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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. I am 4 week post op. Have never had pinto Beans before but they were on my list of things I can eat. Any simple ideas or suggestions would be appreciated as to what I can do with them to make a side dish.
  2. I did have refried beans last week. I didn't realize they were the same as pinto beans. The whole realm of beans is new to me. Your post came through after I had fixed dinner but I kind of did what you suggested. I was debating on whether to make the omelet or to poach an egg and put the pate under it.
  3. Thanks Jennifer for the suggestion to mash up the pinto Beans, which I did. I added 2 slices of the deli turkey and 1 tablespoon of shredded cheese and mixed it all together to create like a pate. I then mixed about a tablespoon of silk Protein milk with an egg. I made an omelet with the pate in it. It tasted pretty good but I was only able to eat about 4 to 5 small bites off of the tip of the teaspoon before my pain signal came. More than half of it was refrigerated for tomorrow's lunch. Since I have been allowed to eat some soft foods every time I eat small amounts I get this under the left breast pain. I am sure it is because my tummy is still healing. I wonder if this pain will ever go away because there is no more pleasure in eating?
  4. They are canned. I can't have ham yet. I can have deli turkey, or tuna
  5. ssflbelle

    hiccups after eating?

    I wish I got hiccups, instead I get a pain under my left breast area that stays for at least 2 to 3 hours. I am eating like 1 1/2 to 2 oz of Protein.
  6. ssflbelle

    Embrace the Stall

    UPDATE: I think the stall has ended. I lost 2 pounds today. I see the surgeon tomorrow for a 1 month followup. Hopefully he is happy with a 23 pound loss. I know I am thrilled.
  7. A four day stall.Your freaking out over 4 days. Be prepared this stall may be a lot longer than you anticipate. I have been in a stall since Feb 5th. That was 10 days after my surgery which was on Jan 26th. Today 20 days later I stepped on the scale this morning and it is down 2 more pounds. I see the Surgeon for a 1 month followup tomorrow. There is nothing you can do but stay with the program. Please don't cheat or beat yourself up over this. From what I heard and read this is just one of many stalls to come. You are going to have to learn to deal with them. I know in the past I would have said to heck with it and eaten anything I wanted. I knew this time there was no way I could or would cheat. Stay true to the program and it will start moving again.
  8. ssflbelle

    Another surgery

    Oh Guy not more complications? So sorry to hear of these latest complications. Let hope and pray these are the last of them and you can get your health back again. 32 surgeries in less than a year stay strong and you will get through this too.
  9. My 3 week stall finally lifted. I stepped on the scale this morning and lost 2 more pounds for a total of 23 pounds since Jan 26th. HURRAY!

    1. Athenyx


      Yay! Go you! That's excellent

    2. Athenyx


      Yay! Go you! That's excellent

    3. Athenyx


      That's fantastic - good for you!

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  10. Preop diet I had a 6 month high Protein low carb diet I had to follow and lost 35 pounds. Two days before surgery I had liquid only and lost 4 more pounds. Two weeks after surgery I had to be on liquids and that included Protein shakes and Soups. plus Jello and popsicles. I had no hunger and got through it without any real physical or emotional problems But the gas oh my gosh! Yep gas hurts big time! Mine started 3 days after surgery and it was in the lower right back side. I had no idea what the pain was at first. It was so bad I had to go to the PCP. The day after surgery I had to have the PT come and using the lift belt to get me off the toilet as I was too weak to do it myself. When I told the PCP that he thought the pain was from broken ribs. Had X-rays done and turns out my ribs were fine. so he thought maybe they were just bruised a bit and gave me liquid Tylenol with Coedine. Four days later when the pain moved to the right front breast armpit area we all realized it was trapped gas. That was when I was told to take more Gas X strips. However the pain was like someone took a knife and stabbed me and twisted it in even deeper. I had that pain for 10 days as I am physically not able to walk. It finally left when I was able to begin eating an egg a day and got things moving, if you know what I mean. If your able to walk and move about that is the best thing for it and plenty of Gas X strips. Hope you feel better soon.
  11. ssflbelle

    How Many Calories One Year Out?

    So your Dr allows you to eat between meals. Mine is saying only 3 meals a day and he also told me that by 6 weeks I should be off the shakes. I can't see that happening. By the way I looked up that ice cream and when I am able to I hope to be getting some. Do you eat a whole bar at one time? I hope you don't mind that I added you as a friend.
  12. ssflbelle

    1 Year Anniversary and 200lbs Down!

    Indieflickers I saw another posting of yours and followed you over to this one hoping for a picture. I am just in awe of the amount of weight you lost in a year. What a transformation, you look like a totally different person. I don't know if you had any major health issues but with that much weight gone I am sure life is so much better for you. CONGRATULATIONS!! You are such an inspiration to those who have hundreds to lose. msmisaacs WOW you too have done remarkably well in one year. Keep going strong and you will be heading to that 200 pounds gone mark soon. You both have shown us super obese people the weight can come off by doing what needs to be done, following the program and exercising. Thanks for sharing.
  13. ssflbelle

    How Many Calories One Year Out?

    Sorry I can't answer your questions as I just had surgery Jan 26 this year. However I wanted to congratulate you in losing 200 pounds in one year. That is a fantastic amount of weight to lose. With all that you are doing activity wise I can see why it came off so quickly. Eating only 3 oz of Protein at a meal how is it that you are getting 105 to 115 grams of protein a day? Are you still drinking a lot of shakes? I will be following this thread as I would love to read what others write. I have an additional 130+ pounds to lose and am hoping I will be as successful as you have been.
  14. ssflbelle

    Purée Diet - I'm so lost

    Rosarita no fat refried bean for me too. Usually 1/4 of a cup with 1 teaspoons of shredded cheese and 2 deli slices of turkey is about all I can eat at one time. When I eat that I still get a pain under my breast bone that hurts for at least 1 to 1 1/2 hours after. I tried cottage cheese, tuna, yogurt and egg. I am still using at least 1 Protein Drink and sometimes 1 Protein Soup a day. Being 4 weeks out I still can't get 60 grams with just the food in this stage. I see the Dr for my 1 month followup on Friday.
  15. ssflbelle

    Product Review: Bariatric Pal Protein Soups

    Excellent review from an excellent site. I got the same flavors she reviewed for my post op 3 weeks after surgery. Was not allowed to add anything then but now being a little more than 4 weeks out I can add the suggestions she added. Also like the idea of using some of the soups for sauces.
  16. You all are experiencing stalls many months outs after losing many many pounds. Is this your first stall? Did you all have any preop diets you had to follow? What about those of us who are experiencing stalls 10 days after surgery. Surgery was Jan 26th 10 days later I was 20 pounds down. In the last 18 days I have lost only 1 pound. This doesn't seem to make any sense. Yes I have read the thread "Embrace the Stall". I am happy with the 21 pounds gone but to be in a stall so soon is discouraging.
  17. ssflbelle

    Pre-Op Weight Loss

    When I first saw the surgeon I was 352. He put me on the same high Protein low carb diet you eat after surgery. I saw him each month for 6 months and got down to 314 by the day of surgery. He had me give up coffee and tea which didn't really happen until 2 weeks before surgery, however each week I was cutting back. I haven't had soda since 2010 so there was nothing to give up there. He had me learn to eat slowly, which I did before hand anyhow. But smaller tiny bites now made my eating process even slower. My roommate was pretty upset with me the one Sunday we went to Denny's. He had a huge meal yet it took me 1 1/2 hours to eat my smaller meal. He sat there for an extra 45 minutes while I finished mine. I was also was exercising at Youfit and riding my trike and reading everything I could about what life would be like after surgery. I had a fantastic recovery, very little pain, incisions healed very quickly, no itching, swelling or seeping like I read so many people have. I had no drain and was in the hospital for less than 48 hours. The only pain I did have was from gas as I am pretty much wheelchair bound. Now that I am 4 weeks post op I am adjusting very well to the program and getting in 60 to 90 grams of protein a day, have started biking again and hope to return to work next Tuesday. I had the sleeve plus a hernia repaired and a diseased gallbladder taken out. This was my first surgery and all the recovery fears I had were all for nothing. It was a fantastic recovery. I hope any additional back, hip, shoulder or skin removal surgeries will be just as great as this one.
  18. ssflbelle

    Embrace the Stall

    I often refer others to this thread when they say they are in a stall. Mine started 10 days after surgery. I had my surgery on Jan 26th by Feb 5th I lost 20 pounds. Since that date I have lost only 1 pound. Wondering how much longer I will be in this stall. I thought it very odd it happened 10 days after my 3 procedure surgery. I see the Surgeon for a 1 month follow up on Friday. I sure hope he is happy with the loss thus far.
  19. ssflbelle

    Daily Meal Ideas for WLS 8+ Months Out

    ann, jamie and brian thank you so much for the info. I have been mostly focusing on getting my Protein in. Over the past 2 weeks since I have been allowed to begin to eat some foods I had one day when I only could get in 57 grams of protein. The rest of days I have had 63 to 97 protein. Of course that is still drinking at least 1 Protein shake a day. By the way by 6 weeks my Dr said I shouldn't be drinking any protein. I can't see how that is possible, do you?. So I guess I am doing ok. Thank brian I didn't realize that the soups were simple carbs and that was ok. So not all carbs are bad. I guess I need some more education on carbs.
  20. Had surgery 4 weeks ago today at 314 pounds. Today I am down to 293. Is that a good weight loss for the first month., seeing as how I had lost 183 pounds before surgery?

    1. ssflbelle


      I know overall it is good. However the first 20 were within 10 days of surgery. I have been in a stall since Feb 9th and only lost 1 pound since then. So I am concerned it maybe wasn't enough for the first month for someone of my size. Thanks all for the reassurance that I am on track. I know this stall has to break soon. I see the surgeon again on Friday I hope a few more pounds will come off by then.

    2. Athenyx


      You're doing great - there's no right or wrong amount to lose, everyone is just so different! I had a five week check up with my surgeon today and I asked him whether losing two stone in the past 6 1/2 weeks was good for my age and size, and he said to me that sure it was, but losing any amount is good. It's about using the operation as a crutch to sticking to a healthy diet and exercise, and just making a life style change for an overall great result. Some weeks the weight will seem to drop off, others it'll be stuck, but there's not a lot of rhyme or reason for it - the body does what the body does! As long as we get there in the end, no matter how long it takes, eh? :-D

    3. MIMISAN


      Great job, it takes time to put it on and longer to take it off but you will get there.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  21. I am not in the type of job where this kind of situation could happen to me but no I do not think you are delusional. In fact I feel Bufflehead clearly showed why it is so important for there to be and for us to support organizations like Obesity Action Coalition. There convention this year is in Washington DC and I am hoping to be able to make the trip and take a stand in our Nations Capitol.
  22. ssflbelle

    Daily Meal Ideas for WLS 8+ Months Out

    This is also fantastic info. However may I ask at each of these stages what were your carbs. I had split pea Soup last night (I am allowed based on my Doctor's plan) however I was surprised to see the carb count was so high. I am 4 weeks out today and yesterday's protein was 63 and carb count was 58. Is that too high of a carb for only 4 weeks out?
  23. ssflbelle

    Daily Meal Ideas for WLS 8+ Months Out

    Thanks so much for this wonderful list. I have marked this and will return when I am that far along. Lifeofblair wrote I 'm still in the losing phase (5 lbs or so from goal) and my nut said to eat between 600-800 calories a day, but I have a hard time with those calories and to get the needed Protein. I like to get others opinions on what works. that is not enough calories!! What that makes no sense to me as I am 4 weeks postop tomorrow and I have been eating 500 to 650 a day. Your eating less than I am if your eating 600 and your almost to goal. Is your NUT a specialist in WLS? Sounds like she is way off on her thinking.
  24. So glad the days are getting easier for you. Not much longer before your surgery. Just keep busy. Tomorrow marks 4 weeks post op for me and I can't believe how great I feel. I truly hope your surgery is as pain free as mine was. 2 days after surgery I wa feeling so much better. The only thing that I had any problems with was the gas pains when I stood up or down. But that was only because I couldn't walk them off. Keep me posted as to how your doing.
  25. You had 2 surgeries in 3 hours. Wow that seems long. I had 3 surgeries in 2 hours. My time in the recovery was 3 hours as they had trouble getting my pain under control. Tomorrow I will be 4 weeks post op and everything I am eating is staying down and I am not having any problems with getting in my protein or my Water. These surgeries were the past thing I ever did and I am looking forward to being much healthier. Mt Dr told me being positive helps in recovery and that is what I am doing. Have had no real negative thought and my incisions are almost completely gone. I see the surgeon on Friday for my 1 month followup and as of today I have lost 21 pounds. I hope a few more will come off by Friday but if not I am sure he will still be happy. I know I am.Good luck with the next stage of your food. I hope things get easier for you as time goes on. OOPs I guess I should read the whole thread before I post. Sorry for the repeat.

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