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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cheeseburgh

  1. I was glad to have my iPad. I also downloaded Netflix & Amazon movies so I wouldn’t have to rely on the hospital WiFi.
  2. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I went to my 9 month post op appointment today, however I was wrong about the date! I’ve had it written down wrong for months. It’s next week. I hit my May goal of 144 for this month since I lost another pound in 2 days. I hope I’m not dying lol. It is strange for me to lose quickly but I’ll take it. I read at night and I do have a new book I want to get started on so I’ll do that tonight. Gorgeous out here so going for a long walk. Good luck MsGamgee on your surgery tomorrow! You must be really excited.
  3. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I’m having one of the best weight loss months in a long time. I lost 7 over the past 4 weeks which is close to double what I had been losing monthly the previous few months. I’m working out hard 5 days a week and it really made a difference, (dammit). I have 1 pound to go to meet my goal for May. I am anticipating a stall since I tend to get them on a frequent basis. Went to the gym today and took a strength aerobic class that just about killed me. I am doing the opposite of cooking something from scratch, I’m going out to dinner! I do cook quite a bit and I enjoy it most days.
  4. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I don’t have a pet and the service dog I see at the gym wasn’t there today, so I had an animal free day. Im getting into a routine at the gym. M-W-F cardio and core. T-TH strength cardio class that’s kind of fun. I’m doing great, feeling more confident and getting back to myself. I am getting sick of a protein centric diet so I’m researching new recipes to mix it up.
  5. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I listened to music today however decided to take the day off and be a slug. Still eating right, just relaxing today!
  6. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I am doing a puzzle currently, there is no way I will finish it today. I get the border done then my ADHD kicks in! I should have tackled one with less than 1000 pieces. Skipping the gym today, I went everyday his week. It looks like a nice day so I’ll go for a walk. B side, Thankfully I don’t think I’ll need plastic surgery. Off topic, I could really use some music suggestions for the gym. I like a wide variety of music, I’m just getting bored with my playlists. I have Spotify so I have a lot to choose from.
  7. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Day 10. I went to a yoga class that was more advanced than I am, but I hung in there. Had a really good week overall, looking forward to the weekend.
  8. Cheeseburgh

    Weight loss.

    Honestly it took a few months for me to notice.
  9. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    It is expensive. If you get a free trial make sure you check out the master classes. The two I found really helpful were mindful eating and pillars of health. I mostly use the sleep stories to help me fall asleep. Matthew Mcconaughey narrates one that knocks me out in 5 minutes. My son uses headspace and he likes that one, I’ve never tried it. I have ADHD and an advanced monkey mind, the app does help me chill.
  10. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I use an app (Calm) to meditate almost every night before bed. B side: I think my initial guidelines were similar to Mousecat. Avoid it the first 2 weeks, then as long as you weren’t having trouble getting 64 oz a day in, caffeine was fine. I was drinking coffee within 2 weeks with no problems.
  11. Do they have a nutritionist on staff?
  12. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I’m working on a jigsaw puzzle which I am terrible at, but it’s about as crafty as I get. Getting inspiration from this thread I not only tried one but two classes at my gym. They went really well and I plan on continuing. So thank you! The yoga one yesterday was pretty easy, (and relaxing) the core class today was pretty hard but it’s not long. B side. I didn’t have any expectations of anything changing beyond what I can control.
  13. Cheeseburgh


    Has the scale not moved at all in 4 weeks? I’m a few months ahead of you (sleeve surgery 8/18) and I have seen a lot of your posts that mimic what I experienced, (and still experience) I have lost slowly from day one no matter what I tried. The most I’ve lost in a month since surgery is 9 pounds. My lowest loss months were Jan and Feb at about 3 pounds each when I was 5-6 months post op. I was so disappointed those months. I read through everything I ate, my activity level was decent and I wasn’t doing anything to ‘deserve” such pitiful numbers. I was eating about 800-850 calories a day. I never added calories to try and help although I have read here that people do that. Since I am closing in on my first goal weight I tightened up my calories to 750 and joined a gym. My weight loss is still slow, but it is coming off. 4 pounds a month is a really good number for me even though mathematically it “should” be more. I’m aiming for 5 pounds this month and I may not make it, but it won’t be for lack of trying. Im sure being 58 plays a part in this. I have a slow metabolism now and I’m working on increasing it and accepting it at the same time. Looking at my weight loss chart really helps. There are no steep drops, just a line sloping downwards. What I perceived as stalls were really just slow weight loss rates. I still get frustrated, however I try to not let it get to me. You will get there. ETA, My surgery weight was 204 so if you look at my ticker/stats it is misleading. I lost weight during the pre-surgery program.
  14. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I’m still afraid/anxious to join a class, I’m working out at the fitness center solo and trying to get up the nerve to join one. I’m adding that to my goals this month. I work up a sweat everyday, but I’ll push harder today. B side: I can only handle scrambled eggs before and after surgery. I’m really picky about them. Not too dry, not too runny and no white clumps. As you can imagine nobody ever offers to make me eggs!
  15. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I got ambitious and mowed half our lawn. I’m never doing that again. Lol
  16. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Thank you for the information, after all that I couldn’t find my pb powder. I imagine it got thrown out, I’ll buy some this week and try it again. Going for a long walk and Trader Joe’s today. I’ll do some weeding and if I get really motivated maybe I’ll even mow the lawn. B side: Gave away all our vinyl years ago, never had an 8 track. We still own some CDs and play them in the car on occasion. Mostly use Spotify now.
  17. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Went to the pavilion in town last night and watched the high school jazz band for a bit. Skipped the gym yesterday but did 2 sets of eliptical at home. I’m heading out to the gym today, then going for a walk since it’s so nice out here. I’m making chicken lettuce wraps tonight. Has anyone here cooked with peanut butter powder? I’m thinking about adding it but I’m a little reluctant since I’ve never used it. Tonight I’ll go to bed early and watch a sappy movie in bed.
  18. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I use 3 tablespoons of sugar free vanilla coffee creamer a day. It’s 45 calories and 4 carbs and it keeps me sane. I have been swapping it out with vanilla protein shake recently, I’ll probably continue to mix it up. I count and measure everything so I’m sure 45 calories is fine for me. Have you tried using a protein shake? May should be a good month once the weather warms up a bit here, I’m looking forward to getting outside more. Went to the gym today, personal trainer started suggested I hold off on push ups for now (shoulder issue) and added some upper body stuff to my workout. I wish I was artistic! Maybe I’ll zone out and open my coloring book tonight.
  19. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Outside was not in the cards today, it has been cold and wet here. I did walk from my car to the gym! B side. Boating of any kind, softball, hanging around a fire pit and going for a walk at night in a big city.
  20. Cheeseburgh

    8 months almost 9 post-op

    I’m doing great too!
  21. Cheeseburgh

    8 months almost 9 post-op

    You look great! We had surgery 2 days apart.
  22. Cheeseburgh

    Food Before and After Photos

    Half a sandwich for lunch. The ancient grain bread from Trader Joe’s is great: 70 calories, 10 net carbs and 3 grams of protein. I ate it all. Very filling 176 calories.
  23. Cheeseburgh

    Food Before and After Photos

    I know you weren’t asking me but I want to give you a heads up. I have the Ouddy stainless steel one and I hate it.
  24. Cheeseburgh

    High heart rate

    I am not a health care professional. I recently read about this symptom and maybe you should ask your Doctor about it. It is something people develop, good news it is usually easy to fix. It also might be your body adjusting to no meds. I’m glad you are seeing a Cardiologist since the heart is nothing to mess around with. Supra ventricular tachycardia
  25. Cheeseburgh

    Food Before and After Photos

    I’ve been searching for this recipe to no avail. Do you have a link or instructions? I don’t know how much of each ingredient to use.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
