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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cheeseburgh

  1. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I’m just practicing in case I help with June challenge. @GreenTealael Let me know! Btw, are people still interested?
  2. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Visit a new place. I forgot about this, retraced my steps and didn’t go anywhere new today. Went to the gym, I need to mix it up, it’s getting boring! I talked to the trainer and she’s going to help me with that. Went out to dinner tonight, it’s a great BBQ place with really a good grilled chicken breast. I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself when I go there. Headed to bed early tonight!
  3. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I have a few goal weights based on how hard it is to get there. I’m still working toward goal 1 of 140. That was my normal weight in my 40’s. I have 3 pounds to go but that could take me another 2-3 weeks. If it takes longer than that then I will adjust my expectations. My body seems to LOVE being 143ish. When I break the 140 barrier I would love to get to 132, (normal weight in my 30’s) like Aprilgal mentioned, so I would have wiggle room. I had the blessing and curse of a great metabolism until I was in my late 40’s. I’m in my late 50’s so I’m in new territory therefore unsure what is realistic right now. I thought I would have lost weight at a much quicker pace than I am. I’m not complaining, it’s just a steep learning curve for me and I’m accepting that I have a slow metabolism. Skipping the gym today because I am so freaking sore from yesterday, I am going for a long walk in between rainstorms though. Helping others out: Local low income apartment complex has a “store” for their residents. I bought and dropped off a bunch of items they needed for stock.
  4. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Went to the gym, the substitute aerobic instructor is pretty tough. I think she doesn’t realize the majority of her class is well over 50 years old. 😅 My body desperately wants to weigh 143-144 right now and is fighting me every step of the way. I don’t like to use the word stall, I feel like it’s me tricking my metabolism. My body settles on certain weights and it takes longer to get the scale moving again. The same thing happened around 155-156. I’ll start losing again, I’m doing everything I can do!
  5. Cheeseburgh

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    That’s pretty much what I’m doing. I did add a little fruit to increase my fiber and I’ll see how that goes.
  6. Cheeseburgh

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    I can’t put my finger on it exactly, but I have a hard time trusting Dr. Vuong. He seems very bitter and it is unusual for a surgeon his age to be unemployed. He does have some valid points, but my program has almost everything he states is missing from bariatric programs. I find Dr. Weiner on YouTube more compelling.
  7. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    As a born and raised Cheesehead I was so sad the Bucks lost, however my stepsons live in Toronto and are huge Raptor fans so I am now rooting for them. Went to the gym this morning, it was FILLED with hardcore fitness people. Not too surprising since they close at 1 today. I did cut my workout a bit short because the weight areas were in high demand. I’m not a gratitude log type of person, however I am a grateful person. I love that I’m an open minded, empathetic and progressive person. (Or at least try to be)
  8. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I’m all groomed up. Went shopping, clothes sizing is so weird, I’m all over the map. I bought 2 pair of shorts from the same store in different sizes & colors. I planned on returning the pair that didn’t fit. They both fit, makes no sense but ok. They are chino shorts with a real waist, zipper etc, no elastic involved. Went to the gym this morning, it was more crowded than I expected for a holiday weekend. Going out tonight, followed by a long walk if it doesn’t rain. I hope everyone is having a chill weekend.
  9. This. Side note. A lot of people are having success with Noom vs. Weight Watchers. I always got too many calories with WW for it to be effective. I love the Fitbit/fitness pal combo too.
  10. Cheeseburgh

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    Question: Do you just ignore your dietician if you don’t agree? The normal RD is on maternity leave so I saw the substitute one at my 9 month follow up. She wants me to increase my carbs to a minimum of 50 a day, however would like to see me average 70-100. 😬 Currently I eat 20-50, that seems like a big jump and makes me pretty nervous. The previous RD didn’t really give me any numbers, she just said keep it low. I had VSG 8/18, I’m 4 pounds from my first goal weight, (140), I workout 5 days a week and I eat 650-800 calories a day. I’m 58 years old and a slow loser so my hesitation is real. I don’t mind ignoring it, but I don’t want to ignore it just because of my fear of carbs. Any advice?
  11. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I could live on bread, potatoes and popcorn. I honestly don’t think I will ever eat popcorn again, it is my nemesis.
  12. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Lol! If you saw the Gelato place near me you would understand, this place is insane and dangerous and I don’t have a big sweet tooth! Chocolate trigger warning!
  13. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Learn something new: I went to an art event this week and learned how to whitewash and stencil wood. Treat yourself: Heading to JJill to get a new outfit. 9 month follow up went great yesterday, they are fine with where I’m at but I haven’t decided what my goal weight is quite yet. Once I hit 140, I think I’ll have a better idea. I am in my usual stall after a loss, so I expect I’ll hit that number in 3 weeks if I follow my usual pattern. B side: I don’t care for the Halo top type of ice creams. I haven’t had any ice cream since surgery, it isn’t really one of the foods I crave. If I was going to indulge, I would have a small amount of gelato.
  14. Cheeseburgh

    ***Qustions for Sleevers***

    I asked at my 9 month follow up today. Response: If you continue to work out and stay active you should not expect to gain weight, however some people might gain 5 or so pounds from their low weight even if they are active because their body just wants to settle there. I was told if I stop exercising regularly then yes I should expect to gain 10-20 pounds. I hope that helps. It isn’t a perfect science!
  15. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I kind of got dressed up. We went to a Thai restaurant tonight, my clothes were clean, I matched, wore makeup and jewelry! The chicken was a little dry so I have heartburn tonight. First time I have dealt with this in months. Went to the gym again today and lived to tell about it. Tomorrow is my 9 month follow up. I screwed up last week and showed up 8 days early.
  16. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    #20 & 21. I don’t have a to do list and if I did it would never be finished. I don’t really journal other than my diet. Gym yesterday for cardio and core, today is the cardio strength class. For the first time I’m dreading it, it really kicked my arse last week! I’m not giving up even though I would love to today. B side. I’m not really into self help books, I did enjoy reading Rising Strong by Brene Brown a few years ago.
  17. Cheeseburgh

    ***Qustions for Sleevers***

    No, but I’ll ask when I go in for my follow up this week.
  18. Cheeseburgh

    Spicy foods

    I could tolerate slightly higher than mild prior, maybe a hint of jalapeño and a few red pepper flakes. I can handle much more now and find myself increasing spice when I cook Mexican, Thai or curry. If I were to assign a number on a 1-10 scale; I’d say I was a 3.5 before and now a 6.5. I don’t recall my first spicy meal, but if I had to guess it would have been lean ground beef (97%) lettuce taco wraps. my theory is since I eat so little, I want what I’m eating to have a lot of flavor. edited to add, my new favorite spicy thing are baked ground chicken meatballs made with sambal.
  19. Cheeseburgh

    Spicy foods

    I started craving spicy food a few months after surgery, it’s weird my tolerance has gone way up.
  20. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Had a fun weekend out of town visiting friends and family. I did have less activity the past 2 days and I feel kind of guilty about it. I was pretty good with calories, under 900, which was my self appointed “vacation calories “. I did eat more carbs than I usually do. I’m headed back to the gym in the morning. #16. Physical contact was such a bonus, I got to hold a 4 week old baby. #17. No time for a leisurely bath today, maybe I’ll go to bed early and make time for that tonight. B side hungry question. No rhyme or reason, I simply have days where I feel like I’m white knuckling it, other days I’m not hungry at all.
  21. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I cleaned out my dresser vs. a closet today, I have all new undergarments! Went to the gym did cardio then the core class I’ve been taking 3 days a week. Friday guy is the toughest instructor by far. I am going out of town this weekend. I already know which restaurants I am eating at and know what I’m going to eat. It might sound extreme but it really helps me plan ahead relax and have fun. I’m looking forward to the change of routine even if it is only 2 days.
  22. Cheeseburgh

    birthday present for my trainer

    Gift card to a movie theatre.
  23. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    I can try next month but if someone else wants too I’ll step aside! If I do it I may need help with technical aspects of posting images.
  24. Cheeseburgh

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    Listened to the Podcast Mobituaries. I really enjoy Mo Rocca. Went to the gym burned a bunch of calories came home and had a great dinner. (Pork tenderloin and salad) I’m going to bed early tonight and be ready to hit it again tomorrow.

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