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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle

    I didn't order pancakes.

    Me too! I have sung that song for years and I still have not had my surgery yet.
  2. So how did you all do for Halloween? We had an HOA dinner and movie and of course a costume contest. As for the dinner there was not much I could have eaten if I had the surgery all ready. But since I am still on the 6 month supervised diet I did have the main dish of Pasta,,just a small amount. As for the movie we watched hocus pocus. Someone dressed as Dorthy from the wizard of oz won. I went as a devil. Here is my picture. How about the rest of you?
  3. ssflbelle

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    Swerdygnome Did you do away with the WLS meetup as I do not see it over there?
  4. Just my 2 cents I also am single and was debating the same question. I have a male friend who had the sleeve. I had been looking into WLS since 2008 when my insurance denied me the lapband. Now that I have new insurance and having seen my friend's results I decided to go ahead with the sleeve. My friend and I have a lot in common and he feels very comfortable with me and we have talked about many things including the dating scene. We are strictly friends as we have differences that prevent a relationship other than friendship. So I am also thinking about the future when I am thinner. If I can't have the plastic surgery I think a fellow sleever would understand and I wouldn't be so self conscious about all the extra skin I will have. In addition to the site mentioned above there is also another one. http://www.wlsingles.com/ I am not on either one and was wondering how popular those site really are. My Dr also offers a support group which I will be going to for the first time this month. Also perhaps your area has a WLS meetup group. In our area a lady just started one, but there hasn't been any activities yet. So keep in mind anyone can start one. That might be a good alternative to the dating sites.
  5. oh darn it I wished I had seen this before I ordered. I could have saved 10 instead of the 5% I did. Oh well maybe next year as I just ordered for the next 2 months. So glad you opened the store and I know I will be a steady customer. Thanks for the tips on Halloween as I have a party to go to in about 2 1/2 hours and will use some of these to stay away from the foods.
  6. Alex thank you for that link but I still have the book on my kindle. I was asking if I needed to re-register to purchase from the new store. Based on what you wrote I do need to register. Have done so and placed my first order. The exact same items I use to get from another source you have for less. Would rather support you and this website. Just curious have you ever thought about getting together a conference for all those who post on your site? I know another similar site just had one but I didn't go as I have yet to have my surgery.
  7. Alex I first joined in June 2015 and purchased the sleeve big book. I thought that was purchased from the store. Yet your advertising the store as new. When I went to log in, it said there was a problem. Is this registration separate from where I got the book?
  8. ssflbelle

    What Are Your Hobbies?

    I have always been a craftster and shall continue to do so. I make 3 dimension beaded items like musical boxes, clocks, lamps, purses, tissue boxes etc Lately I have taken up coloring and making sequin art. Once a week I play Michigan Rummy with the Ladies in the development I live in. Come Monday I will be going back to the Gym with a friend. I ride my tricycle and hope this summer to be able to go swimming. I like keeping my brain and hands busy. Tried to put a photo up of my crafts table but don't think it is showing correctly.
  9. Hi Everyone reading this blog. It has been 2 months since I last wrote. Not really sure why that is. Maybe because as one of my colleagues said to me yesterday "your a private person." She is 1 of 2 people at work I told about my upcoming WLS. Others at work believe I am having gallbladder surgery only. Anyhow in our discussion yesterday, I mentioned the Dr expected me to lose about 95 pounds the first 6 months. She brought up the fact that other colleagues will notice the change and ask what is wrong with me. So I guess at that time is when I will say "I told the Dr to take part of my tummy while he was in there for my gallbladder. She also asked if my insurance will pay for the skin removal. Nope! She stated she would help with fundraisers like you care and other online sites. I gave her my other blog as I don't think she can access this one unless she joins. It will be so nice of her if she follows through. I have put a lot of hard work in getting down from 497 to where I am today 320. Even more hard work is ahead of me and it will be nice to know that maybe when the time comes I do not have to worry about the money to pay for the surgery. Being on disability and only able to work 2 days a week not much money comes to me. I try to sell my 3-dimensional bead work but no one seems interested in purchasing anything now-a-days. Was at a craft show this past Saturday and sold $26.00 worth. $20.00 was for the space so a profit of $6.00 isn't much. I am seriously thinking of selling the beading supplies. Anyhow onto the title of this blog. Last Month Sept I weighed in 7 pounds down and saw the surgeon again. He asked if I had any questions. I have discussed with him and researched a lot so I really didn't have any questions except when the surgery might be. He stated in Jan. I had a rash going under my muffin top so I had him look at it. He gave me some kind of powder and did document it. He said maybe if we document enough of these rashes, insurance will pay for part of the skin removal. This month I just saw the Dr on Monday Oct 26th. I was disappointed as I only lost 2 pounds this month. So my usual routine of slowing down has occurred. The Dr wasn't mad as he said this is one of the reasons for the surgery. We talked about a goal weight and expected weight loss. He stated I should weigh around 150 to 155. I had set my goal for 155 so we were in agreement with that goal. He expects me to lose about 95 pounds in 6 months. The rest within the next year. 95 in 6 months seemed kind of high for me but I will shoot for it. It would be so nice to see the scale go down a significant amount each month, month after month. He also said when I get down to about 200 I should start looking for the plastic surgeon as I will have a lot of skin to be removed. He was saying somewhere around 35 to 40 pounds in various places. My biggest concern about skin is my arms and my breasts. They are hanging so badly now from the 179 pounds I have lost, I can't even imagine what they will look like when I lose the additional 170 after surgery. I would love to wear sleeveless shirts and a normal size pretty lace bra but skin surgery will need to be done before I can even think about those things. My tummy I can hide as I do not wear those kinds of shirts or bathing suits. I am hoping and praying despite the 2 herniated & 1 bulging disc and half of the right hip bone that I will be able to walk again. I am so tired of being on this electric mobility device and just existing and not really enjoying life. I want to be able to do the activities I use to do like bowling, swimming, dancing, miniature golf. I want to laugh, live and love again. Oh to be in love again with someone and have them love me. I forgot what love feels like. I see the surgeon again on Nov 21st. I am hoping that the Psych and Pulmonary Doctors have their evaluations in by then. They should have turned them in this month but on Monday I was told the surgeon still didn't have them. The surgeon's staff got on the line to the Doctors and also sent letters saying how important it is to get those evals in. My insurance is extremely slow in getting approvals and I want a surgery date before the Dr leaves the country in Dec for his Holiday vacation. I know it will not be until Jan that I have the surgery but to have the date would help me to mentally prepare myself. A week before the surgery on a Tuesday I will have a 4 hour workshop with his staff about the 24 hour pre-op diet, the things that need to be done before the surgery and after. This workshop is on the day I work, so I will have to take that day off of work. My boss is real good about things like this and knows it needs to be done. Since I only work 2 days per week I never take any time off. She understands the situation and that I need this and the recovery time off so I can be physically better and thus do a better job. Well not much else is new. I will do another posting after the 6th visit to the surgeon in Nov. Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Enjoy the Turkey!! Stay Happy and Healthy
  10. ssflbelle

    pre-op diet

    i have a supervised 6 month diet and during the 5th visit on Monday I asked about the 2 week pre-op diet of shakes and was told I don't have to do that. The Doctor's nurse said that is per torture we don't make anyone do that before surgery. She said I will have a 24 hour period before surgery of just liquids. I have to attend a 4 hour workshop a week before surgery which will explain all that is to happen immediately before, during and after surgery. We are looking at Jan for my double surgery, gall bladder has to come out in addition to the sleeve. I wish all of you on the 2 week pre-op diet easy and hunger free days ahead.
  11. OOPS I guess my attempt at multi quote didn't work as I was replying to cj76 & cookie_queen and anyone else interested in being friends either on this site or the other one mentioned. I am also on myfitnesspal as ssbeadlady. Look me up and send an invite if your interested in being friends there. I had my 5th visit this past Monday. I didn't lose as much as I should have as my body is doing the usual. Lose good for 2 to 3 months and than stop. So far lost 29 pounds of the 6 months supervised diet. Have one more month to go. All my paper work has to be into the surgeon by Nov 21 and I have 2 Dr that haven't sent in their eval yet despite me telling them of the deadline. My Dr is going out of the country for the holiday so it looks like some time in Jan. A week before the surgery I have a 4 hour workshop I have to attend and it is on a Tuesday which is one of the 2 days I work. Can't change the workshop so I will miss another day of work in addition to all the time off for the double surgery. Oh well I need them both and will not let anything stop me. Good luck to everyone who has upcoming surgery. A brand new life is coming to us all.
  12. ssflbelle

    Tomorrow makes one week!

    I do not have a date yet, but it will be sometime in Jan.
  13. ssflbelle

    Psych Eval Tomorrow

    As The Post Op said Overwhelming that is for sure what happened to me yesterday. My 5th of 6 pre surgery appt. Found out that The Psych Dr and the Pulmonary Dr both didn't submit their evaluations yet despite me having seen them in the first week of October. I was so mad and frustrated with that and then to found out I only lost 2 pounds during this 5th month diet pushed me over the edge and I began to turn into a basket case. I am sure they were glad when I left. I am getting fearful that all my documentation may not get in by Nov 21 my last visit of the 6 months. I do have a insurance case manager and she has assured me that if I have all my documentation I will get approved, so I am not worried about that. But surgery will not be until Jan as my surgeon is going out of the country Dec 15 and will not be back until after the New Year. I hope the journey on the post surgery side will be less overwhelming. Hollybower good luck tomorrow. Hope all visits go well. I too can barely wait and wish I already had my sleeve. But hopefully only 8 to 10 more week to go for me. It will come sooner than you think,
  14. ssflbelle

    Stupid stalls!

    HURRAYYY for you. I hate those stalls and they can be very maddening and frustrating. Am so glad your body has adjusted and started losing again. I am on the supervised diet and see the Dr later today. I feel like I haven't lost a pound during this 4th month. Since this supervised diet started I have lost 27 pounds. I better see a loss today. Thank goodness the Dr nor the insurance required me to lose a certain amount before the surgery. I am so fearful that after surgery I may follow this same pattern of stalls and not losing as fast as I feel I should. By the way my weight loss ticker is spanned over man many years. I a doing this journey alone and sure could use some support too. If you or anyone else is interested in becoming friends send me an invite. Am off now to shower and get ready. Bye for now
  15. ssflbelle

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    Thanks for starting this. I joined tonight. I had been in other meetups over the years. My id over there is ssbeadlady. I hope more will joined so we can soon plan a meeting day and time.
  16. ssflbelle

    New to this

    My 6 months supervised is with my surgeon. I see him for the 5th time on Monday. He is looking at a surgery date sometime in Jan as he will be leaving mid Dec for Holidays. He will be doing the endoscope, gallbladder and sleeve and a possible hernia all on the same day. Due to my other physical difficulties he is predicting 4 to 6 weeks before I had head back to work.
  17. ssflbelle

    Tomorrow makes one week!

    Thanks for sharing the numbers with us all. I find is so encouraging to know what weight people started at and how much they have lost. I am so looking forward to my surgery but still have a few months to go before it happens. 33 pounds in 3 months supervised diet was great. I have my 5 visit on Monday. I lost 10 months for the 1st and 2nd visit and 7 last month. I am kind of nervous about what the weight loss will be this month. My Dr didn't give me a goal of how much to lose. He said whatever I can lose I am that much ahead of the game. I wanted to get down to about 307 before surgery but not sure that will happen.
  18. ssflbelle

    Tomorrow makes one week!

    That is the way to do it. Would love to become friends with you. Do you mind sending me an email and letting me know what your starting weight was as I do not see it on your profile.
  19. ssflbelle

    Tomorrow makes one week!

    In one week you lost 15.5 pounds that is fantastic. Glad to hear your healing so well
  20. This pain that some of you speak of is it like bad leg cramps or more like a sore muscle. I ask as I have terrible leg cramps and have to take a prescription med to get rid of them. They are the worse things like someone is stabbing me. I see the Dr again next Monday and if it is leg cramp pain I better be sure I can take my meds after surgery.
  21. ssflbelle

    Mon Oct 19th IT Is here!

    Wishing you good luck again. I added you as a friend and have been reading your blog. Hope to hear soon everything went well for you.
  22. Dub Congratulations in having such a great surgery, weight loss thus far, a great hospital staff and having all the meds you needed. Thanks for telling us all about how things went for you. I believe I will have mine in Jan and you mentioned a few things I had no idea about. I will be sure to ask about the valium and Patches behind the ear. I also started at my weight loss in the high 490's. I know men lose faster so I will not compare but am anxious to see how well you do. I love your positive attitude. I am following this thread and your progress. BairwithMe Good Luck with your surgery tomorrow. I hope it is as uneventful as Dub's was. Please keep us posted as to how you are doing.
  23. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    Hi Jmapsyd. I also hopefully will be sleeved in Jan. I still have over 150 pounds to lose and can't wait to see great results after surgery. It has taken me over 9 years to lose the weight I have and I need to lose the remaining weight so I can have surgery to my hip and back.
  24. ssflbelle

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    amsaf and anyone else in south florida There is another south florida thread in the support group section. In that thread swerdygnome is starting a meetup group for south florida sleevers. Here is the link to that thread. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/345913-any-south-florida-sleevers/page-2 Her posting is the 3rd from the bottom of this page 2. Let her know if your interested in joining. I know the Doctors usually have a monthly support group but this meetup group could be something extra. I know I need all the support I can get as I only told my room mate and a friend who had the sleeve by the same Dr I am using.
  25. ssflbelle

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    Colleen I wish the very best for you and your Dr. tomorrow. Don't forget to walk and sip and don't be afraid to take the meds if your in pain. When your able let us know how your doing. Good Luck!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
