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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. I have purchased Protein bars from our very own BariatricPal Store and they sent me 4 samples of single serve Syntrax nectar. By the way their prices are better than the previous place mentioned in this post.
  2. Hi All The latest update on my testing. I had the breathing test yesterday. The one giving me the test kept making me do it over and over again. She also gave me 2 shots of an inhaler and some oxygen. She kept telling me to blow out faster than I was. I thought something was wrong. When I finally saw the Pulmonary Dr he said I passed and he gave me the clearance. Now I need to wait until Dec 2nd and 3rd for my 2 day stress test, then I will get the PCP Dr to give me my medical clearance and medically necessary form. It seem to have been a long time but since June I have lost 35 pounds. Come Jan I hope to have my surgery. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!!
  3. I also wondered about that as my Dr says 3 meals a day and NO SNACKING. So how do I get to the required Protein he wants me to have after surgery once I am allowed to eat again. I guess do what Elode does! So a protein shake is not considered a meal after you start eating food again?
  4. Tylenol #3 is a prescription medicine. Thanks for that info. I see my Dr again tomorrow so I will ask if he plans to give me a prescription for it.
  5. ssflbelle


    My doc also did a biopsy with my endoscopy...the endoscopy is to check for any abnormalities in your upper GI tract. The actual biopsy checks for bacterial infections that could be problematic after surgery. I was told it takes 2 weeks for the results of the biopsy to come back. Thank you both for the info. I do have an umbilical hernia but the Dr wants to leave it in. Hopefully I do not have any bacterial infection.
  6. So glad the meds your wife got worked. This Tylenol 3 is it an over the counter product and is it liquid? How expensive is it? What other kinds of meds did she get if I may ask? I will be having my surgery sometime in 2016 and am beginning to get the supplies I will need. Also was wonder if anyone knows are we allowed to bring (ACT® Dry Mouth Lozenges which are uniquely formulated to stimulate saliva flow and fight the harmful effects of dry mouth) to the hospital? I am reading that some people have to go for over 24 hours before they can have anything to drink because they haven;t had the leak test. I always have dry mouth and as a result I get a sore throat. I can't imagine going that long without my ACT.
  7. Go to the top of the page to the little wheel in the upper right hand corner by your name. When you do a left click on it you will see in the right hand list my tickers.
  8. ssflbelle


    My surgeon told me he is doing mine just before the sleeve surgery. Has anyone had it done then? What are they looking for? What happens if they find something will the sleeve be canceled? I see my surgeon for the last of 6 visits this Monday. Maybe I should ask him for more info but I thought I would ask you all first.
  9. Glad to hear 1vivacious you got your surgery date before Jan. Yes I do feel like they are putting me through the ringer but I know it is to make sure I wake up from the surgery. Being 60 in Jan and still having a BMI of over 50 I would rather they all be safe then me be gone. I have a lot more living to do and I want to live it to the fullest.
  10. I met once a month for 6 visits with my WLS surgeon who weighed me and discussed all I had done in the past to try to lose weight and keep it off. We spoke about my co-morbidities, the type of surgery I wanted and what exercise I was currently doing. I had been following Nutrisystem before I met him so for the first month he told me to continue to follow it and document on another site what I ate. After the first month he told me to get off of that program and follow a high Protein low carb diet. I was given a blue folder of all that will happen at the hospital and the diet plan to follow after surgery and his 4 rules I must follow.The blue book explained all about the surgery as did the Dr. I was given a check list of all the tests I had to go to as well as meet with the NUT once and get a mental health clearance. Additional testing was added after certain Drs met with me. When the Cardic Dr saw the EKG he asked for a stress test. When the Pulmonary Dr saw me he also asked me to do a breathing test.
  11. What a wonderful accomplishment. You look fantastic!
  12. I started my process on June 15th. I will have my 6th visit this Monday but still have to do a breathing test the day before Thanksgiving plus take a 2 day stress test on Dec 2nd and 3rd with results on the 7th. The surgeon is going out of the country Dec 15th for the Holiday. He only operates on Tuesday and Thursday. So it is looking like Jan or maybe even Feb for me. This process is taking much longer than I thought it would I was wishing it was before Christmas but there is no way that will happen. My insurance deductible and co-pay will be going up in 2016. Good luck to everyone having surgery in Nov and Dec. I wish I could join you.
  13. ssflbelle

    Sleve surgery

    That was fast. Sure hope you have enough time to do some research and prepare yourself for this life altering surgery. Many who are approved that quickly don't seem to really understand the whole process. Good luck with everything. I have been on a 6 month supervised diet and still haven't been approved or have a date.
  14. Do you plan to drive yourself back home? Not a good idea from what others have said on this site. I haven't had my surgery yet but plan for my room mate to drive me to and from the hospital. Hopefully others who have had surgery will reply soon. OOPS I see a reply came through as I was typing mine.
  15. ssflbelle

    Surgery Today!

    Pray all goes well and that your surgeon did such a fantastic job that you have very little pain and recover quickly.
  16. ssflbelle

    So I lost 100 lbs!

    I am really impressed all those 100 pounds you lost were after surgery. WOW!! I added you as a friend so please let's keep in touch. Your wearing a size 10 you must feel amazing. I know I would.
  17. I have Coventry Summit HMO insurance and apparently Aetna took them over but they are still using the Coventry name. Is your insurance truly Aetna or under the Aetna umbrella? When I have my surgery and start to lose weight my surgeon already told me I will need these operations you mentioned. So I too am interested in knowing the answer to your questions as my Dr was saying when I get to 200 I should be thinking about skin surgery.
  18. Wow you are wearing a size 10 that is wonderful. I can't even begin to imagine what that would feel like.
  19. ssflbelle

    So I lost 100 lbs!

    Krista CONGRATULATIONS in hitting the 100 pound mark in such a short amount of time. You look fantastic!! I weigh the same as your starting weight and am about 2 inches taller. I have not had my surgery yet. My Dr stated I might lose 95 pounds in 6 months. I have a 6 months supervised diet which ends next Monday but surgery may not be until Jan or Feb. Did you have a 3 or 6 month supervised diet or is all of the 100 pounds after surgery? Looking at you kind of gives me an idea as to how I might look when I am down 100 pounds. Your looking great and I can't wait until I look like you do. Investing in the makeup was a smart move as the clothing would have only been used for such a short amount of time at the rate you are losing. Keep going strong and you will be to goal before you know it. I will be following your progress and if your interested I would love to become friends with you.
  20. Congratulations on finishing the 6 months and losing the weight you did. Next Monday is my 6th visit. I did great the first couple of months and then last month I only lost 2 pounds. This month has been filled with stress and even though I am following my plan I do not see the weight coming off. Wow you and I will have about a 2 to 3 month wait after our last visit as mine will not be able to be done until Jan or Feb due to a 2 day chemical stress test I have to take in Dec. Plus my surgeon is leaving the country for the Holidays and only does surgery on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I sure could use the extra support during this 3 month break. Would you be interested in emailing each other and reporting in to each other on our weight loss? Or maybe even chatting online?
  21. ssflbelle

    Incentive Spirometer

    I am suppose to be getting one of those from my surgeon and some kind of patch during the 3 to 4 hour workshop a week before my surgery. I think the device is suppose to help us to clear our lungs so we don't wind up with pneumonia or something like that.
  22. ssflbelle

    I'm bummed, y'all. So bummed.

    Sounds like we are both stressed out about unexpected changes but there isn't much we can do about it. Hopefully over the next few sessions you have all of this will be worked out and you will get the surgery this year. I wish you the very best. I certainly understand some of how you are feeling as I also have a delay and will not be able to have my surgery until late Jan or Feb. My delay is not in regard to a Doctors opinion of my mental health but test related. I had my Cardiac Eval on Thursday and the Dr saw something. Now he wants me to have a 2 day chemical stress test and there are no opening for that until Dec 2 & 3rd and I don't get the results until the 7th. My Dr is leaving the country for the holiday on Dec 15th until after the New Year. I too was looking to have my surgery either in Dec or Jan. Expenses are going up for me to with the insurance in 2016. I am disabled and only work 2 days per week so money is super tight. I still do not even know what my co-pays will be but I do know they will all be put on a credit card and paid off monthly for the next how many years I don't know. I am stressed out about all this and next Monday is suppose to be my 6th supervised visit to the surgeon.
  23. ssflbelle

    Pickle joy no more?

    I too am very glad I do not have to wait too long after my surgery to have pickles again. I even found sugar free sweet pickles last month and they were delicious. Speaking of pickles are we allow dill relish? I would think so, since it is just like dill pickles. What do you all say?
  24. ssflbelle


    Congratulations on your bras no longer fitting you. I too will be thrilled when I have to buy pretty colored new ones. My body including my breast are so huge I can't even begin to imagine what my body will look like when I finally get the surgery and get to my goal.
  25. So glad to hear you were approved. I have searched online and found nothing about my insurance approval procedure. Before I started with the 6 month supervised diet I got a case manager from the insurance company and questioned her and questioned the staff at the Dr office about the approval procedure Everyone said I too will get approved. I was denied in 2008 for the lapband This is a different insurance company then in 2008. However I am still going through the cardiac and pulmonary clearance and have more testings to do. I am fearful I will not get approved again and am glad to hear that the peer to peer review worked for you. Now that I know about it I will use it if I have to. When do you found out your surgery date?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
