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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle

    How much to eat?

    It sounds like that new surgeon who replaced the first one you saw didn't verify with you what had previously been discussed by the first surgeon. I am so sorry but it seems like you have had trouble with this since day one. During my very first visit, I was give a blue binder my Dr called the Sleeve Bible. I was to read it and ask any questions when I saw him the following month. I was to be placed on a high Protein, low carb diet and see him each month for the next 6 months. I saw my Dr 7 times before my surgery and was free to ask whatever questions I wanted and he took the time to answer each one. I also ordered The BIG Book on the Gastric Sleeve from this site and read every page of it Just like Dub I also was told no juices as they contain sugars and the acid might due me harm. My first 2 weeks post op I was allowed protein Soups, shakes, sugar free Jello, greek yogurt, sugar free popsicles and Protein drinks like Isopure. At week three I was allowed to add 1 egg for the day. At week 4 I was allowed soft foods. It wasn't until week six that I was allowed to begin eating dense protein like chicken, ground turkey etc. I was not allowed fruit either until 6 weeks and than it was an apple or banana. You need time to heal and when you do start eating food again take it slowly as some foods you may not be ready for yet. I hope others will post their plans so you can see there are many different plans out there but taking it slow and easy is the best way to go. Good Luck!!
  2. Hi Everyone It was 1 year ago today June 15th 2015 at 1 P.M. that I went to see the surgeon for a hernia, gallbladder and possible sleeve surgery. I had to use my mobility device as despite having lost 145 pounds on my own since 2004, I still was not able to walk into his office building. That right all, my highest weight was 497 pounds. I was pretty much housebound and in so much pain I cried every night. Any how 1 year old ago at 352 pounds, my surgeon told me I had to see him for the next 6 months as he was putting me on a HPLC supervised diet. After that more than likely I would be able to have the 3 surgeries all at once. On Jan 26th 2016 he performed the 3 surgeries with me weighing 314 pounds. A 38 pounds lost in those 7 1/2 months I had to wait. Since surgery 5 months ago I have lost an additional 60 pounds for a total of 98 pounds in this past year. I am only able to eat about 2-4 oz of meat and still have the feeling of being full before I even get to the vegs. I never knew feeling full could be so painful. I am tracking calories around 800 to 900 calories and getting in 60 to 90 proteins and 41 to 80 carbs and all my water each day. I am biking 4 to 6 miles 5 days a week and started water aerobics 2 days a week. I am 5 pounds away from being able to go to a back surgeon to see what they can do to help me to walk again now that I am almost below 250 That was their magical number before they wanted me to get to before they would help me. I was sitting here pulling out seams to to cut down and take in my clothing, but have taken a break from it as there are many pants I have to take in. I am thrilled to be doing this but it is a lot of work for my CTS hands to be doing. When I do stand to transfer to a chair my pants are falling off of me and I am stepping all over my pants legs. I can't afford new clothing but am thankful I know how to take in clothing. Since my highest recorded weight I have lost 243 pounds. My BMI has gone from 80 to 41. I haven't posted any pictures since the day before surgery. But once I get below that magical number of 250 I plan to take some more pictures. When I do get there I will be sure to post. I still have 102 pounds to lose but because of the sleeve and all the hard work I am doing I know I will reach my goal. I plan to be here over the next year as I just today renewed my Bariatricpal VIP Membership.
  3. Hi Everyone It was 1 year ago today June 15th 2015 at 1 P.M. that I went to see the surgeon for a hernia, gallbladder and possible sleeve surgery. I had to use my mobility device as despite having lost 145 pounds on my own I still was not able to walk into his office building. At 352 pounds, he told me I had to see him for the next 6 months as he was putting me on a HPLC supervised diet. After that more than likely I would be able to have the 3 surgeries all at once. On Jan 26th 2016 he performed the 3 surgeries with me weighing 314 pounds. A 38 pounds lost in those 7 1/2 months I had to wait. Since surgery 5 months ago I have lost an additional 60 pounds for a total of 98 pounds in this past year. I am only able to eat about 3-4 oz of meat and still have the filling of being full before I even get to the vegs. I never knew filling full could be so painful. I am tracking calories around 800 to 900 calories and getting in 60 to 90 proteins and 41 to 80 carbs and all my water each day. I am biking 4 to 6 miles 5 days a week and am 5 pounds away from being able to go to a back surgeon to see what they can do to help me to walk again now that I am almost below 250 That was their magical number before they wanted me to get to before they would help me. I was sitting here but have taken a break from pulling out seams to to cut down and take in my clothing. When I do stand to transfer to a chair my pants are falling off of me and I am stepping all over my pants legs. I can't afford new clothing s am thankful I know how to take in clothing. Since my highest recorded weight I have lost 243 pounds. My BMI has gone from 80 to 41. I still have 102 pounds to lose but because of the sleeve and all the hard work I am doing I know I will reach my goal. I am waiting until I get below that magical number of 250 to take some more pictures. When I do get there I will be sure to post. Everyone is doing a fantastic job and I like that we are still posting. I hope to see many more posting over the next year as I just today renewed my Bariatricpal VIP Membership.
  4. ssflbelle

    Soups with protein?

    I agree with Cervidae & Inner Surfer Girl. I got the soups with the protein in them, as it was much easier for me than trying to make my own. Be careful though of the sodium as they may be high. I was using them on a daily basis and had to stop using them after a month. They got me through the 2 weeks of liquids as I was not always wanting the shakes. During that time I also used the protein Hot Chocolate. Those I still use to this day for my morning drink and have them on subscription from the Bariatricpal store to arrive at my door every 30 days.
  5. Never mind. I just this morning saw the delete image check box which I was not seeing last night.
  6. ssflbelle

    Weight on profile

    I know what you mean as my weight loss goes back to when I started to diet without surgery back in 2006. To avoid confusion with how much I have lost since my first consultation I simply added to my signature line that I had lost a certain amount of weight before that first visit with the surgeon. If you felt it necessary you could add a signature line with your starting weight when you had your first surgery in 2001 and how much you lost then.
  7. ssflbelle

    Miami/Hialeah Gardens Area Anyone?

    Hi I am in West Palm Beach sleeved Jan 26, 2016. Floridian79 wow what a fantastic total weight loss you had. I gather you are now at goal. Marlene your a newbie. How are things going for you? What and when is this meetup in Orlando that you speak of. Do you plan to go? I would love to find others in the South Florida area for support and ideas etc. I have been thinking about starting a meetup in this area but I have no ideas how to start it, where to meet and what it should be about. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. This is another South Florida group her at BP but they haven't been active since March. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/345913-any-south-florida-sleevers/ This one no one has posted since 2015 http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/338888-south-florida-sleevers/ However you never know maybe we can get some people posting again
  8. oh ok ! I am also 4 months post op and can barely get down 3 oz of food at a time. For Breakfast I can eat only 1/4 cup cottage cheese and 1/8 cup of sliced strawberries. I can not even imagine eating that much food for lunch. That dinner meat I could eat but not any vegs. After eating 3 ounces of dense Protein I still get a terrible pain each time I eat it. I am still drinking a 30 gram Protein Drink as when I drink the shakes I don't have pain. That sample menu seems like a lot to me for 6 months post op. I still have 2 months to go so I guess I will see what happens at that time. Right now I can't get past 800 calories.
  9. I am curious is this a sample of what you are eating in a day at 6 weeks post op?
  10. ssflbelle

    Embrace the Stall

    I am 18 weeks post op today and am in my 4th stall. Each one has had a different length of time. The longest was 4 weeks. Most of them seem to be about 2 weeks. It is frustrating but I know we can't keep losing week after week. Our bodies need a break and I am good with that.
  11. Wow what a transformation! You look fantastic. You can see on the wall behind how much more door is showing and your elbow is even with the light switch that is quite a significant amount of weight you have lost. Keep going strong and you will get to that goal of 150. It was so nice to see these pictures as I weighed 314 the day of surgery and my goal is 155. I am just 1 inch taller than you, so to see how I might look at 200 is so nice. Looking forward to looking as great as you do.
  12. How do you delete a single picture not the whole album?

  13. Isn't that odd I had 2 weeks of liquids only. I was not allowed yogurt or cottage cheese until week 4. I find even now 17 weeks post op there are many times I can't even finish 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or a cup of yogurt.
  14. ssflbelle

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    unless your a VIP then you have 12 hours You have exactly 120 minutes to edit that...... Unless your a VIP then you have 12 hours
  15. ssflbelle

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    How do you know if your a registered or VIP member? Would love to know how much time I have to make corrections as I do make many mistakes. DUHH Never mind I see it now.
  16. ssflbelle

    Numb leading into surgery?

    No your not crazy. I felt extremely calm and as you and others expressed. Perhpas my being 60 had something to do with my emotions. I am glad I didn't have anyone ask me if I was excited or nerves, as it would have been very difficult to express how I felt. I also got taken earlier than expected as the medical records for the person before me were not complete so they took me first instead of second. Going earlier certainly helped as I think having to wait beyond my surgery time might have caused me to panic a bit as I am a punctual person. I was taken at 1 and was in my private room at 6. Had a very easy recovery period and feel this was due to my mind set.. Good luck with everything, I am sure you will do fine.
  17. I have had 2 Siltec industrial scales. Both lasted about 10 years. The first had a weight capacity of 500 but a friend got on it and broke it as she weighed more than 500 pounds. The second Siltec I got was for 1000 pounds just in case that friend weighed again. This time the on/off button went bad. They are very heavy scales weighing about 28 pounds each and only weigh in pound increments. I was done with Siltec so I looked around and last week got a Taylor glass platform that has a 440 pounds capacity and weighs in increments of .2 pounds. When it registers your weight it beeps at you. It is great to see the weight going down even if it is .2 of a pound. In the past I never so any changes unless it was a whole pound.
  18. When I first met with the surgeon for the sleeve I told him I had a hernia. He asked for a catscan and it was discovered I had a diseased gallbladder also. I had no physical problems so I had no idea I had a diseased gallbladder. My surgeon did all three surgeries in the one day.
  19. ssflbelle

    PB2 Who Knew?

    I am allowed old fashion oatmeal and mix the powder in the oatmeal. I have also used the Torani syrups instead of Water and mixed it in my reduced carb pancake batter.
  20. ssflbelle

    How long was your process?

    Your insurance may require only a psych evaluation but be prepared as the surgeon may and often does require more. I don't have your insurance so my case was different. I first saw my surgeon on June 16 2015. I had to have by his request a MRI as he suspected I had a hernia when he touched around my tummy. Turns out I also had gallbladder issues. He wanted a cardiac and pulmonary evaluation. Your surgeon will want to make sure you are in good enough health to get through the surgery. My insurance did require me to see my surgeon for 5 more monthly visits with weigh ins but didn't say I needed to lose a certain amount. They also wanted me to have a few psych visits not just an evaluation. I feel some of these things were due to my age and disability. Please be prepared that you may not have surgery before you start the new job. Sometimes it takes longer than we expect or want provided the surgeon and the PCP get all the paperwork in. My last visit to the surgeon was 2 days before Thanksgiving in 2015. The PCP held up my insurance approval as he wanted a surgery date from the surgeon. The surgeon didn't want to give a surgery date until the PCP wrote his letter of medically necessary. The surgeon finally gave the PCP a dummy date and it took over a month for insurance to approve my surgeries. On Jan 26th 2016, I had my WLS, hernia and gallbladder.
  21. I am 16 weeks as of this past Tuesday and have lost 51 pounds since surgery. So if you lost 52 pounds since surgery you are doing fantastic as you had surgery after I did. About the taste and food and eating, I feel as you do. There is no taste to any food and thus the joy I use to have to eat is completely gone. I am eating only to nourish my body. There are some days when I don't even feeling like eating dinner so I have a shake or yogurt. I feel another big reason for the lack of joy when eating is because I know I will have pain and discomfort from eating (which I guess is my signal I ate enough) In the past I never felt that painfulness of being full and thus developed a real joy in eating, I too hope in time the taste buds will come back, the painfulness will decrease and I will enjoy eating again yet know when to stop.
  22. ssflbelle

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    Marie I agree I did too when Lola walked out. They all knew! I think she looked pretty good as a female. I just hope that he gets to goal before making the complete transformation to female. Yes Pauline did a lot of things wrong but she did come around. I hope her son gets the life and gets the apartment he wants and his Mom will be independent. Daveo Yes I too was glad to see Pauline get in that pool. I am sure her pain was 100% real and she couldn't walk till she got to the weight she did and got in the pool. That seemed to be her changing point as she could see that she could walk and begin to do so. I was a bit disappointed that Dr Now didn't even acknowledge that she was out of the wheelchair when he saw her walk in I do understand the pain she had. I kind of see myself In Pauline but only in her inability to walk. My back pain is very much interfering with my ability to walk. I still have another 15 pounds or so to lose before the Dr will even look at me again to see if anything can be done to my back to allow me to walk. I am hardly taking any meds. She did complain that the Dr had given her only 30 pills and she wanted 90 pills. I am so glad she didn't get the 90. She had to have been really abusing the pain meds to wind up with an ulcer.
  23. ssflbelle

    My 600 Pound Life: 2016 Season

    Yes last night was an interesting episode. Did anyone watch it?
  24. WOW! What a change. That shirt is much longer, your stomach and butt are no longer pushing out the shirt. Even your arms are smaller. I know when you were 4 months out you didn't see a change but I sure hope you can see it now. Your looking rally great! When I started my weight loss journey I was 497. Over many years I lost down to 314 before my surgery in Jan and I didn't see the change. Now that I am down to 263 I see the change, my clothing is falling off of me and I had to take in several pants. I have not gone shopping yet as I am on disability but know I will have to soon as my blouses really can't be taken in on the top half of my body. You keep going strong and you will get to your goal of 170 real soon and be amazed at the size clothing you will be wearing and how great you will feel.
  25. Wow your surgeon sounds like he needs a lesson or two in what is good exercise for someone who is 130 pounds overweight. You can help him learn by printing this article http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/swim-workout-0 I swim at least 2 days a week and I also ride an adult tricycle about 4 to 7 miles 5 days a week. I can't walk without 2 canes or a walker and most of the time use an electric mobility, but I sure can bike and swim and love doing it. Forget the running and lifting weights for now and do something that is good for you and easier on your joints. Believe me I know.

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