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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Losingit2018

  1. Losingit2018

    Hcg shot

    I have not yet had surgery but, I did take HCG injections for about 6 months. I took two each week (expensive) and dropped weight and inches very quickly. Of course I gained it all back but, that may not be the case post op. Would be worth a shot IMHO
  2. Losingit2018

    Is this really going to work?!?!

    The above poster has it right. Maybe you could get some unflavored protein powder to add to your broth if that is all you are able to tolerate. It would be a way to increase your protein intake.
  3. Losingit2018

    On the go foods

    Yeah. That is going to be tough. I would seriously think that you will be able to find food that you can eat there. Maybe do a search online for restaurants in Disney and take a look at their menus. Since you won't be eating much, take a look at appetizers. Sorry. Thats all I got for the soft food phase
  4. Losingit2018

    Day 2 on Pre-Op Diet

    I do that now and I have not even had surgery yet lol Seriously, hang in there. It will get better.
  5. Wow! You look great! What an inspiration for the rest of us that have not yet had surgery yet. Thanks for posting the pics!
  6. May want to keep it secret since there are some people that don't tell family and friends that they have had WLS.
  7. Losingit2018

    On the go foods

    What about protein bars? Jerky? Those foil packs of tuna that don't need to be refrigerated? These are things that would be easy to carry in case you don't find suitable food there. I will keep thinking on it. Oops. You may want to skip the tuna
  8. Losingit2018

    weight loss 4 weeks post op

    It looks like you have less weight to lose than many others here. So, it may go a bit slower for you. One thing is for certain though. Stick to your eating plan and you WILL lose weight. There is no way that you won't. Patience, my friend
  9. Losingit2018

    Inverted Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    You may want to read this
  10. Losingit2018

    Sore throat/mouth

    I agree with the others. get seen before Monday if at all possible. You want to get rid of infection as soon as possible. Especially since you are still healing from surgery.
  11. Losingit2018

    Beyond nervous

    You are young. The good news is that being young means that you will heal fairly quick. If you have struggled with weight loss and your BMI is high, you are being smart by getting your weight under control now. I wish that I would have done it when I was younger. Hang in there and keep coming here for support. You will be just fine.
  12. Losingit2018

    A little disappointed

    How much weight do you have to lose for goal?
  13. I have one on my wish list at Amazon. I will have one some day. Hopefully sooner than later.
  14. Losingit2018

    All ex smokers

    I am being tested right before surgery. It will be a urine test. I quit 8 years ago using ecigs. I am still using my ecigs just with zero nicotine. I will have to completely give vaping up before surgery as the suction required to vape is not allowed post op.
  15. Losingit2018

    Food cravings

    Are you getting all of your water and protein in? I have read many, many people say that you really don't feel full on clear liquids. You need to stay strong and follow Drs orders though. The program is the way that it is to make sure your sleeve heals correctly. You would not want to eat anything that could rupture your staple line or otherwise harm your new sleeve. Maybe you could call your dietician and ask what you may be able to have that would be more filling at this stage? Hang in there and good luck!
  16. Losingit2018

    Pre op weight loss

    Maybe you could call your surgeon tomorrow just to set your mind at ease? What is your pre op diet? Mine is the liquid optifast. I have to do it for 1 month and am required to lose at least 8% of my excess body weight. In my case, the surgeon will cancel the surgery if I do not meet my goal.
  17. Losingit2018

    Weight Gain after year 4

    Did you take your vitamins and supplements during the last 4 years? I am curious if you just were not absorbing them or if you did not take them at all.
  18. Losingit2018

    Looking for some guidance!!

    This nutrition manual is not from my Dr but, it has tons of good info in it. Including what to eat when. It is almost criminal that some Drs do not give good post op instructions. Please take a look at this. You may want to bookmark it. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/files/org/florida/digestive-diseases/bariatric_nutrition_manual.ashx?la=en
  19. Losingit2018

    Pre op diet wearing me down

    Thanks for the reassurance. I have actually done these before for longer periods of time with great results. Difference was that I also had appetite suppressants. It is best to break the protein up throughout the day as we are only able to absorb something like 10-15 grams every hour and a half if I remember correctly.
  20. Thanks. I am not really into pictures either so think that I will pass.
  21. Losingit2018

    Pre op diet wearing me down

    Yikes. I have to do a 30 day optifast and you guys are scaring me lol My surgeon told me that it is to shrink my liver but also to be sure that I am able to stick to the post op diet. They will cancel surgery if I cheat or don't lose 8% of my excess body weight. I will get through it though. Somehow.
  22. I hear you about not reading too many complication threads. I always try to remember how much worse the complications will be if I don't do something to help me get this weight off. Much scarier. I need to try a few days eating as I will post op. I did just start logging my food into MFP. I think that the fact that I have to do the liquid optifast diet for 1 month preop has been at least my excuse to not start a diet ahead of time. Still, the more that a person loses pre op, the safer the surgery will be. AT 2.5 months out, I really need to get in gear.
  23. Losingit2018

    Back pain??

    Please keep us posted on what you find out
  24. I am a chronic pain patient. I know for a fact that pain is MUCH easier to manage if you don't let it get ahead of you. I agree that you should have had your meds given on time in order to avoid unnecessary pain. Also a proven fact that pain impedes healing. BTW- so does ice. Hopefully you are home by now and this is becoming a bad memory for you. Hang in there.
  25. Not everyone has IG. heck, I am not even sure what it is. lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
