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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. 11 days post op began my stall. Now day 29 I finally lost another pound.

    1. BonnieJo


      I am losing much slower than I expected also , guess just believing what I do lose I will not gain back as I have in the past is comfort to me ....patience is not my best asset lol ....

    2. Athenyx


      Yay!! I only lost 2 lbs this week so was a little bummed, but I'm hoping it was because I couldn't swim or exercise because of my eye surgery :-D I think this is all an exercise in patience - my first ever ;-)

  2. I went in on a Tuesday at 11 am surgery started around 1 pm was wheeled into my private room at 6 pm. Left before noon on Thursday. The Dr was looking at me leaving on Wednesday. But I had 3 procedures so Wed I was still pretty weak as when they helped me to the bathroom I didn't have the strength to get up off the toilet. They called for a PT with a lift belt. The PT and 2 really thin nurses helped me up. When the Dr was told that had happened he oked another day. By Thursday I was anxious to get home.
  3. Since June 15 2015 I have been trying to get the sleeve surgery. I have jumped through all the hoops imaginable including 7 visits with a Psychologist, CAt scans, Pulmonary, Cardiac and a 6 month supervised diet that ended Nov 23rd. Finally this week I have been told I am approved only to learn that the Surgeon has no opening till February. I am so upset as I was hoping and praying I would have this surgery before my 60th BIrthday Jan 24th. I am so disabled that I can't walk and this surgery was suppose to help me to lose the weight so I could get other surgeries so I could once again walk. I am so frustrated with all the delays with the insurance company getting referrals and having to wait over 1 month for some appointments only to be told I have to have additional testing done and needing to wait another month for a referral and an opening for those tests. I am so ready to change Surgeons and see if another will take me sooner than February. I have all my clearances and approval. Has anyone changed Dr after getting approved and how soon after that change did you have your surgery? The Dr I have not only does the WLS but he also does all surgeries on obese people. I need my gallbladder taken out and possibly a hernia as well as the sleeve. What are your opinions on this? What would you do wait out the additional 6 weeks or more or see if a different surgeon would do the surgeries sooner?
  4. Just a quick follow up to this posting. I stayed with the surgeon I had as the issue turned out to be not his fault. It was my PCP who was holding things up. Once I threatened to sit in his office until he gave me the medical clearance and I finally got it and had my surgery on Jan 26th 2016. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks post op and as of today I am down 21 pounds, my incisions are healing very nicely and I am not having any issues with the food I am eating. I was very pleased with my surgeon, the hospital and recovery. Since he does surgery for other things if I ever need surgery for something else he covers I will go to him.
  5. ssflbelle

    Yogurt Drink

    Oh Ok I see now that was not the drink nutrition I was looking at. The drinks do have 9 to 11 sugars but the carbs are 12 to 15. I don't think I would go for these drinks but other further along in their weight loss might try them. Thanks though for posting about them as it is always helpful to know what is out there.
  6. Thanks everyone for all the info. I found the email for the product and I sent them one basically explaining what I did here. Until I hear back from them I will hold onto them just in case they want me to send them back to them at their expense. Hope to hear from them real soon and get some good results.
  7. ssflbelle

    The Me vs Her Perspective

    WOW WOW WOW! Thank you for posting this as it says a lot of what I feel but could never put into words. I came from 497 pounds and being on an electric scooter also. Some day when I reach my goal I hope I have the voice to be able to express what you have. You made a wonderful transformation and I am so very happy for you. It is wonderful that you are paying it forward by helping others and being involved in OAC. I am hoping to go to this years conference. Maybe we will meet if I get there.
  8. ssflbelle

    No more weight loss?

    .No you didn't have surgery for just 34 pounds. I had my surgery on Jan 26th. It will be 4 weeks Tuesday. I lost 20 pounds in the first 10 days and haven't lost a pound since Feb 3rd. That is a stall. By the way 34 pounds in 5 weeks is great. That is over 6 pounds a week. I would suggest you do a search on "embracing the stall" there are several threads about this topic. It night help you understand what is going on.
  9. You and I are at the same phase. Each dr usually has a totally different program for you to follow. But since yours didn't seem to give you much directions maybe the following will help you so your not so freaked out. My Dr has me on 1 Bariatric multi Vitamin, B-12 tablets under the tongue, and Prilosec every day. More Vitamins will be introduced at 1 month and 3 months. I have to have labwork done at 1 month post op. Then 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months. My Dr all ready gave me all the forms at to what is to be done each time for the labwork. These forums are freaking me out. I feel like nobody has gone through what I'm going through. Not helping my anxiety. I have had no word on any labs or vitamins. He just looked at me and said ok you're clear to start solids. I'm almost a month out and am still eating liquids and mush. The most solid food I can stomach is refried Beans with a little avocado and the occasional ritz cracker that's chewed to death. I get horrible stomach cramps and pain if I eat anything more than that. So I'm freaking out about starting back at work and I don't have any control of my food. I don't sit at all at work and generally log in 10k steps a day. I work retail and I cannot be off the floor to eat every hour.. My boss would flip and send me back out on leave. I have a sheet of paper with some food items on it and a diet plan of what to eat and when. Nothing very detailed. Sent from my iPhone using BariatricPal This week I was told I can begin to eat cottage cheese, string cheese and other shredded like cheeses, sliced deli turkey, tuna and other light white fishes, soups like miso, bean, lentil, yogurt, egg, old fashion not instant oatmeal, Pam spray and light mayo plus at least 1 shake. I am averaging about 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or an egg, or 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal for Breakfast, 2 oz of turkey or fish, and 1/4 cup of refried beans for lunch and maybe an oz or 2 of turkey or fish and a cheese stick or maybe 1/4 cup of soup for dinner. A yogurt or premade shake or Protein powder with milk as a snack. So I am getting in the 60 Protein and calories are around 400 to 600. Tracking what you eat on myfitnesspal or some other website that has food and exercise trackers would be a good idea. I get that same pain you are experiencing and when I do I stop eating as it is the signal that the tummy is full. You may not realize it but the tummy is only able to accept about 1/2 a cup at a meal. At this stage of the recovery protein should be about the only thing going in that tiny tummy. No drinking a half an hour before and after a meal. chicken, Calves Liver and non raw Vegetables and non pulp Fruit are to start at 6 weeks outs. Beef, Pork, Lamb, Ham etc can be tried at about 5 to 6 months out. Crackers, Pasta, potato, breads, rice etc is not to be eaten until 6 months out and then it is the last item on the plate and the smallest amount. I am to drink 64 ounces of Water, crystal light, powerade zero a day. coffee and Tea is not allowed until 2 months post op. As for your not being allowed to eat or drink on the store floor, I find that to be extremely harsh. I don't know if you told your bosses at work about the surgery but it might be a good idea to get some kind of notice from your PCP that states you must stay hydrated and need to have your bottle of water with you on the floor otherwise you will be out of work again and back in the hospital because of dehydration. Dhrguru gave you some good advise. You have to be an advocate for yourself if your surgeon dropped the ball. Get your PCP to order the lab work and provide you with a Bariatric Nutritionist. Order the Big Sleeve Book from this site. It is filled with lots of wonderful info that may reduce your stress and make this time of recovery a bit more pleasant for you. The offer to support and encourage each other through email is still available to you. Hopefully you will start feeling better as you increase your protein and water. Good luck!
  10. Tuesday will be 4 weeks post op for me. The first 2 days are the worse but things will get better soon. I see the surgeon for my 1 month followup on Friday. Incisions are almost gone and all food I am eating is staying down. I have the full feeling when eating My lower shoulder back pain left when I was finally allowed to eat an egg a day for a week. This week I am averaging about 1/2 cup of cottgae cheese for Breakfast, 2 oz of turkey, or fish, and 1/4 cup of refried Beans for lunch and maybe an oz or 2 of turkey or fish and a cheese stick dinner and a yogurt or shake as a snack. So I am getting in the 60 Protein and calories are around 400 to 500. Did start to ride my trike on Friday and have been doing more around the house until about 4 pm than I start getting really tired but not enough to fall asleep. Granted I did have 3 different surgeries on Jan 26th but I am thinking come Friday the Dr will be releasing me to head back to work on the 1st of March. Still being disabled and having to use the electric scooter I hope I can do a 6 hour day by than.
  11. It is in Washington DC at Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center! OAC has secured a competitive room rate of $129/night (single/double occupancy)! The scholarship may also pay for the hotel cost as well as registration and airplane or gas mileage. There magazines are very informative as well. I picked one up this past Wednesday when I went to my first support group. I was thinking of going this year
  12. ssflbelle

    Yogurt Drink

    Looking at the nutrition info with 20 grams of sugar that seems kind of high for a yogurt drink. I am only 4 weeks post op. Perhaps someone else with a lot more experience can provide more info. Here is just one of the yogurt drinks info. Apple cinnamon Calories 170 Calories from fat 0 Total Fat 0g 0% Sat. Fat 0g 0% Trans. Fat 0g Cholest. 0mg 0% Sodium 70mg 3% Total Carb. 22g 7% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 20g Protein 21g Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0% Calcium 25% Iron 0%
  13. Yep songsmith every day for 30 days I have to give myself the shot. They taught me in the hospital how to do it. Once I knew how I was fine. 2 more days to go and I am done with the shots. Thank goodness those shots cost me $150.00 copay for the 30 days. I see the surgeon on Friday for my 1 month followup. I am doing great but frustrated that the weight hasn't gone down since Feb 5th. I have been in a stall now for 2 weeks. It seems crazy but I keep remembering what I read in the thread "Embrace the stall". I just hope some more weight comes off otherwise I will be seeing the Dr with a 20 pound loss for the month. I don't think he will be too happy with that as he expects me to lose 90 pounds in 6 months.
  14. So sorry that your Dr and office aren't more helpful. I am a bit surprised you had a 2 week visit and was told see you in three months from now. You didn't mention if you had gotten any booklets from your Dr about what your suppose to eat and what lab work is suppose to be done and what Vitamins you should have? If your interested I would be willing to email with you and share what my Dr has me doing?
  15. ssflbelle

    Info for food we eat

    I agree myfitnesspal is the tracker for me. Plus you can track your exercise and they have sleeve forum groups as well as a new feed. My id over there is ssbeadlady. send me a friends request when you get there. Also anyone else feel free to send a friends request.
  16. ssflbelle

    Post Op Surgery Day 5 Question

    Yes songsmith is right. We do get filled with whatever it is that they blow up our tummy with to get the instruments in. Then all the IV fluids and meds we are given. I had my surgery on Jan 26th and didn't get on the scale until Feb 3rd when I went back for my 1 week follow up. By then I had lost all those excess fluids from the surgery and was 13 pounds down from surgery date. Since then I have lost an additional 7 pounds. Oh just in case you don't know about 3 weeks out you may come to a stall. If your Dr was like mine I had 2 week of full liquids. The 2nd week I got to add egg. This week I got to add tuna, cottage cheese etc real food. My body is saying hey what are you doing to me and doesn't know how to react so it has stopped losing for awhile. There is a thread on this site called "embrace the stall" that Inner Surfer Girl wrote http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/?hl=embrace%20the%20stall it is worth reading so you are prepared for that time if it happens to you. I know if I hadn't read it before I got to week 3 I would have been so pissed and would have been ranting like crazy. Now I am just following the program, exercising a little and doing what needs to be done. I know the weight will move again once my body realizes I mean business and plan to get to goal whenever I get there.
  17. 24 days after surgery I am back on the trike. Did a very short 0.64 mile, slow 10 minutes, easy ride. Have begun training for my bike challenge in 2017. Put a picture of me on my bike in my profile.

    1. Fatty McFatster

      Fatty McFatster

      Great job!!! I'm so proud of you!!!

    2. ssflbelle


      Thanks Fatty. It felt about as great as your first hike. Hope to get out again tomorrow and maybe get to that 1 mile.

    3. songsmith


      Awesome! I'm still at that "can barely walk" stage. So proud of you. What's your challenge?

  18. Did you have your surgery on Jan 26th? If so, we are surgery sisters. Where did you have your surgery? Does your Dr not have a NUT on staff? My Dr gave us what he called our second Bible that described everything about the surgery, what the eating phases are when to get the labwork done etc. My PCP, Psych Dr and others were very impressed by the material my Dr provided. I also lost 20 pounds in the first 11 days and have been stalled since Feb 6th. The thread mentioned above is a wonderful thread to read and will help you to understand what your body is going through. Please feel free to friend me and ask as many questions are you like.
  19. So sorry to hear the second day was not a good one for you. Right after my surgery I was put on anti blood clotting medicine and have to take it for 30 days. I am surprised you didn't get any such meds. If I may ask what kind of surgery did you have that you needed a drain? Wow you dry heaved a lot to do that to your shoulder. Glad to hear the heating pad helped. I only had one episode of that. Glad to hear you are doing better and home. Get plenty of rest and let your body heal but don't forget to walk it will help with the gas. If your allowed get your Protein Soups and shakes in as ASAP. Once I get mine down 3 days after surgery I was feeling much better. As for me since you asked. I am heading into my 4th week post op and am feeling great. I was given permission to start riding my bike again and will probably start tomorrow. I am finally done with the 1 egg a day phase and started with the next phase, cottage cheese re-fried Beans, turkey etc for the next 2 weeks. Everything I eat is staying down. However now that I have been given real food I am stalled with the weight loss. I am happy with the 20 pounds I have lost so far since surgery. I just need to embrace the stall, stay with the program and I know the weight will start to drop again. Keep us posted as to how your doing.
  20. ssflbelle

    Whats your full signal?

    I am only 20 days post op and able to have just an egg plus the Protein shakes, Soups, Jello and popsicles. For lunch the last 6 days I eat the egg and some days a jello. I get this weird feeling under the left side of my breast and radiating down the left towards where I think my tummy is. It stays with me for hours and is a mild version of the same kind of pain I had the first 2 days in the hospital. I don't get this pain when I drink the soups or shakes or eat the popsicles or jello by themselves. I have been assuming it is my feeling for being full. Could it be something? Is it really possible to be full on just an egg and a jello cup?
  21. ssflbelle

    Incision pain

    So sorry to hear you are having such pain. Did you all have stitches on the tummy incisions? My Dr used some type of glue adhesive. I have had no incision pain or itching what so ever. I am 20 days post op and they are healing very well. I hope you all get some relief soon.
  22. HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY TO ALL MY BP FRIENDS- Thanks for all your support and encouragement over the last 8 months.

    1. ssflbelle


      My platonic roommate was so sweet he gave me mini roses in a lady bug container. I thought that was so thoughtful as in years past he gave me candy. I hope you all got a non food gift for this special day.

    2. katladee


      Happy belated Valentine's Day to you! I got roses and a card from my sweetie, and one from the furbaby! No candy, but I don't miss it! I miss a big, juicy burger or steak! LOL I go to unrestricted on the 26th so I'm excited to have those things then, just in itty bitty amts. At least I get the taste in my mouth! LOL

    3. katladee


      What did you get your roommate? I just got mine a card!


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  23. ssflbelle

    Extreme Low BP After Surgery

    Jane it was the PCP staff who took the blood pressure reading on that Thursday and I saw another Dr from the same office the next Monday. Neither one seemed concerned. I go in this Monday for blood workup and I am sure they will take my pressure again. If it is still low I will ask when do I need to get off my BP meds.
  24. 3 1/2 hours and your heading home, I don't think so! Is the sleeve the only surgery you are having? I had 3 different procedures on Jan 26th, was in the operating room 2 hours and in recovery for 3. My surgery started at 1 and by 6:15 I was finally being wheeled to my room. In all that time I only remember being wheeled through the doors of my room. I was in the hospital until Jan 28th and got to leave around 12:30. I had a lot of pain couldn't eat anything but ice chips and did nothing but sleep. I had a TV in the room but it was never on. I guess it will depend upon your health and how well you recover but 3 1/2 hours doesn't seem long enough to me. I sure hope they don't rush you out the door. Good luck. That is the day I go back to the surgeon for my 1 month follow up.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
