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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Losingit2018

  1. Losingit2018

    Sleeve or RNY

    I had a Vsg but personally know people that had bypass. From what I have seen the folks that have had bypass recover a little easier plus they tend to lose a bit more weight. I chose the Vsg because I was not comfortable having an inaccessible part of my stomach left in my body. Plus I was not comfortable with the malabsorption aspect if rny. Nothing gets removed with rny so it makes sense that recovery may be a bit easier. In the end it comes down to which one you are more comfortable with. Good luck and do keep us posted.
  2. Losingit2018

    Post-op revelations

    Yes. I also got one of those cards from my team
  3. Don’t be terrified. I also had a lot of pain when I woke up. Reason being that I cant take morephine because it makes me sick. I requested dilaudid well in advance. Once my surgery was over, they didn’t have dilaudid on the floor so I had to wait for it to be sent up from the pharmacy. Once they gave me the dilaudid I really had no pain from there on out. If you are unlucky enough to actually have pain post op, it won’t last very long. It will end up being well worth it in the end. I didn’t have a bit of pain with my gallbladder either.
  4. Losingit2018


    Look for the website called the world according to eggface she is a bariatric patient that has awesome simple recipes for each stage. Most folks love her ricotta bake recipe including myself. I would eat refried beans with some mozzarella salsa and sour cream before kidney beans. I think that it would be easier to digest. Good luck and hang in there
  5. Losingit2018


    Hi there and welcome. You could put your intro in the sub forum of the surgery type that you are having. They don’t have a new member intro section to my knowledge,
  6. Losingit2018


    O have been wearing a bipap or cpap since 2004. I had my sleep study in a clinic and went home the next morning with my machine.
  7. Losingit2018

    I give up on protein :(

    This is true. I know of a person that added powdered milk to the fairlife milk in order to get protein. He
  8. Losingit2018

    I give up on protein :(

    Try drinking fairlife milk. I know of plenty of wls patients that can’t tolerate the protein shakes but are able to tolerate fairlife milk. This may help you get by until you are able to eat more protein at which time they won’t want you drinking the shakes most likely anyway. Goid luck and don’t give up.
  9. Losingit2018

    Revision of RNY

    I go back to see the surgeon on the 16th. By that time he will have all of my test results in and will make suggestions. I will post what info I get here. I wasn’t lucky enough to ever really lose my appetite and will admit that I am not good about sticking to plan. I lost about 80 pounds in the first 6 months and my loss stopped there. i made a long distance move plus lost 2 family members a few months apart. Got off track and have not been able to get back on track and stay there yet. hoping that my dr has some good suggestions for me. The reflux has to be dealt with as well.
  10. Losingit2018

    Revision of RNY

    I have seen many posts by other weight loss surgery patience that have the exact same issue with getting someone to take them home. You guys are definitely not alone with this issue. The idea of a home health agency was great! That was good thinking. I had my egd this morning and my dr found a hiatal hernia. I am wearing a monitor for the next 48 hours to measure acid in my esophagus. The dr placed a tiny probe in my esophagus when he was in there. He raves about how well my surgery was done by my original surgeon. He also said that I have not stretched my sleeve which amazes me.
  11. Losingit2018

    Revision of RNY

    Thanks for the update. I have a feeling that my pouch is stretched as well. I will find out tomorrow for sure.
  12. Losingit2018

    This is harder than I thought.

    I had a fungal infection under my breasts at 6 months out. The rash was angry red and it hurt plus itched at the same time. I couldn’t even wear a bra and was miserable until it healed. My dr called an antifungal powder in for me and it worked well. hang in there. It does get better.
  13. Losingit2018

    Revision of RNY

    Please keep us posted. I am getting scoped on Tuesday and May be in the same boat as you are.
  14. Losingit2018

    Revision of RNY

    I am wondering what you decided to do?
  15. That sounds like it could be a nerve issue. Maybe nerves that are still healing ? You should check with your surgeon for sure.
  16. Losingit2018


    I have been on it for about two weeks now. I had a horrific experience with reflux early one mornings no. Literally had acid coming out my mouth and my nose. The pain was horrible. I called my surgeon and he put me back on omneprazole 2x per day and the carafate 4 x per day. I use the pills and crush /add them to water. Less expensive this way. I think that I may have brought that episode upon myself eating right before going to bed. I haven’t had any side effects but it is hard to space out my other meds and vitamins far enough from the carafate. Goid luck and I hope it works for you. I wouldn’t wish an episode like the one I had on anyone.
  17. Losingit2018

    TSH levels post op

    My PCP checks my levels every 6 months. I did not have much change in levels until recently when my med had to be increased.
  18. Losingit2018

    Puréed stage need ideas!

    This will give you great ideas. This blog got me through the different stages. Excellent easy recipes and ideas here. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2007/08/pureed-foods.html?m=1 the ricotta bake is the favorite of many post op. Very easy to make as well
  19. Losingit2018

    Puréed stage need ideas!

    I went straight from liquid to soft foods but I am pretty sure that creamed soups are supposed to be strained before eating unless you put everything in a food processor before eating. I don’t think that I would try broccoli this early out but best to check with your nutritionist.
  20. Losingit2018

    3 Weeks and I don't get full that fast

    Look for odd signals too. Early out I would sneeze or hiccup and that was my full signal. Personally I rely on measurement rather than calories. All calories are not created equal.
  21. Losingit2018

    3 Weeks and I don't get full that fast

    I had the sleeve more than a year ago. I did and do have some restriction but never lost my appetite and have also been able to eat more than I see others post. I learned to stick to my plan and measure my food. If you do these things, you will do well. you just have to keep faith in the process and it will work.
  22. Losingit2018


    I was told no gummies as well. I was also told chewable only as they are easiest to absorb. I take the bypass and sleeve optimized once per day by unjury. They cost $10 per month. I also use unjurys calcium citrate. I have glanced around the store here and they do seem to have decent prices as well. I like the fact that unjury contains no ingredients from China. Your team should give you direction and probably a list of what they prefer you to use. Lots of good choices out there
  23. Losingit2018

    3 Weeks and I don't get full that fast

    It is normal to be able to eat more slider foods and drink plenty when you have rny. Unlike with the sleeve surgery your pyloric valve is no longer intact.fluids and sliders run right through your pouch. Just remember that just because you can does not mean that you should.
  24. Losingit2018

    Foodies - honestly how bad is it?

    One more thing. The folks that have issues with meat may be speaking of dry meat. It is important to keep the meat tender and juicy. If it is chewed well before swallowing, there really should be no issues at all. I have not had issues with any meat that I have tried. But I always make sure that the meat is moist and tender.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
