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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Losingit2018

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    Bariatric Master

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    South Carolina

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  1. Losingit2018

    ❤My Revision Story❤

    Thanks for keeping us updated with your progress. You are doing great and are an inspiration to us all.
  2. Losingit2018


    Wow!! You are doing great! Early out it is good to keep in mind that there is still a lot of healing to do. Many times it just takes patience to heal before we know exactly how things are going to be for us in the long run. Always a good idea to call dr with any concerns that we have. keep up the good work!!
  3. Losingit2018

    Revision completed

    Exactly the same feeling for me. Plus if I dare take even a sip of liquid after a meal it causes pain for me. I learned quickly and now I wait at least 45 mins to an hour.
  4. Losingit2018


    Hi all. By passers will be able to get liquids down pretty easily. Much easier than sleeve patients as bypassers no longer have their pyloric ( sp?) valve intact. Sleevers do. so don’t worry about liquids sliding down easily if you are a bypass patient.
  5. Losingit2018

    Revision completed

    I had all of those weird pains in the first few months too. I was fine after I healed. Until what feels like a sore stomach muscle started up. Hoping it is still part of the healing process and not something like a hernia.
  6. Losingit2018

    Revision completed

    You are doing well. I really wonder if the lack of full sensation could still be that your nerves need to heal. I get full quickly now on one scrambled egg and definitely feel it. If I eat 1/2 slice of bacon I am only able to eat 1/2 egg without feeling horribly uncomfortable.
  7. Losingit2018

    Revision completed

    If you had taken the time to really read the post. The ricotta bake may taste like pizza as the poster mentioned but the ricotta bake is healthy and surgery friendly. why not try being positive with people for a change rather than always making negative or bashing posts? Believe it or not the day may come when you need help or encouragement. People here may end up treating you just as you have treated them.
  8. Losingit2018

    Revision completed

    These work really, really well for me but they just went up in price. I have been taking one in the morning and one at night. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B011ZBTTJK?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title i just bought a different one that is cheaper. I will start on them once I run out of the bottle if now that I have. Going to get link to new one. These are way cheaper https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000052YUH?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
  9. Losingit2018

    Revision completed

    I take one made by now but I found a cheaper one that I just started on. I will get a link. They are chewable as chewable are easier to absorb. For headaches, try distilled water. It thins the blood and works very well.
  10. Losingit2018

    Revision completed

    I am 6 months out now and on a regular high protein/low carb diet. I do not have trouble drinking and food does not go right through me. I have always tended to have constipation problems anyway. I take miralax every day. I have had maybe twice in the last 6 months that I needed to get to the bathroom quickly. Usually movements are normal though. I still have trouble eating things like steak, pork or smoked sausage if it has the skin on it. Nothing horrible or too hard to avoid though. I get very full on small amounts of dense protein. If I eat too fast and/ or too much it makes me sick. remember that your pyloric(sp?)valve is no longer intact like it was with the sleeve so you should not have trouble drinking with bypass. one word of advice is to take probiotics. I take them daily and could be another reason that I am able to stay regular.
  11. Losingit2018

    Hate bypass

    There is a person that lives in my neighborhood that has covid. Now you know two
  12. Losingit2018

    Hate bypass

    Since when is stating facts about ones experience considered bad information. I call it facts and like to hear all sides. Not everyone has perfect experience like you did. Being her second surgery means squat.
  13. Taking vitamins each day is not hard at all. If you did have some hair loss, it would only be temporary. You need to do this for your health. The health issues that arise due to obesity can be quite serious and even deadly. At the very least it will shorten your lifespan if you choose to stay in the obese range. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/effects/index.html Do it while you are young. You will not regret it.
  14. Losingit2018

    Revision completed

    Right. You may not feel restriction but will most likely feel pain and nausea if you eat too much. Low and slow for sure
  15. Losingit2018

    So glad to be here!

    My suggestion would be if you do use protein bars, choose the ones that have more protein than carbs. This is what my dr told me to do concerning most foods including protein bars and it has worked well. You may be able to take refrigerated items if you have a small cooler to take with you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
