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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle

    Big bosomed friends

    Did any of you experience any pain under the armpits due to the breasts sagging? At my highest weight I was an 84 I. Now I am a 54 G. My breasts are so badly sagging I am able to roll them up like a sock and place them in my bra. However as soon as I take my bra off I have terrible stabbing pain and a burning sensation under the left armpit and towards the back. I personally think my sagging left breast is pulling on veins causing the pain. I have been to the Dr and he gave me 2 pains to help with the pain.
  2. ssflbelle

    I Have My One Year Follow Up Today

    Congratulations! You have had a wonderful year. It is always helpful to me to read your posting. You deserve more than that medi pedi.
  3. Lost another 4 pounds this week. Down 36 pounds in 11 weeks.

    1. BarrySue


      That's amazing!

    2. ssflbelle


      Thanks all. It feels good to finally have 2 weeks of weight loss after that 4 week stall. I realized last night I now weigh what I did when I was 20 years old.

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      Way to go!! Congrats on your success!

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  4. ssflbelle

    Any bike riders out there?

    11 weeks out from my sleeve surgery and I just biked 6.04 miles today in 53 minutes. I am hooked on biking and so looking forward to doing the Loop the Lake for Literacy Bike challenge in Feb 2017. It is 14 miles and I know I will be able to do it.
  5. Hi Folks I am wondering as sleeve patients do we have a tendency to have fatty acid imbalances and if so what can be done about it? My sleeve surgery was Jan 26th 2016. The reason I ask is that for the last 2 weeks I have been having sharp stabbing pains which seems to be in my veins in various locations of my body. After the sharp stabbing pain it turns into like a sharp stinging pain that lasts for about 5 minutes. These pains are happening throughout the day no matter what I am doing and they are sharp and painful enough that I cry out in pain and see stars. It started last week on my right side near the waist belly area. Then this week my left side under armpit breast area has the pain. Today I had a third pain on my right inner elbow area. Now I am experiences these pains at all three locations several times a day. I have been doing research because of the armpit breast pain being so sever that I am wearing a bra all day long which I never did till this week. I see several articles about fatty Acid imbalance and breast pain. I am wondering if this is my problem and if I should be taking something for it. I lost a lot of weight before surgery and now with the surgery I am down 215 pounds. I still have another 130 to lose. I have a lot of excess skin in the breast area as well as the other 2 locations I mentioned. Could the excess skin be causes these horrible sharp stabbing pains? If so, how is that possible and what can be done about i? I don't think I could live with having these pains at least a dozen or more times a day. I plan to call to make an appt to see my PCP but thought some of you might have or are experiences this same kind of pain and could provide some knowledge to me as to what this is.
  6. ssflbelle

    Fatty Acid Imbalance?

    Saw the PCP today. The Dr is thinking because of all the excess skin from losing 215 pounds I am developing Fibromyalgia. I have been researching Fibromyalgia and based on what I am experiencing I don't feel I have that. I am thinking it is more of a nerve damage pain. All I know is this pain is not something I can live with if I have no meds so I am thankful he gave me 2 different kinds until we find out what this is. I have an appt for the 22nd at a pain management center.
  7. ssflbelle

    Stupid stalls!

    TuesPheynix how much Protein are you taking in? Are you eating too much salt? Are you still drinking your liquid Protein? At my 1 month followup my Dr told me to stop taking the liquid protein and to only eat 41 grams of protein. He has no NUT, I figured he knew what he was talking about so I listened to him. What a mistake that was. A few days after the 1 month visit I had lost 5 pounds and then was in a stall for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of not losing I found a Bariatric NUT and paid out of pocket for 2 hours of her time. She told me to up my protein to 80 to 100 grams, begin drinking the liquid protein again as eating only 2 oz of food at a meal I can't possibly reach 80 to 100 grams of protein. She also helped me to see that I had way too much sodium in my meals and I had to lower them to 1,500 or less. Finally today after just 3 days of doing what she said I have dropped 8 pounds. I am thrilled. Hopefully these suggestions will help you too.
  8. ssflbelle

    How to change display name?

    Could you post what you did so others whom might be interested can change their names? Thanks
  9. I thought I would give those who asked an update. Since Monday after I spoke with the NUT I have been getting in 61 to 87 grams of Protein. I weighed in as I am on a weigh in forum on MFP and today was the day to weigh in. I finally broke this 4 week stall and have lost 8 pounds. I have now lost 32 pounds since surgery and 70 pounds since I started the 6 month surgery supervised diet and a total of 215 from my highest weight. I have 32 more pounds before I can see the orthopedic surgeon to possibly have my back and hip surgery so I can walk again. I am getting so close I hope it will just be a few more months before I can go to his office and say ok I am 250 now please do my surgery.
  10. I do not have PCOS but I am sure the sleeve will help you. As for the question, since I have been able to eat solid I have made twice the bacon egg bites from food.com and they are delicious. I also use cottage cheese and some kind of fruit. My Dr said old fashion oatmeal is ok as long as I put some Protein powder in it. I also used eggs and a banana to make some pancake one Sunday. Was not to keen on it as it tasted like too much banana for me. Daniotra Thanks so much for giving us this site. I just looked at it and saw 3 recipes (not breakfast) I will be using. By the way there are some great breakfast recipes but they are mostly all eggs.
  11. ssflbelle

    Question about Iron

    I haven't had a period in over 20 years and I go for my 3 month followup April 2oth. The documentation I have from the Dr says only menstruating women need to take the Iron. We shall see what the surgeon says when I see him. I know the documentation says I need to take a fatty acids I think it is. Do you have to take these and what kinds do you all take? What do they do for us? Thanks
  12. ssflbelle

    I thought they were trolls

    This is why I strongly believe that the counseling should continue after the surgery. If I run into those emotional issues after my surgery I'm definitely going back to the lady that did my pre op evaluation. Dawnie_doo I agree with your statement. 10 weeks after surgery I was back in my Psych office. Of course having a 4 week stale might cause anyone to go back. I was not emotionally handling it well. The Dr told me 41 grams of Protein. The Non Surgeon's Bariatric Nut I found and paid out of pocket for told me to up my protein to 80 to 100. I started doing that on Tuesday and have lost 5 pounds. Stall is finally over.
  13. 4 week stall finally over-Today I dropped 5 pounds for a total of 32 pounds since surgery 10 weeks and 3 days ago. Total lost from my highest weight 215 pounds. HURRRAYYYY!!

    1. 2goldengirl


      You must feel so much better today!


    2. MIMISAN


      Holy Schmoly, good for you girl!

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      That is awesome! Congrats!!


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  14. Yes it sure is. It happened the other day too and was reported. By night time all but one of the multi postings was gone.
  15. ssflbelle

    I thought they were trolls

    I am more intrigued to hear how he could even eat anything. I was on liquids for 2 weeks. Even now 10 weeks post op I still have pain when I eat.
  16. Yes these stalls are very frustrating. But what makes it worse is when you have incorrect information. When I called to verify I was doing the correct things he said I was and if I am frustrated to see my psych again. My surgeon doesn't have a NUT so I was going by what he told me to do. I lost 13 pounds the first week and had a stall 10 days out that lasted almost until the end of the month when I finally dropped another 9 pounds. The second month I lost only 5 pounds and have been in a stall for over 3 weeks. I finally called a Bariatric Dietitian in my county and paid out of pocket for 2 hours of her time. She immediately upped my Protein from what the Dr had said 41 grams to 80 to 100 grams. The Dr had told me to stop drinking protein and the NUT said to keep drinking protein. The Dr gave me no idea of what I should be eating and the NUT looked over my previous month's food meals I had tracked and told me what foods I was eating to take out of my meals as they were loaded with salt. She said within the next 2 weeks I should see a drastic change in my weight loss. I haven't weighed since I have made these changes. I do have my 3 month followup on April 20th so we shall see what results I get this month and it better be more than 5 pounds. Best advise I can give is if you haven't been tracking what you eat start doing so. Also see a NUT.
  17. ssflbelle


    I just saw a bariatric dietitian tonight as my surgeon didn't have one. My surgeon gave me no guide lines as to how many calories a day I should have nor the specific types of Protein I should be eating. He only said I should have 41 grams of food protein only and no more liquid Protein. He told me not to drink for 1/2 hour before and after and of course during a meal. I posted this in several forums and everyone said this was not what I should be doing. So I called the bariatric dietitian I found online in my county. I paid out of pocket and Susan Peacock said 80 to 100 grams of protein and to shoot for 500 calories a day. To have at least 1 or 2 protein liquids during the day and to stay away from the process stuff I was eating as the salt was way to high. She told me fruits and some carbs were ok to have after the protein. I shouldn't drink 1/2 before meals but drinking after a meal was fine. I have about 2 weeks and 2 days before my 3rd month follow up. Hopefully these changes will make a difference in my weight loss and get me out of this stall. Susan is even thinking of joining this site and getting in contact with the founder Alex Brecker. I think that is fantastic. So glad I called her. So I will be doing as she said.
  18. Have an appt with a Bariatric Dietitian and she is coming to the house. Hopefully she can help me out with what I am doing wrong in that I haven't lost anything in 4 weeks and I am only 10 weeks post op.

    1. ssflbelle


      Yes I thought that not waiting a 1/2 hour or longer wasn't right so I will not listen to that bit of advise. However everything else seems to make sense according to what a lot of the people on this site were saying to me when I posted about the 41 grams of protein that the surgeon told me to eat and to stop the shakes. So now that I have the info from a Bariatric dietitian her info is what I am listening to except the drinking part.

    2. MIMISAN


      I have been having the same kind of problem recently, I am 5 weeks out and haven't lost any weight in 2 weeks. I lose and gain the same pound over and over again. I am frustrated but trying to keep my head straight. I get at least 60 to 80 grams of protein a day and I am getting in my fluids. I don't savvy.

    3. her1981


      I have shared with many that I only lose 1 week per month. The other 3 I'll maintain or go up and down and then in one week I'll lose 8-10. Example, on March 8th, I was 302. On April 1 I was STILL 302. Today I am 294. This happens to me EVERY month. Try not to stress the weight every week and trust the process.

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  19. I realized it was you when I opened the thread and saw your beautiful face. Yummy PB2 Protein ice cream. Where is the recipe located? Would love to try and see if I could make this.
  20. Happy to hear you are having good weight loss results with the Water pill. Not so good about the side effects . But like you said they are better than the weight gain. So glad you felt well enough today to get out for a bit of a walk. Once that stent is gone and your back feeling like yourself again I am sure you will be back to walking like you use to.
  21. Oh Yes we all go through it. Your doing everything you should do. Some people have many stalls which last for weeks on end. Others hardly have them. It all depends on your body. I was sleeved 9 weeks ago and have had 2 stalls for a total of 5 weeks. It is very frustrating to not see the scale go done so soon out of surgery. Perhaps this thread will help get you through this stall. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/
  22. ssflbelle

    Embrace the Stall

    For some reason when I copied and pasted the Id my words afterward came out as they did. I didn't do anything to make it that way, that I know of.
  23. ssflbelle

    Embrace the Stall

    goplay94123 Your target is even higher then mine. My Dr insists on 41 grams of Protein. I also wonder how I am suppose to meet my 90 pounds in 6 months when protein is so low. I don't understand why this year I am seeing so many more people posting that they have lower protein ranges than what people who had surgery last year have as a range.
  24. I'm 9 weeks post op and just started drinking instant coffee. I use 1 teaspoon to 16 ounces of water, use sugar free creamer and stevia. That first cup yesterday tasted so good even though it was weak. I am tolerating it well and maybe next week I will increase the amount of instant coffee.
  25. ssflbelle

    Has anyone tried the Bariatric Pal Food or drinks?

    Had the Soups during the first 2 weeks after surgery. Had the hot chocolates for the first 8 weeks as I was not allowed coffee. This week I was allowed coffee and was told no more liquid Protein only food. . Nice idea with the recipes. Thanks for the addition.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
