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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle


    I had told my surgeon I wanted one as I have incontinence due to a back injury and a very difficult time walking. I was having 3 surgeries and didn't know how I would feel. It was put in after I was asleep. I had no idea I even had it in until I mentioned the next day that I haven't peed since I had gotten there the day before. The nurse said I must have forgotten I told the Dr I wanted one as I have it in. A few hours later they removed it and a few hours after that 2 nurses managed to get me out of bed and to the bathroom. Unfortunately they had to call a PT with a lift belt and finally the 3 of them got me off the toilet as I couldn't do it myself. If you are able to walk and don't have incontinence you may not get one.
  2. Hi Everyone NOTE****** This posting was written Jan 26th 2016 not July 9. Somehow it never got published and when I clicked to publish it today it came up after my 1 year posting. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. ****** Today Sunday Jan 24 is my birthday and I had to start my 2 day liquid pre-op diet. We celebrated last night with a Wine and cheese fondue party. I had 2 small glasses of wine and some vegetables, meats but the fondue was a flop. It isn't as easy to make fondue as it seems. I guess we should have made some fondues before we had the party. However my favorite the ice cream and the cupcakes were great. This past Tuesday during the pre-admission workshop I was told to stop taking my Meloxicam for my arthritis as it will affect me during surgery. I was also told to stop taking all the vitamins and supplements I take for various problems. Well about an hour after the party ended I started getting my horrible leg craps. OMG! I had such horrible leg cramps in both legs in various locations throughout the night from 10 pm until 6 am. At 3 am I couldn't take them any more and took one of my Clonazepam. I am hoping taking the clonazepam doesn't affect me in any way for surgery. I had a few more cramps after the med but they were not as intense as the ones that happened between 1 to 3 am. Around 3 am I thought I could have a bottle of Powerade Zero which would help as it restores electrolytes. I finally fell asleep around 6 am and slept till 10 am, Today I had 3 protein soups, a SF Jello and popsicle and of course plenty of Crystal Light. and Powerade zero. I mostly just sat around the house but did do 2 loads of wash, started getting my hospital bag in order, and froze all the vegetables and meats left over from the party. This evening my body is feeling badly mainly due to not being able to take my Meloxicam. Only being able to drink I am peeing every hour and am really sore from all this standing up and down. Despite having protein in my soup and drinnks my tummy is growling at me this evening. But I am staying busy. I hope tomorrow will be better. Will continue writing more tomorrow. I am basically calm now but who knows what will happen tomorrow. Ihope I don't have any more leg cramps tonight. Wish me luck as I don't know if I could stand another night like last night.
  3. I came on this site one year ago June 15th 2015. I too have seen the changes in the type of postings, the replies and have seen the veterans leave because of the lack of respect toward them. I am not good at expressing myself but I am very grateful to the veterans as they were there for me when I had a zillion questions. Without their help I wouldn't be where I am today. I read and listened to everything they had to say and as a result I was better able to adjust to my new way of life. I hope those veterans who have left will come back in awhile like you did Djmohr as the veterans provided me with so much knowledge, wisdom and support and I would hate to think what these boards would be like without them.
  4. I have lost of total of 248.6 pounds, I now weigh less than I have lost. Just went today for my 6th month blood work up. I see the surgeon on July 25th. I hope the blood work up will be good and am hoping to lose another 6 to 8 pounds before I see him.

    1. WantToBe


      Oh my, what a wonderful update! I hope you are proud of what you have done for your health. Thanks for sharing!!

    2. Djmohr


      That is an incredible job! Congratulations!!!

    3. ssflbelle


      Thanks everyone! Would you believe since I posted the above comment I have lost another 4.4 pounds in only 3 days. I still can't believe I am getting so small. I took in a pair of pants yesterday and said to my room mate I think I sewed these too small. I couldn't believe they fit me. It is so odd for me to see my pants being so small and I still have 89 more pounds to lose.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  5. Two days before my surgery I turned 60. I wish this surgery would have been available when I was 40 and maybe the last 20 years of my life would not have been so difficult. In 2004 I weighed 497 and had tried for the past 12 years to lose on my own. Since then I got down on my own to 315. Since surgery which was Jan 26th 2016 I have lost 67 more pounds for a total lost of 249 pounds. Today I weigh less than the weight I have lost.
  6. ssflbelle

    One Pound Weight Loss :-(

    Moving sounds like a good idea to me. You certainly don't need unsupportive people around you. Also once you have the sleeve surgery your hunger should be gone for quite some time. The surgery reduces the amount of ghrelin, which is produced in the stomach portion that is removed from the body. The blood ghrelin levels decreade significantly in patients undergoing the sleeve. This decrease is presented from the first postoperative day and lasts for more than 24 months after surgery. Doesn't your surgery team have a support group? Mine does and they meet monthly.
  7. ssflbelle

    What foods do you avoid?

    Oh my gosh the list is too numerous to post here. At this stage I am still eating mostly Protein and getting in a few vegetables. Have a 6 month followup on July 25th so perhaps more foods will be added at that time.
  8. ssflbelle

    Food help!

    Your welcome! Hope the next few weeks will be better for you.
  9. ssflbelle

    When did you.....?

    They wheeled me into the OR on the bed and I don't even remember moving onto the operating table. The last I remember I looked around the room and said all these people are for me and I was out. My next memory was being rolled through the doorway of my private room. I was told I was in surgery for 2 hours as I had 3 procedures done and in recovery for 3 hours.I spent 2 nights in the hospital.
  10. ssflbelle

    Food help!

    Suggested Foods for pureed Diet Following Bariatric Surgery Protein Sources Yogurt (plain or sugar free, low or nonfat, blended without fruit chunks) Strained cream soups (celery, potato, mushroom, or chicken made with skim milk) Skim milk with ½ scoop Protein Powder Protein supplements added to food or Water for extra protein Mashed cottage cheese (low or nonfat, small curd) Ricotta cheese (low or nonfat) Scrambled eggs or egg substitute Pureed beef, chicken, or turkey Baby food meats White fish (cod, haddock, tilapia, orange roughy) mashed with a fork Canned chicken breast, mashed and moist Canned tuna fish in water, mashed
  11. Go up to the wheel beside your name, click on my profile, then click on edit my profile, which takes you to my setting look for the surgery info tab and click on it and you should see the height. Change it to the feet and inches title. Hope that helped.
  12. I had hernia repair, gallbladder removed and the sleeve with 5 scars. No drain and I was not bothered by the incisions at all. It was the gas pains that did me in for over 3 weeks.
  13. ssflbelle

    What’s Your Favorite Summer Potluck Dish?

    I like the spiralizer salads, but the mess mine makes is beyond belief. I received a manual one for Christmas and have only used it twice due to the mess it makes. When I made the cucumber salad I had juice and seeds all over the machine and the table. I had to disassemble and clean it for each cucumber I used. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Is your electric?
  14. ssflbelle

    What’s Your Favorite Summer Potluck Dish?

    My community has many eating events throughout the year. Since being sleeved the first one I attended was Memorial Day. BBQ chicken and hot dogs were provided but we were asked to be our favorite dish. I brought a spiral cucumber onion salad. As for eating I had like 2 ounces of chicken and 1/2 of a deviled egg. July of fourth will be another eating event. We will have pulled pork and hot dogs provided. For this one I plan to bring chili to put on the dogs. I a m still eating very little when I am not at home as I do not want to become sick while out in the community.
  15. ssflbelle

    71 & 19 days away.

    Thanks! However the proud will come the closer I get to goal and can accomplish more after the back surgery. Itg sounds like your pre-diet is not too bad at least you do get some meat and vegs. Keep yourself super busy during that time and you will get through it better.
  16. ssflbelle

    71 & 19 days away.

    What? I am just doing what should have been done years ago but the lapband was denied back then in 2008. In hind sight I think it was a pleasing as I have heard lots of people had trouble with the band. Thank Goodness the new insurance approved the sleeve. Thanks a bunch.
  17. ssflbelle

    71 & 19 days away.

    Welcome Chuck You will do fine and feel so much better. Do you have to do a pre-op diet and when do you start? My pre-op was 6 months of high Protein low carb, cutting out all the bad habits in my life and exercising. One day before surgery I was to have liquids only but I did it for 2 days. I was sleeved on Jan 26th 2016 2 days after I turned 60. weighing 315 pounds. I started at 497 pounds and had been trying to lose for many years on my own. I did lose quite a bit but over the years. However this last year my weight slowed down something terrible and my health got worse so I looked into getting the sleeve. In addition tot he sleeve I had a hernia repair and my gallbladder removed. I had no problems with drinking and following my eating phases. I went back to work in 1 month . I am so glad I did the surgeries and since surgery 5 months ago I have lost 65 pounds which is twice the amount of weight I lost in all of last year. I am doing things now that were impossible before. I still can't walk for more than 5 minutes but I am like 2 pounds away from where the Dr's want me to be so I can looking into have surgery on my back so I can walk again. Good luck with everything. I am sure you will do fine. See you on the boards.
  18. Yep my experience was the same as the other two. I was given what my surgeon called the sleeve bible and read it many times over before the surgery. He was available at all 6 of my pre-op diet weigh ins to ask any questions. Believe me I did. The surgery was good but I had 3 procedures done. Went in on a Tuesday and was back home Thursday before noon. I was on this site the day after I saw the surgeon so I read all kinds of postings during those 6 months. I feel this site and the Big Sleeve Book I purchased helped to fill in the gaps of what I had no idea to ask about. Follow up I don't feel has been as good as it should have been and for that I am a bit upset. I had no problems with drinking and was able to follow the different eating phases but since my 2nd month I have been having trouble with pain whenever I eat any dense Protein. The surgeon at 3 months said it was my signal that I am full. Now 5 months post op I still can't eat more than 1/3 of a cup of food without getting that pain. I see him again in July and will let him know again that the pain is still just as intense. Someone suggested I might have a stricture, but I have no idea what that is and what can be done about it. I will be discussing this with the surgeon when I see him again. In the mean time I am very pleased with the 65 pounds lost since surgery. Hope this helped you a bit.
  19. OMGosh you certainly were in a horrible accident. I am so sorry you went through so much pain. So happy to hear that you are getting the surgery to help get you back down to the size you were before this accident and to a better pain free life. Good luck with the pre op diet.
  20. Nope I have had nothing done since surgery in Jan. I don't even know what an endoscope and stricture are?
  21. I guess I am one of those who is sick. I have written about it before and have tried a variety of things to reduce my pain but nothing seems to help. Dense Proteins like egg and tuna salad, pork and cottage cheese, even if only a 1/4 cup causes me pain in my tummy. This pain last anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours. I am so tired of eating and having pain. I eat slowly and chew but still get pains. I am taking Gas X and there is no immediate relief. The only thing that seems to help is to stretch out on my bed. I see the surgeon again in July. At the 3 month mark he told me that was my signal that I was full. I seriously doubt that 1/4 cup of cottage cheese makes my tummy that full. Because of this pain issue I have reverted back to using Protein Soups and drinks and only eating 1 meal of dense protein.
  22. ssflbelle

    Best Tasting Protein Shake

    No your not. I love the chocolate. It' s my favorite of the three flavors. I bought 2 cases of each flavor and I still have a 3/4 of a case of the strawberry. I liked the strawberry before surgery but now it just doesn't taste as good to me as it did before. I had trouble with the shakes in the 2nd case and Premier replaced the case. I was trying to get them to replace it with chocolate but they wouldn't do it. I also use The Bariatricpal Hot chocolate every morning for Breakfast. I have to have at least 1 or 2 Protein drinks a day as I am having trouble with eating enough dense protein foods to get to 60 let allow 80. I have had pain all along since week three and still do every time I eat a dense protein.
  23. I had horrible gas pains in the back of my shoulders the day I was released from the hospital . It was so bad the Dr thought when the Nurses had to pull me up off the toilet in the hospital that first night that they had cracked my ribs. A x-ray was taken and my ribs were not cracked, so the Dr felt it was just horrible gas. Every time I stood up from the chair or bed or turned over in bed I had this sharp stabbing pain. I can stand but can't walk more than 4 -5 minutes. so I think I had the pain worse than most. I was given pain meds to come home with and finally 3 weeks later the pain was gone.
  24. Hi Everyone I am 20 weeks post op and am very pleased with the 60 pounds I have lost. The Dr is telling me at this point I should be eating about 1/2 cup of things like canned tuna, chicken, cottage cheese, 4 oz of dense Protein meats or 2 eggs. However it seems like whenever I eat any dense protein meals like eggs, pork, ham, tuna and even cottage cheese I get terrible pains under my left breast area that lasts for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I am only eating the protein as I can hardly ever get to the vegetables. When I eat lighter protein like chicken, ground turkey, cheese and turkey sticks, Greek yogurt, Protein shakes, Soups, hot chocolate, Protein Bars, nuts I do not get the same intensity of pain but there is still some mild pain and horrible noises which I am assuming is associated with the food being digested. I have had pain all along since week 3 and I have mentioned it to my surgeon at the 1 month and 3 month marks. He keeps telling me this is my sign that I am full and should continue what I am doing. At 20 weeks I still have that pain and I am barely getting in 700 to 900 calories a day, however I am getting in my 60 to 80 grams of protein at this point. I don't see him again until the end of July. The pain is really getting to me and I hate being sick each day. The last two painful episodes when I ate 1/2 cup of Tuna for lunch on Thursday and 2 hard boiled eggs for lunch on Friday where really bad and forced me to stretch out on my bed to try and relieve the pain. Thank goodness I was home and not at work. My questions are these: Do you also experience the pains associated with the eating of dense Proteins or is this just unique to me? If you do or did experience this when if ever did or does the pain stop? Would it be a good idea to try and eat the lighter proteins for awhile and come back at a later date to the denser proteins? Or should I still try to continue to eat the dense proteins but maybe reduce the amount? Replies to my questions would be appreciated as you have always been here for me since I came on board last June.
  25. Christianamo7 I have mentioned it to my surgeon at the 1 month and 3 month marks. He keeps telling me this is my sign that I am full and should continue what I am doing. What signs do you both have that you are full? Is it pain and rumbling noises?

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