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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. I finished my 6 months Nov 23rd. I have lost another 35 pounds during the 6 months supervised diet for a total loss of 180 pounds before surgery. I have everything done but the PCP medical clearance and medically necessary and another blood work up to do. I thought all this was going to be done yesterday but the PCP office messed up by telling me he was going to be in and he wasn't. . My paperwork from the WL surgeon was submitted the Monday before Thanksgiving. It is the PCP that is holding things up as I still do not have a surgery date. I have another 162 pounds to lose with the surgery which hopefully will be in Jan. I started a blog in 2008 when I was trying to get the lap band but the insurance at that time wouldn't pay for refills so I didn't have the surgery. I continued with the blog again this June. Please read and leave a comment if your interested in following my long journey to walk again. I like the idea of this thread as we can support each other during our surgery and recovery.
  2. Alex Are you wanting to promote the web site or the WLS? I did a search and there are many WLS t-shirts all ready on the market. If your wanting to promote both the WLS and the site how about On the front I Downsized with WLS or I am Half the Size due to WLS on the back And the Support on Bariatricpal.
  3. ssflbelle

    Silly Rant!

    WOW Sharon you lost so much in 4 months. You look fantastic and I never would have guessed you were not in the 200's yet. Have you started to exercise yet? If so, what are you doing? Keep going strong.
  4. Glad you got a date to do the special endoscope. Am hoping your surgery date doesn't get changed, but if it does -your health is far more important and everything needs to be good to go before your surgery. I am having a difficult time too getting medical clearance and I know it is frustrating but I have never had surgery before and I suppose they just want to make sure everything will be ok. I started with this process June 15 and jumping through all the hoops is ready getting to me. I just want to know I am approved and have a date scheduled in Jan so I can have a peaceful Christmas. I had an appt especially for today as that is when the office staff told me my PCP would be there. I was to have a fasting blood work up, medical clearance and medically necessary forms filled out. Everything else is done and insurance has most of my paperwork but I have no date for surgery nor apporval yet. Well guess what The Dr wasn't there, they told me he was not scheduled to be in. Well then why did you tell me on Wednesday that he was going to be there. Oh sorry we made a mistake. To make matters worse they charged me $25.00 and I have never been charged that much before. They rescheduled me for Thursday morning. The office manager will be getting a call on Monday as I am not happy about either situations that happened.
  5. ssflbelle


    Glad to hear you didn't have that drink. Good luck!
  6. I haven't had my surgery yet. However I also have to have my gallbadder taken out. I have a hernia too but the Dr wants to leave that in as he feel it may come back as I lose weight with the sleeve. I don't have a surgery date but he did tell me I would have an additional incision for the removal of the gallbladder when I do have my surgery. Hopefully others who have had the surgeries already will reply soon. Good luck on Monday. Let me know what happens.
  7. Congratulations!! Hope you get your surgery before the New Year. I go to the PCP tomorrow for another blood work up as June's doesn't count any more. Hopefully I get the Medical approval now that all the testings are done and I get the medically necessary release, and approval will come through so I can get the gallbladder out and the sleeve down soon after the New Year. One good thing that happened this week is my electric lift that gets me in and out of the house and to work got fixed on Wednesday a day earlier than was expected. I hope and pray next year this time I will not need that lift any more.
  8. Glad to hear things are going well and you will be home tomorrow.
  9. ssflbelle

    Drinking Post Surgery

    When you say you are drinking, what are you drinking? Water, Protein shakes, Soups etc or are you speaking about booze. You need water so you don't become dehydrated. Protein Shakes and Soup you need to drink for the protein as your not able to eat food yet. Not sure how you equate drinking water, shakes and soup with stretching your new stomach. Now if it is booze that is something I have no idea about.
  10. Thanks Destiny and Susan- Your both so right. The Cardiologist just this afternoon cleared me. Now I need a blood work up again as Junes doesn't count any more for some reason. Once that is done the PCP hopefully will clear me and write out the medically necessary form. But surgery will still not be till Jan as the surgeon is going out of the country for the Holiday. I sent friends requests- I need all the friends and support I can get.
  11. This is wonderful news too. I have finished my 6 month supervised diet with the WL surgeon. I still haven't been approved yet. Once I am I will have my 4-5 hour class the week before my surgery. I will present this to them at that time and hope I get approved for the freebies. Being on disability and getting these free will certainly help out. Thanks for posting this.
  12. Thanks so much for letting us know about this. I am on disability and anything I can get for free is welcomed. Also if any of my friends are reading this. If I refer you I will get extra reward money and you will get $10.00 off your first order. So please email me if your interested.
  13. It is 11:38 and hopefully your surgery is going well. I also hope you will have a speedy recovery. Let us all know how you are doing when you are able. Good luck!!I'm one of those tricky west coasters it's only 8:45 here. I still have 2.5 hours to wait and make myself crazy. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. Oops my bad! I didn't even look for the state you were in, I just assumed. Hope if your at the hospital they will give you something to calm your nerves so you cn aget through the next 2.5 hours. Again good luck. Hope to hear how your doing later tonight my time.
  14. No I have not! I know the Dr can't do the surgery until he gets back from his out of the country Holiday vacation sometime in Jan. Plus they submitted it despite the fact that they didn't have the breathing and stress tests and PCP medical clearance and medically necessary forms yet. When I asked why they said those other things they would add as they got them from the Doctors. So I guess they submitted an incomplete report. I see the Cardiac Dr for the results of the stress test today. My PCP was waiting to get all the test results before he writes the medical clearance and medically necessary form. So I will call my PCP today to schedule an appt with him for his clearance then after the surgeon office submits everything I will call insurance if I do not hear within a week,
  15. It is 11:38 and hopefully your surgery is going well. I also hope you will have a speedy recovery. Let us all know how you are doing when you are able. Good luck!!
  16. Did I read this correctly is what I said to myself when I first read it? So I read it again. 48 hours of chemo and he was back at work on Friday. What a COURAGEOUS son you have!! I would be devastated if I had gotten such news at such a young age. May we all gather strength to face our challenges from your son. You raised such an incredible man. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and your whole family.
  17. I am so feed up with being disabled and all the trouble I have to go through just to be able to get out of my house.

    1. jane13


      I am praying your mobility is sped up with the help of that ramp!!!

    2. gowalking


      just to let you know, I couldn't hardly walk more than a few steps before having to stop because it was so difficult to walk. 145 lbs. down and a double hip replacement later, I am walking, swimming, moving, and doing everything like any other normal person. Hang in there...if I could make it this far back to normal, anyone can.

    3. BLERDgirl


      One thing I have learned as a result of having chronic illnesses is that everybody has *something*. I just accept my illnesses as a fact of life and instead focus on what I can do and how to maximize that to my benefit. It's the glass half full view of life. It makes things immensely ore enjoyable.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  18. So glad to hear you finally got approved. Do you have a surgeon date also? Good luck with everything. I too have been waiting and waiting to get approval. My 6th visit with the WL Surgeon was Monday Nov 23rd. They submitted my paperwork despite the fact that I still had a breathing test and a stress test to do and am waiting the results of the stress test. The Surgeon leaves next week for his out of the country Holiday vacation. We are looking at Jan. I am sure that will be more money that I will have to give out and I am on disability. Plus here I am today trying to arrange for someone to come out and look at my Hamar lift that gets me in and out of the house and is not working. Sorry to be venting on your thread but things aren't looking good for me this Holiday season.
  19. I have Coventry which I believe is under Aetna now. My surgeons office submitted the Monday before Thanksgiving and I am still waiting.
  20. ssflbelle

    Can VSG work with coffee?

    Each Surgeon is different in many different subjects. As for coffee mine said no coffee or tea for the first 2 months after surgery due to it being hard on the new tummy while it is healing and coffee causes dehydration. After week 8 I am able to drink coffee again. It really depends on who you have as a surgeon. Mine also says NO Snacking only 3 meals a day.
  21. I called the surgeon's office today to see if the Pulmonary Dr did indeed send out the Pulmonary Clearance on Wed like he said he would. Well guess what, he didn't! However the case manager at the surgeon's office did tell me she submitted all the paperwork she had to my insurance despite not having the Pulmonary, Cardiac and Medical Clearance yet. So we shall see what happens. I am not expected a surgery date until sometime in Jan as the surgeon is going out of the country Dec 15 until the New Year.
  22. My surgeon happens to be one of them. It states in his 29 page folder he gave me on the first day I saw him 3 meals a day and no snacking. It is even one of his 4 rules. Rule 1 Eat your Protein first. Rule 2 drink your required amount of Water every day. Rule 3 eat 3 meals no snacking. Rule 4 exercise. He asked me several times during this 6 month supervised diet what are the 4 after surgery rules? I am still waiting to get my surgery, so I can't tell you how well Rule 3 works.
  23. ssflbelle

    Happy dance

    Congratulations on the 50 pounds gone. You are looking great, a big difference can be seen. Keep going strong and you will get to your goal. I also use my highest weight as my starting weight and I am still waiting for surgery. Hopefully in Jan as paperwork was submitted to the insurance last week.
  24. ssflbelle

    Surgery Today!

    I'm also having mine in January, probably before 15th It must feel great to know you have a date. I am heading into the Holidays having no date and my last supervised diet appt with the Dr was last Monday. Now I have to wait and try to keep losing during the Holidays.
  25. ssflbelle

    Surgery Today!

    Good to hear all went well. Are you home yet? Are you getting in all your Protein? I am hoping my surgery will be in Jan.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
