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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. Inner Surfer Girl if this is the case then why are we told not to drink for 1/2 hour before during and after eating?
  2. WOW 2nd week in a row I lost 6 pounds. These 12 pounds lost make up for the previous 2 weeks stall.

    1. ssflbelle


      Thanks Kathy but I am not the least bit sorry, I am delighted! :)

    2. Daisee68


      Nice!! Seems to almost always be the case with a stall, so I try to look through them to the exciting news that will come after! Good for you!!

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      Proof positive that if you just hang in there and follow the plan you will get through it. Way to go!

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  3. ssflbelle

    Let's start chatting

    I had sent Alex a message (as someone in this thread suggested early on) about this thread and the suggestion he move the button. He stated he was reading it but didn't realize it had grown to the number of pages it had. Within a few days that button was moved. I have been in the chat several times a day since that day and have yet found anyone in there. I will continue to keep checking and I may even send an email telling my friends when I may be there.
  4. I have broken the 3rd stall since surgery and am down 8 more pounds for a total of 47 since surgery 15 weeks ago. 230 pounds gone from my highest weight. That new scale I got on Monday was kind of not liking either my body or maybe where I placed it as it wouldn't register for me. The number after the . wouldn't stop moving and the scale never beeped like it did for my roommate when he got on it. Yesterday the scale finally registered a weight for me. I moved it and got on it naked where as before I had clothing on.

    1. ProudGrammy


      that's great - hate the word st--, won't say or write it. LOL - 47 lbs down PO, how great are you!! keep up the good work - kathy

  5. As 2goldengirl said it is Head Hunger. Follow that post op diet to the letter. Drink your Water and your liquid Protein and get your mind busy with reading, crafts, walking etc.
  6. So glad you found this helpful. I wish everyone having these Weight Loss Surgeries received better information about all aspects of the tool. I know my Dr gave me a WLS "Bible" as he called it. The information provide was very helpful, however when he himself deviated from what he had written in His "Bible I was very upset and made him aware of it. Had I not had this "Bible and the BP site I never would have known what he as trying to do was not good or safe for me.
  7. ssflbelle

    Breast size after surgery

    84 I to 54 G 497 to 269. Praying both breasts and weight continue to shrink even more. I can't stand the pain of being so big.
  8. ssflbelle

    Would you use the chat room if you knew where it was?

    Ask and we shall receive. Alex thanks so much for checking out this post and moving the chat button. I know I will be there more often now.
  9. Was hoping after a 2 week stall to see the scale move down but it never turned on. This was a Siltec bariatric scale that weighs up to 1,000 pounds. This scale only weigh in whole pounds. Will be getting a new 440 pound limit scale tomorrow at Target. It will be nice to see fractions of pounds instead of whole pounds. I sure do hope I finally broke this stall-we shall see tomorrow.

    1. jane13


      keep working your plan and it WILL happened - stalls suck :(

    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Stalls are very frustrating but stick to it, your body is working hard even when you can't see it on the scale.

  10. ssflbelle

    Would you use the chat room if you knew where it was?

    I was on my laptop the other day and had opened the chat room. There was no one there so I left a message that I would be back in an hour which I was. Again no one was there but I left that window opened and went off to do some other things. I had no idea at the time that the chat room had a doorbell as I didn't really take the time to look around. I thought it was odd that I heard a doorbell and about 10 minutes later when I realized what it was someone had entered the room and left. Now when I hear that doorbell again I hope to get back to the chat room quicker. Perhaps when others enter and they are the only ones there, they too could leave a message as to when and if they might be back so chats can take place.
  11. It is official I am the new Social Director of my 187 home community. This elected volunteer position I never would have accepted before this year. However due to all the weight loss, personal growth and community supporting it felt right to accept the position. I look forward to many more changes in my life brought about by this wonderful journey after WLS.

    1. ProudGrammy


      congrats on job - you are continuing to jump through hurdles - doing great - keep up the good work - and loving life!! take care bue - kathy

  12. ssflbelle

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    I find that every time I see one I see something different, usually based on where I am on my journey.I agree. When I watching Charity's update episode I noticed she was drinking while eating. Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App Yes I noticed that as well and it was while she was in the hospital to boot. You would think they would have left the drink off her tray during dinner. But I guess they can't police everyone. She should have known better. I wish they would show more of the kind of preparation, testing etc that they do on these patients. I know in my case I had to jump through all kind of hoops for 8 months before I had my surgery. During the show we don't even get to know the diet plan Dr Now puts his patients on when he tells them to lose 50 or more pounds before he will approve their surgery. But then I guess the hoops we have to jump through is mostly for the insurance and they don't go that route.
  13. I started taking Biotin supplements back in June of 2015 and didn't have my surgery until Jan 26th 2016. I am into the middle of my 3rd post op month. I am 60 years old, so at that age I would think hair loss would be even greater. I have yet to see any hair loss and hope I do not for a few more years.
  14. Something else to take into consideration is that some people say they lost xx number of pounds since surgery yet they are counting pre-diet plan weight loss as since surgery. Be sure to look at their profile for the surgery weight if it is even available. So many of these profiles have no information at all. As far as losing slowly. 16 pounds in 3 weeks is a good weight loss. I am 3 months and 10 days post op and have lost 39 pounds and had 3 stalls since my surgery lasting as long as 4 weeks sometimes. This latest one is going on 3 weeks. I weigh again on Sunday and hope I am finally down. If not there isn't much that I can do except staying true to the things I have learned over the past months.
  15. What a waste of my time getting showered, dressed and driving to the Dr office only to be told he wouldn't do the injections as my BP was too high. Two weeks ago at my 3 month checkup I had normal BP and today the bottom number was over 100. These injections can cause high BP so they wouldn't give them to me and asked me to reschedule. Before the BP was taken they asked me about my diabetes. I told them I don't have diabetes why does every one assume I do. That along with the anticipation of these injections I think caused me to have higher BP. Next time when I go back I think I will take one of my old BP pills I was told to stop taking at 1 month post op. Rather disappointed by this but I have waited many many years what is another week's delay.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I missed something. What injections? (Please don't think of showering, dressing and getting out as a waste of time. What would you have done otherwise?)

    2. ssflbelle


      OOPS I was so disappointed I never did say what they were for. The injections I was scheduled for were facet joint injections in my lower spine to help with the terrible back spinal pain I have. I was told that since I have lost 222 of my 342 I need to lose that injections might help me to be able to walk again without assistance. The effort involved and preparation time of over 1 1/2 hours to get ready was in my book a waste of time when I left without the shots and relief I thought I would have. Getting out of the house is never a waste of time. I get out each day to either bike ride or go to work.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      OKay, sorry you didn't get the injection, but this doesn't mean you won't in the future. "White-coat" syndrome is so common, I'm sure you know. As the BP reading was high, I hope they at least waited a little while to check a second time.

      I've just begun PT for old lumbar issues (primary cause is L4-5 herniation). The exercises may be exacerbating concussion symptoms, mainly dizziness. You've got my sympathy.

  16. My third week I was able to have 1 egg each day.
  17. ssflbelle

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    Last night was a followup to Chastity and Angel. Chastity's daughter was getting bigger as her Mother was getting smaller. At one point the daughter was bigger than the Mother. Toward the end of the show Dr Now asked about the daughters weight and suggested that maybe Mother and daughter work together to lose weight and see a therapist together. They did see a therapist, grocery shop, plan meals and walk together and the daughter did start to lose weight too. However I wished he had mentioned it the previous year and maybe her daughter could have been losing all along with her Mother. I really felt bad for Chastity as even after having lost over 300 pounds from her 778 pound body and having skin removal she was still suffering with all the skin infections and had to be in and out of the hospital. The show ended with her having lost 440 pounds in 2 years and getting down to 338. She still has a long way to go and I hope she gets there without any more infections. Those infections really looked bad. After starting off badly with the whole feeding tube situation Angel's followup was fantastic. She went from 570 down to 170 in 2 years. She had her knee surgery and skin removal and began to work again and was able to restore her relationship with her husband. I hope to be as successful as she was.
  18. ssflbelle

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    Engaged on your second date? WOW! How long were these dates that you were able to tell in 2 dates that you were compatible? Did you spend months day after day chatting online? Did you truly love each other when you got engaged? I am curious as I have been online dating for the last 10 years. Online chatting is great and there seems to be a lot of compatibility and then we meet and it turns out to be a terrible date. However I will often go on a second or third date just to be fair as many times the nerves have kicked in during that first date. Am still searching. Two things I will never give up on : losing weight and finding love. By the way Congratulations on 20 years. When did you marry? My marriage was May 20th and lasted 9 years. I hope you two have planned a wonderful romantic anniversary.
  19. ssflbelle

    Got my Pancake Fix

    Great info as I too was craving pancakes. I got the Heart Smart Bisquick and added powdered Protein. Nice to know I can get a pancake mix with protein all ready in it. Will try this when the other is gone.
  20. ssflbelle

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    Yep I felt the same way! Been divorced for over 10 years. Never thought it would take me this long to find love again.
  21. Mimi It sounds to me like you are doing fine. Congratulations on a total of 66 pounds gone. I had surgery Jan 26th and at the 8 week mark I had lost 27 pounds. Both of use lost a significant amount of weight during the 6 months supervised diet so I am not surprised that we only lost 27 and 28 pounds. Also remember we are older than most and I don't know about you but my activity level is no where near the younger generations. I am now 13 weeks today and have lost 40 pounds since surgery. Have encounter my third stall since surgery.
  22. ssflbelle

    I'm freaking out now

    If your that freaked out ask the Dr if maybe you should be taking Lovenox. Lovenox (enoxaparin) is an anticoagulant that helps prevent the formation of blood clots. I have mobility issues so my Dr had me taking the injections for 30 days after the surgery and they gave it to me in the hospital as well.
  23. ssflbelle

    Proof I Did It!

    Congratulations! So happy you accomplished this task in less time than your training time. I can understand the emotional feeling at the end. I am sure when I do my bike challenge I will have the same feelings. Sounds like you should have some pampering time before you begin training for the next one. Thanks for sharing the pictures and video that was awesome!
  24. ssflbelle

    Big bosomed friends

    Thank you outsidematchinside and hopeandagony and other whom commented. An update: Yesterday was my appt at the pain management clinic the PCP sent me to for the breast pains I mentioned Why he sent me there first I have no idea. But they said I had to get my PCP to send me to a vascular Dr. So back to the PCP I go. However later toward the evening I developed this pain on the right side. I was given meds by the PCP and try to keep a bra or sports bra on all day and night until bedtime. These two things do help but if I miss the meds the pain is worse. I hope I will not have to wait to much longer for a referral to the vascular Dr.
  25. Hi Everyone I had my 3 months followup today even though it was only 11 1/2 weeks. I have lost 40 pounds since surgery and a total of 222 from my highest weight. The Dr was very pleased with my lab results except my Folic Acid is a little low. He has given me a prescription to get the Folic Acid up to where it should be.

    1. Christinamo7


      that's great progress!

    2. Athenyx


      Congratulations! That's a great result :-D

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