be sometime in Jan. I am doing this so I can walk again. By the way I am looking for friends, so feel free to send an friend invite.
  6. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    Catmom Do you have a surgeon yet? Whom might it be? I am using Dr Vaughan and we are looking at Jan for my sleeve. Right now I am on a supervised 6 month diet.
  7. ssflbelle

    Pre Op Exercising

    I just came across this topic today. I also have herniated and bulging discs and half of a right hip bone and can't walk without the use of 2 canes or a walker. When I do my back and hip hurt so badly that I started to use an electric scooter many years ago. I found in past years the best exercise for me was the circuit training sit down ones offered at a Ladies only gym. Your suppose to move when the light turns red to the next station but I am so slow I don't use the light system. NO one seems to mind that I don't move quickly plus it helps that i am usually there when they are not crowded. Now a days I ride a 3 wheel adult tricycle 3 to 5 days a week. When I have the surgery and am ok to start exercising again I will probably go back to the circuit training as it has been about 2 years since I have done it. When I am at goal I want to do all the dance classes I can as I use to Ballroom and Belly dance before my injuries in 1990. I too am hoping my continued weight loss after surgery will help all my aches and pains if not go away reduce significantly. Tssiemer1 when is your surgery? Mine will not be until Jan.
  8. Elode Yes I agree i couldn't believe that she even asked and that her friend drove 5 hours to give her a massage. I also thought it was pretty lousy of the bride to cancel after one lesson the dance lessons Whitney was trying to teach her, that the bride asked her to provide.
  9. In addition to the PCOS she has she recently learned that her and her Father are Pre-diabetic, so her attitude is changing. She is trying to lose weight but is having a very difficult time of it. When she stepped on the scale this week and found out she gained 10 pounds and her room mate asked how she was doing, she got into a verbal fight with him and ran out of the house. At the gym the trainer tried to get her to jump rope and she was so frustrated she broke down and left. After that she went off screen and even her roommate had a hard time finding her. He found her in her car on in some parking lot eating ice cream out of a container. She cried and broke down, then after that he said something and they started laughing. IMHO She seems to be fighting with herself and yet she really wants to get control of her life and be thin again. Sorry if this is a repeat as I was writing it another message popped up.
  10. ssflbelle

    Water Bottle Recommendations

    I don't know if they are allowed after surgery. But for many years I have used the push pull spouts to drink my Water.
  11. ssflbelle

    December Sleeve?

    I met with surgeon yesterday and told him if possible I would be willing to have the sleeve done in December. The Dr told me he was leaving to go out of the country December 16 for the Holiday. I seriously doubt now that I will be approved and have a scheduled date before that date. So I guess I am looking at Jan. I would feel better anyhow knowing the Dr had taken his vacation and is ready to start the New Year. This was my 4th of 6 pre-op supervised visits and i lost another 7.
  12. Saw the surgeon today for the 4th of 6 supervised diet visits. Lost 7 pounds this month and have now after many years of dieting on my own have lost 1/2 of the 342 pounds I want to lose. Now that I have made it this far I know with the surgery I will get to goal. I see the Surgeon again Oct 26th. We did talk about possible surgery dates. I told him if possible and all is approved I'd be willing to have it done during the Christmas Holiday. However he will be out of the country starting Dec 16th. So I seriously doubt I will have my sleeve done until he gets back in January unless everything can get submitted and the insurance company replies quickly. The Pulmonary Office called today and stated they had a cancellation for Oct 5th so I took that instead of waiting until Oct 22. I suppose after that Dr visit I will see the PCP again and hopefully we can get the EKG referral and get an apt scheduled before the end of October. I picked up some WLS Multivitamins at the Surgeons office and at the drugstore got prilosec and hair, nails and skin pills as they were on sale.
  13. ssflbelle

    Hiatal hernia

    I have an umbilical hernia and a porcelain gallbladder. The Dr said he will remove the gallbladder but not the hernia. Apparently the umbilical hernia if removed is able to come back. I had no idea I had either problems. I just hope having the gallbladder and the sleeve at the same time isn't going to be twice as much pain as just having the sleeve. I have never had surgery before and have no idea how I will handle being put to sleep.
  14. ssflbelle

    December Sleeve?

    I may be receiving my surgery either Dec or Jan. I just got word this week my current insurance copays will change in Jan. Since I am on disability and only able to work 10 hours a week my income is low and if offered a Dec surgery I am seriously thinking of having it done. Like other say I have had 59 previous Christmases to enjoy and I want to get this new life started. Mimisan I don't think you are nuts. Don't listen to others do what you feel is best.
  15. ssflbelle

    Bari Boot Camp

    I got a binder the Surgeon gave me on my first visit. It explains all that The Post Op wrote about. As for the Psych I have had 3 and she wants to keep seeing me up to surgery and even after if I need her. I might just take her up on that offer as long as my insurance will continue to pay for all but the $10.00 co pay
  16. ssflbelle

    Brand New!

    I got my new Coventry 2016 book this week and every single procedure has gone up for the copay. Some of the changes are as much as $100.00 more than I am paying this year. I am hoping I will have my surgery in Dec so I do not have to pay all the additional co-pay increases. Monday I see the Surgeon for my 4th of 6 supervised diet visits.
  17. ssflbelle

    Something must be wrong

    I am on a 6 month supervised diet also and I drink them as well. I have 6 cases sitting here and sure do hope after surgery I will enjoy them as much as I do now.
  18. ssflbelle

    Brand New!

    I have Coventry Healthcare also but live in Florida. I have a 6 month supervised diet I must follow and after that all my information will be submitted to the insurance company. Sorry I can't answer your question but it is nice to see someone else on the site with Coventry Insurance.
  19. ssflbelle

    High BMI's

    WOW and you have lost over 140 pounds in 5 months? Did you have a supervised diet before surgery? If so how much did you lose and was it a 6 month supervised diet? I am currently in the middle of my 6 month supervised diet and will see the Dr again next Monday. So far I have lost 20 pounds however lost 145 pounds on my own before the initial Dr consultation in June.
  20. What dye are you referring too and what about it? I heard nothing about dye. I like the thought of Brain energy as mine is seriously failing me. That is great you can see soft foods now and congratulations on the nice weight loss.
  21. ssflbelle

    I want to eat everything

    You are so right about that High protein/low carb supervised diet. That is what my Dr put me on. However I have had a few things I have been craving that I know I shouldn't have. I usually have it a day or two after I see the Dr and then buckle down again to lose more weight. So far since June 17 I have lost 20 pounds on the supervised diet. He is pleased with what I have lost so far. Next Monday will be my 4th visit with him. If you don't go crazy with the foods you crave you should be ok.
  22. Hi Everyone I last wrote after my 2nd visit of 6 supervised months with the Surgeon. Since than I saw the Dr again on Aug 24th and had lost another 10 pounds. He was pleased that I have lost 20 pounds so far. He also told me that the first visit counts as 1 of the 6 so this one was really 3 even though it was only 2 months. So I gather the 6 month diet is really 5 months. During that visit the Dr asked for another catscan of the lungs based on the results of the catscan in June. I have a 10 mm nodule on my lower right lobe. I will see the Dr again on Sept 28th and hoping and praying this will not prevent my sleeve surgery in Jan. He also asked about the Mental Health eval and if I had seen one yet. That week i had scheduled the first visit with the Mental Health Dr who I had used in 2008 when the lapband surgery was denied. She likes lots of meetings not just one, so I have seen her 3 times all ready and will see her again in Oct after I see the Dr again on Sept 28th. She tells me she is pleased with the preparation I have been doing and will approve of the surgery but would like to keep meeting as my thoughts and emotions will change as I get closer to the surgery date. She wants to help me through the whole process and will be there for me even after the surgery. I like that idea. She is very well informed about the procedure and what it is all about. Most of her patients are for WLS, but she does see others as well. So not much else is new and I will post again after I see the WLS Dr again on the 28th of this month.
  23. ssflbelle

    Kept my head straight

    Congratulations that is a fantastic weight loss. Keep going strong and you will reach goal.
  24. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    You have lost 215 pounds that amazing. I am still going through the 6 month supervised diet but since I have over 200 to lose I am sure I could learn a lot from you and would love to know more about you. Feel free to send me an email so we can get to know each other.
  25. I am so sorry this is happening while your at your Mom' trying to recover. As soon as you feel better I am sure you will be back home where you have the comforts of your home and don't have to put up with all that is happening now. Heal quickly and keep posting because I know that helps keep you sane.

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