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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle

    Shirataki Noodles

    I agree with all the others. They were gross, save your money I wish I had.
  2. ssflbelle

    Monday I can EAT!

    My day to eat again is Tuesday. I get to eat an egg each day and all the Protein Soups and shakes from the Clear liquids. I have a big choice how to make that egg and when to have it. Good luck with your choices and do take little bits and eat slowly. Your pouch is still healing. I was told I should take 20 minutes to eat 1 egg. Hard to believe 20 minutes for an egg but I am going to do as I was told.
  3. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    Nope in fact if you want to you can rent a bike from them the day of the vent. The price is $60/day with no minimum and you can also ship your bike to the event if you have no other way of getting it there but there is a fee for that as well. I have an adult tricycle and they said it would be fine for me to ride that but I have to start at the back of the pack for the distance loop I want to do. If we get enough people interested I have all the details and we can have several meeting to set it all up and make reservations for a motel in the area as it starts super early in the morning so I will probably go the Friday night and come back on Sunday.
  4. It felt so good to use my walker instead of my electric mobility device to visit a sick friend today. She was so shocked to see me walking she applauded.

    1. Daisee68


      What a wonderful NSV!! Keep up the great work!

    2. 2goldengirl


      Fantastic news!


    3. LaurJo


      SO happy for you, an achievement indeed!! There is a lady at my bariatric class who I have watched over the last four or five months progress from wheel chair, to walker, to canes and now - nothing! It has been amazing and inspiring and you too will have the same successes! Best of luck to you as you continue your journey!!

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  5. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    Hi sofkgrl I know your struggling with a cold and having just had surgery but I hope today is treating you a lot better. Getting down some Protein Soups and shakes and I am sure you will feel better. As for the Bike challenge. Each year in Feb Palm Beach County does a fundraiser for Literacy. They call it the Loop around the Lake. There are 4 distance Loops you can Bike ride around Lake Okeechobee in Port Mayaca Fl. There is 14, 34, 68 and 115 miles. There is a fee of about $80 to register. I believe you get a Breakfast and lunch, a t-shirt and a medal despite the loop you bike. If you get people to donate to your ride and you collect $200.00 you get the registration fee back. The 14 34 and 68 mile loops are all on the paved road of the dikes, The 115 full loop is all on the roads around the Lake. I plan to use this as my fitness challenge for 2017. I want to start a team and if people are local to Lake Worth/Lantana maybe we can train together or meetup once a month for some short rides in various parks when we are able to have enough strength to riding a few miles. I live just down the street from Prince Park and I know that Bike path around Lake Osborne is 10 miles that might be a ride we can all do during the Holidays. If you do a search this weekend you will find the website as they are doing the Loop around the Lake for Literacy Saturday.
  6. Yes I do! However I do not know what I will be able to do if anything about it. I started this process at 497 pounds and have lost 200 pounds. I still have another 142 to lose and decided to do it with the sleeve. I just had my surgery Jan 26th and am concentrating on getting off the remaining weight. Once I do I will then look into what can be done with all the loose skin as I will have tons of it. I did this for my health and if I can't do anything about the loose skin at least I will be alive.
  7. ssflbelle

    Belly Dance

    I was belly dancing at 380 pounds before my 1990 injury took away my ability to walk. I have a video of myself and 2 friends belly dancing at a South Florida NAAFA convention. We had so much fun learning the routine and making our own costumes. Now not being able to walk and being much older I do not think I will belly dance again. However when I get to my goal I would love to teach Bokwa to the elderly like myself.
  8. What your fitting into smaller clothing now then when you were this weight years ago? What is going on? Has the clothing industry changed their sizes? When I was 21 I weighed 170 and was in a size 16. What will I be in now a days at that weight. I can't imagine. I have lost 200 pounds as of today, 17 with the new sleeve. When I was 497 I was a size 10X and now my 5X are falling off of me. I am not ready yet to buy new clothing as I just had my sleeve surgery Jan 26th. However by the end of Feb I will be going back to work and know I can't wear these 5X clothing then. I would have no idea in 3 more weeks what I will weigh and what size I would even be wearing.
  9. ssflbelle

    Cycling Questions

    Have been on the site since June and just now found this group. I have been riding an adult tricycle since April 2014. I can't walk due to a injury in 1990 so I figured with bad balance a tricycle would be best. I just had 3 surgeries on Jan 26th and am healing nicely. When did you all start biking again after your surgery? I would like to do a Bike challenge in Feb 2017 of Biking around Lake Okeechobee in Port Mayaca Fl for the Loop around the Lake for Literacy. They have 4 distance loops and I am going to try to do the 14 mile Loop. Any ideas on how I should train for this? I checked with them this year as this year's Loop is Saturday and they said I could use my Tricycle for next years event. .
  10. You will feel normal again! I remember that was the question I asked myself most in those early days. I'm pretty sure I even posted it on here a few times. "Will I ever feel normal again!??!?!" But I eventually did and you will too! It's hard to believe right now, I know, but you really really will. As for the pureed stage, I never once ate any actual pureed food. I had my Protein shakes, yogurt, and recipes from this page: http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2007/08/pureed-foods.html The Baked Ricotta saved me! OMgosh that sounds so good. I bookmarked the page and will be trying this once I get to that phase. Thanks a million for posting the site.
  11. ssflbelle

    Liquid diet question

    I doubt you did any damage. I just had some of that soup today minus the tomato chucks and basil. I am 9 days post op and it was a nice change from the chicken and beef Protein soup I was drinking. I added some Protein powder to it and had it for my Breakfast. I am looking forward to the day when I can enjoy it with the tomato and basil. I also think this soup might make a nice dish with cheese when I am off of the liquid phase.
  12. ssflbelle

    protein powder

    I like the The Syntrax nectar Protein Powders and I get them from this site.
  13. ssflbelle


    Until my injury in 1990 I was a rather active person. I loved swimming, ballroom and belly dancing, played volleyball, miniature golf and went bowling. Once I was injured all that kind of activity stopped and I took up crafts. I learned how to do some basic sewing of clothing until I got so big I couldn't find any more patterns. I also did cross stitch, plastic canvas, made rugs and made a business out of making three dimensional beaded items like clocks. vases, purses, baskets, and all kinds of Holiday items. I also ride my tricycle and do the sit down circuit at the gym. I just had my surgery Jan 26th so once I am able to exercise again I plan to train for a Bike ride challenge around Lake Okeechobee in Feb 2017. i also want to play croquet again like I did when I was a child and go back to some kind of dance like Zumba or Bakwa.
  14. ssflbelle

    Any south Florida sleevers?

    Hey South Florida Sleevers how is everyone doing? I had my sleeve on Tuesday Jan 26th and was back home on Jan 28th. I had 3 procedures done, gallbladder removal, hernia repair and the sleeve. I was in surgery for 2 hours and in recovery for 3 hours. They couldn't get the pain under control. They had to give me 30 mg of Dilaudid and then finally I was wheeled to my room. I remember nothing but being wheeled through the door of my room around 6:30 pm Tuesday night. I was so glad when I got to suck on ice chips. I had terrible pain on my left side under the breast. I was not nausea as I had gotten a patch for that the night before. On Wednesday after they took out the catheter I had to go to the bathroom. Of course the nurses helped me out of the bed and I used my walker to get to the toilet but when I was done I didn't have enough strength to get off the toilet. They called for the PT to come with the shoulder belt and the 3 of them lifted me off the toilet. I had a weird new pain but thought nothing of it as I was still in a lot of pain. The Dr wanted me to go home Wednesday but the nurses explained what had just happened and that I was still in too much pain to go home. Beside I still hadn't been for a walk yet. About 2 hours later a PT came back and I did do a short walk. I couldn't eat anything until almost Wednesday dinner, which was the Jello. Spent Wednesday night in the hospital with more Dilaudid and by Thursday 2 am I was switched to Tylenol. By 8 am Thursday I was ready to go home. Very little pain and was released at noontime. On Thursday when I came home my room mate was excepting me to go to my bed but I went to my recliner instead as I felt fine. No pain from the surgeries that all left on Thursday. However on Friday I developed severe lower back shoulder pain whenever I tried to sit up or get down into anything the recliner, bed, the toilet etc. Friday it took me 4 hours but I finished a Protein shake. Since then I have been able to get in 60 to 80 grams of protein Soups and shakes per day and except for the lower back pain I feel great. Went to the followup yesterday, all the incisions are healing well and the Dr thought I looked great. I have lost 17 pounds since Jan 26th. Today I went to the PCP about the lower back pain. He thought maybe the PT fractured a rib. I was able to stand up without my walker to take 2 X-rays.No fractured rib just a very bad inside bruise and was given liquid Tylenol with codeine. I am hoping that stuff will kick in soon as this back pain brings tears to my eyes otherwise I am feeling fantastic. How about the rest of you? Did anyone else have surgery yet? How are you feeling? Lets see if we can't get this group to support each other a bit more. I am still very seriously thinking of starting a meetup group. In fact I would like to do a bike challenge with all of you next Feb 2017. I'd love for all of use to do the Loop Around the Lake for Literacy. We could train together and start a team and probably not only raise some funds for them but give us all a wonderful sense of pride for biking one of the 4 Loops available. How about it, is anyone interested?
  15. This posting hit home especially this part "I encourage everyone to attempt someting different, something out of your comfirt zone, or something you think there is no way in hell you could do it, do it with a friend." Each year in Feb our county has a bike ride fundraiser for literacy called Loop around the Lake. The Lake is Lake Okeechobee in Port Mayaca, FL and they are having it this Saturday. I am still recovering from my 3 procedure surgeries so I can't do it this year. However before surgery I said in Feb 2017 I am going to challenge myself to Loop the Lake. The Lake is huge so there are 4 distance loops. The whole loop is 115 miles. The smaller loops are 68, 34 and the one I will try next year 14 miles. You have to pay to Loop the Lake but if you turn it into a fundraiser and raise $200.00 you get back the registration fee which is about $80.00. I would love to get a team of Palm Beach County people who have had WLS this year to join me in this challenge. In fact i am thinking of starting a group on here for just this very thing. We could train together either in person or post our progress and then all join up next Year for the challenge.
  16. I am so sad to hear people are having such troubles. I hope and pray all those still so sick one week out start to feel better and things turn around for you all. I had my 3 surgeries gallbladder, hernia and sleeve on Tuesday Jan 26th. This was the first surgeries I ever had. It took 2 hours and I was in recovery for 3 hour. I was very sick with pain on Tuesday and even Wednesday. I ate 1 Jello the whole 2 days I was there. I was given a nausea patch the night before surgery for behind my ear. I had 30 mg of dilaudid in recovery and for the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday. I had one incident of dry heaves. By Thursday I was feeling great and was able to go home. Have been able to get my 60 to 80 grams of protein in each day since Friday. I know each person reacts differently but I was very pleased with my recovery and seriously doubt I will need the 4 to 6 weeks the dr told me to take. Tuesday I get to eat my first real food since Jan 24th an egg. I am not the least bit hungry and have no head hunger what so ever. I have lost 17 pounds since Jan 26th.
  17. Is it really possible to lose 4 pounds in one day. I am now officially in twotervilee and have lost 200 since my highest recorded weight. HURRAAYY!!!

    1. Cervidae


      I prefer Twonerville as well, but there's no denying Twoterville (sounds like tooter-ville in my head) is a little hilarious... :)

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      It is totally possible. I go days without losing then drop several pounds at once, then stay there, drop inches drop inches, then boom pounds follow.

    3. Djmohr


      Yeah! Congratulations!

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  18. So sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time. On Jan 26th I had my gallbladder removed, hernia repair and the sleeve and I have had none of the complications you listed. I guess each persons recovery is different. The first 2 days I was sick and in the hospital but since being home I feel great except for my lower back right shoulder which was injuried when the PT had to get the belt to pull me up off the toilet.
  19. Awesome news! I too start soft food Tuesday and I'm counting the minutes it seems! Have you tried a heating pad on the shoulder/back pain? Hopefully that helps! Thanks a bunch. I only get to eat an egg on Tuesday. Do you get to eat more than an egg? Yes I have tried the heating pad, the ice packs, and various pain lotions like Bengay, Stop the pain and Cool and heat. I am also taking the pain pills I got for the surgery. Have also use the massager and nothing is helping. I will be going to my PCP tomorrow and hopefully he can help. This pain is worse than the surgery pain. It feels like some is stabbing me and twisting the knife.
  20. I am right there with you! I had my surgery Jan 26th and had my week 1 followup today. I feel great except for lower shoulder pain which I think is related to the PT having to use the belt to get me up off the toilet and maybe toring something. As for the surgery there is no pain and the Protein Soups, shakes and all the other liquids are staying down. I have no hunger and the incisions are healing very well. By this weekend I should be in twoterville. I am thrilled and have no regrets either. I am looking forward to all the wonderful things ahead of me.
  21. I had my 1 week followup today. The Dr was very pleased to see I looked and felt really well. The pain from the surgery pretty much stopped on Thursday night. However Friday I developed terrible lower back shoulder pain. I think it is from the PT having used the belt around my back and underarms to get me off the toilet on Wednesday. The Dr didn't seem to address it so I am going to my PCP tomorrow and see if there is a shot or something he can give me as that pain is worse than the surgery pain I had. The surgeon said the incisions were healing well. He was glad to hear I am having no problems with keeping down the liquids, protein soups and shakes, jello and popsicles. He told me Tuesday I can start to eat an egg a day along with what I am doing now. I was very happy to hear I had lost 13 pounds since Jan 26th. I am sure I will be in twoterville by Saturday. So looking forward to seeing a 2?? in my weight.
  22. ssflbelle

    Any sleevers over 60?

    I turned 60 2 days before my sleeve surgery which was One week ago. I tried 8 years ago for the lapband but was denied. I had 2 days of bad pain but by Friday I was feeling great. I am able to take my Protein Soups and shakes and drinking my Water without any problems. I had lost a huge amount of weight on my own but still have a huge amount to lose and know that I will do it, as there is still a lot of life left in me. I doubt your Mom's age will cause her any issues.
  23. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Glad to hear it I am one week post op and I feel great. I have no hunger and no desire for foods. However I am drinking my Powerade zero, Protein Soups and shakes, eating Jello and the popsicles and have no problems getting them down. The only pain I have is from when they had to lift me off the toilet the day after surgery. They had to call the PT and use one of those under the back shoulder belts, I think they pulled a muscle. I am even getting use to taking my lovenot injections. I see the Dr tomorrow for my 1 week follow up. I will probably do a blog entry after that visit.
  24. It took a lot of phone calls, complaining and even threatening to sit in the lobby of my PCP's office till I got it - but I finally got the medical clearance and got a real not a dummy date from my surgeon for my surgery. Jan 26th, it is 2 days after my 60th birthday and I am so ready. On Jan 19th I have the Pre-admission 4 hour workshop which includes: 1. a weigh in haven't seen or been weighed in since Nov 23rd the last 6 month supervised diet visit. Trying to maintain this weigh during the Holidays was not easy at all. I wasn't told I couldn't gain but felt it was important for me not to do so. However I proved unsuccessful with all the various activities around here. Yes I did gain 10 pounds and have been trying to get off every pounds gained plus more these last few weeks.We shall see tomorrow how I did. I hope I am at least back to the weight I was on Nov 23rd. 2. An hour long workshop with the nurse to remind me of what the surgery will entail, what I have to do this last week to get ready for it and the pre-op 1 day diet I must follow, what I must eat and the vitamins I have to take, breathing exercises I have to do after surgery. 3. Meet with the nurses and the Dr that will put me to sleep. 4. Plus ant tests that are now out of date because I had to wait over 2 months for the Doctors to give me clearance. They were so slow I was hitting the punching bag with their faces on it every day. People who started after me already have their surgery and have lost 35 to 50 pounds already. But at least this time around I have a surgery date unlike 2008 when I was told the insurance would pay for the lapband but not the fills. This time around I decided on the sleeve which was not allowed in 8 years ago. I have been thinking about my life after surgery and what I want to do with the new found freedom I hope to get. I hope and pray that this weight loss will allow me to walk again despite all the medical difficulties I have with my back, hips and legs. I hope that I will not need surgery on those parts but if I do there better not be a single Doctor who refuses to do what is needed for me to walk again. I can't have gone through all this to still be using a electric mobility device to get around. GOALS I WANT TO ACHIEVE 1. Whether I can walk again or not I will still be doing my exercise of riding my tricycle, using my arm peddler and pulley and doing the sit down circuit at either Youfit or Curves. I like the equipment at Curves but the lady that owns and runs it is a gossiper. She has told me about others who had surgery and things about their personal life that she had no business telling me. Makes me wonder if she told any one about my personal struggles. I like that Curves as it is close to my house and easier for me to get into with the scooter and walker. I will not tell her about my surgery but if she asks how I lost the weight from the time I left her place (as it has been over 5 years) till I get back, I'll just say high protein-low carb and leave it at that. 2. If possible in Feb after I have recovered from this gallbladder, sleeve and possible hernia surgery I want to go to the monthly support group the Doctor offered. I didn't feel right going before and thought it might make me too anxious. However, once I have the surgeries I know I will need the support as I have told no one as I only have one family member left (my brother who is 8 years older and doesn't ever call me or keep in touch) and when I called him I told him it was gallbladder and exploratory surgery for the nodules I have in various parts of my body.. I didn't lie as I do have numerous nodules, which I hope will not prevent the surgery from happening. The doctor is aware of them and I had 2 catscans done so he knows where they are. 3. I also want to engage in life again and do the things that other do, which haven't been possible to me. a. I want to join a bowling league. I use to bowl in college and was on several leagues. I didn't bowl well but I had fun and it was exercise. b. I want to go to the movies. It has been years since I have been able to go to see a movie. At one time I was able to fit into the stadium seating but the painful walk up the steps and the side stepping to get to a seat was beyond belief. I can't even remember the last movie I attended but I know I stayed on my scooter in the handicap section. c. I want to go on the Fair rides and all the attraction rides in Orlando. For many years the Wednesday before my Birthday a groups of us supersized people would go to the Fair. Of course none of us could go on any of the rides so we did all the shows and other things available. Next January I want to go on the rides. WOW this makes me think of all the weekend trips I could make to Orlando for all the different attractions that are there and really enjoy myself by being able to go on all the rides. What a wonderful world would open up to me. To be able to take a cruise, ride a jetski, skydive in one of the domes, do a zipline. These are all things on my bucket list and some how I plan to do every one of them. 4. If I am able to walk again, I want to leave the current job I have working 2 days per week with the Blind teaching them keyboarding and braille to become a Zumba and Bowka instructor for the elderly. I love to teach and what better way to combine my love of teaching and exercise as the same time. Of course I will have to take some classes in these two exercises and get certified but I do believe it can be done here in Florida as I have researched where the various training programs are located and a few of them are in Florida. I also have a goal of riding my tricycle (if I can't ride a bike) around Lake Okeechobee in Feb 2017 for the Loop around the Lake for Literacy. No not the whole Lake as that is 115 miles but I want to do the 14 mile ride up on the dike. I already checked into and am allowed to ride the tricycle if I can't ride a bike. I told the lady (in charge this year) that it would be a milestone goal of mine. I am hoping to be below 200 when I take this ride. The only bad thing about it is it will cost be $85.00 to do so. However if I can use it to raise money and I raise $200.00 I will get back my $85.00. So once I have the surgery, see where I am weight wise in 6 months then I will start thinking about how to turn this into a Pay it Forward kind of thing and raise that $200.00 so I can ride for free. I know this was long a long winded entry but only those who have been close to 500 pounds and have just existed not being able to really live their life the way they wanted to will understand what this surgery will do for me. Granted I lost 180 pounds on my own over the past 10 years but I am now 60 and do not want to wait another 10 years to get off the remaining 160 pounds. I know this is not the magic cure and only a tool. But it is a tool that will help me lose the remaining weight and allow me to LIVE, LAUGH AND LOVE. By the grace of GOD I am going to do this by my 61st birthday. Since my surgery is in about 1 week my next posting will be after I get home and have had some time to recover. No doubt it will be about the surgery, recovery and how well I am doing. I hope that my posting these entries in some small way helps others who are just beginning their journey and will provide encouragement to all following this new way of life. For all those who did read this posting please let me know how you are doing and feel free to become friends with me as I am sure we need each other's support to accomplish all our goals. Stay Happy and Healthy!!
  25. It has been 6 days for me since my 3 surgeries on Tuesday last week and I have been off of the pain meds since Friday. The only pain I am having is under my right back shoulder. I am assuming it is some gas that is left but otherwise I feel like I am healing real nicely for 3 surgeries. I am not hungry but I am drinking my liquids, Protein shakes and Soups without any problems. In fact I was telling my room mate that I felt like I could now eat that 1 egg that I am suppose to start eating week 3. However I know my stomach is still healing so I will stick to the liquids. I wish everyone else was healing as easily as I am. I am sad to hear so many are still struggling. Keep pushing it will get easier each day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
