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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Jaelzion last won the day on December 21 2021

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About Jaelzion

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    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday June 1

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    Software Developer
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  1. I feel like doctors are really failing their patients by not having these conversations prior to surgery. Every bariatric surgery patient should have a good idea of what the progression of healing will look like before they ever sign the consent forms. That being said, I'm 3 years out from surgery and I don't have to weigh or measure quantities at all if I choose not to. I can eat a small, but regular-sized meal without worrying about my restriction. There are only two things I used to eat that I don't now - ground beef and barbecue. Ground beef upsets my tummy and barbecue doesn't taste good to me anymore. I don't drink beer, but I was served coffee in the hospital the day after surgery (thank goodness, because I'm a total coffee addict 😁). So with possibly a few exceptions, you should be able to eat whatever you want eventually. And as your restriction eases, you won't have to measure your intake precisely (although you will always want to be aware of portion sizes). I hope that helps!
  2. Jaelzion

    Numbness and tingling

    I had tingling in my arms and legs, I fell a few times, I was tired and weak. I was irritable. I even got the sore tongue they mention!
  3. Jaelzion

    Numbness and tingling

    Yes! I did and it turned out to be B12 deficiency. I'm sure by now they've done bloodwork, but if they didn't check that, that's something to look at. Typical symptoms include: Weak muscles Numb or tingling feeling in hands and feet Trouble walking Nausea Decreased appetite Weight loss Irritability Lack of energy or tiring easily (fatigue) Diarrhea Smooth and sore tongue Fast heart rate
  4. I prefer plant-based protein shakes and these are some of my favorites: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09NP4XY96/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PJ181KP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 (these have an odd flavor, so you'll either love or hate them. Don't be mad if you don't like them, LOL) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FKRYPRT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Evolve-Plant-Based-Protein-Greens-Mixed/dp/B07P8J45JG Some people find it super hard to do a liquid diet even for the short term. If it turns out not to work well for you, you can try going back to how you ate during your weight loss phase. You're much further out from surgery than I am, but I find that still works (and is a bit easier than all shakes).
  5. Jaelzion

    Alcohol is a Transfer Addiction !!

    It was shopping for me. For a good 6 months I spent way too much on clothes. I really did need to replenish my wardrobe after losing 130 pounds, but I was buying more than I needed. It took me a while to recognize what was going on and stop doing that. I have a couple of friends for whom the weight loss itself became their transfer addiction. Instead of stabilizing once they reached their goal, they kept dieting and losing. Eventually they were both emaciated and skeletal. In their 50s, both of these ladies developed full-blown anorexia. Fortunately, with treatment, they both recovered and they are at healthy weights now. But it just shows that literally ANYTHING can become problematic if you use it to self-medicate. It's like whack-a-mole.
  6. Jaelzion

    Hitting Rock Bottom...

    I started at 5 feet tall/250 lb, so very close to your stats. It was pain that drove me finally have the surgery. I had a broken down knee that doctors wouldn't replace unless I lost weight. So I had the surgery in 2019, lost 130 pounds and had my knee replacement in 2020! It's a long process, with lots of ups and downs, but my quality of life is SO MUCH BETTER now. I wish I had done it sooner! Don't get discouraged by all the hoops you have to jump through, just take things one step at a time. Best wishes!
  7. Jaelzion

    Post Op Stomach Injections

    I'm a Lovenox lifer due to a clotting disorder. Here are some tips I gave another poster:
  8. My doctor said "never" and soda is not a big deal for me, so I haven't had any. But you'll find a lot of folks on here who do have soda sometimes (usually people whose surgery was quite a while back).
  9. Jaelzion

    These are handy!

    140 calories, 22 grams of protein and 2 grams of carbs. Lots of flavors to choose from and they don't need refrigeration until you open them, so they're perfect to take along with you. They're filling too, one cup gives me a lot of satisfaction. Just passing along a good th https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DDFCWF6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  10. Jaelzion

    Dreaded hair loss - question

    My hair was pretty much a casualty of WLS. I lost most of my hair and it hasn't grown back. My surgeon speculates that my hair fell out due to the normal telogen effluvium that comes with drastic weight loss. Then it didn't grow back due to age-related hair loss I would have had anyway (I'm 57). So the surgey sped up the hair loss and I lost it all at once, rather than gradually over a couple of years. But my experience is unusual and I wouldn't take back the 130 pounds I've lost to get my hair back!
  11. Jaelzion

    Constipation - Warning TMI

    Even three years later I take Senna every other day or so. Just comes with the territory.
  12. Jaelzion

    Any Regrets?

    Agreed. I didn't want to wait until I was dealing with multiple comorbidities of my obesity before addressing it. I was willing to assume the risk of surgery, but not the near-certainty of obesity-related diseases as I progressed in age.
  13. Jaelzion

    Regret and Depression

    You had surgery 10 days ago? It's not uncommon to have 2nd thoughts right after surgery. When you combine post-surgical pain, the shock of the change in diet, possible post-surgical depression, and a lot of other factors, it can take a while to feel "normal" again. Don't assume you'll always feel the way you do now - take it a day at a time. Week three was when I turned the corner. Best wishes!
  14. Yes, it's happened to me (both before and after my sleeve). I don't pretend to really understand the science, but many people have experienced this.
  15. Jaelzion

    Dear World...I have a superpower!

    Great post, LOL 😂 Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment of "AnotherGuy Vanquishes Food!"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
