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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cheeseburgh

  1. Cheeseburgh


    Back to reality tomorrow and back to arm and cardio workouts. Picture today is freedom. I feel the most free and independent than I have in 5-6 years. I took this right before I had surgery.
  2. Cheeseburgh

    Scariest Stall Yet

    It comes off just a bit slower. I upped my workouts towards my goal weight and I doubled my weight loss over the past 2 months. 16 lbs over 2 months and 5 below my initial goal weight. I kept my calories 700-800.
  3. Cheeseburgh


    Out of town hanging with family for the 4th. No time for arm exercises but went for a few long walks today. I REALLY wanted pie but I held tough. They went overboard decorating the boathouse this year. This is my family picture without my family pictured and this is where we watched the fireworks, so 2 birds 1 stone.
  4. Cheeseburgh


    I should have asked my husband, he is from Hamilton and Toronto. I know I’ve been to the boardwalk, but I don’t think I ever have in summer. I’ll be in Toronto/Ajax visiting family the first week of August, I’ll make sure to wave towards your general direction!
  5. Cheeseburgh

    Stalled stalled stalled

    I was the stallingest staller who stalled. I stuck with my program and it did come off, just at a snails pace some months. I never had a big drop after a stall, it was usually 1 maybe 2 pounds. Everyone is different. My statistics next to my name are a little misleading. I have lost 91 pounds, however that is from my highest weight 5 months prior to surgery. I lost weight while I was qualifying for surgery and had surgery at 204 pounds. I’ve lost a total of 69 pounds in 11 months, 16 of that alone has been over the past 2 months. I dug deep and got very serious about exercise the past few months. Here is a graph of my loss that might help, I have posted it before, it is from a month ago. My surgery was on 8/13 this ends on 6/3. I only entered data when I lost weight and omitted 1-2 lb fluctuations to stay sane. There is a thread called, embrace the stall on this board that is helpful.
  6. Cheeseburgh

    Spinning Lessons.

    Thanks for everyone’s feedback, I’m going to give it a try when I get back from vacation. I did do an easy level 20 minute spin bike cardio workout Monday and it went better than I expected.
  7. Cheeseburgh


    @ms.sss That beach is charming, which province are you in? B side question. Probably Poipu beach in Kauai since my stepson was married on that beach. The only picture I have without people is this one I took at night.
  8. Cheeseburgh


    Day 2 of the top challenge calendar done. I did 20 minutes of elliptical at home. It is so hot out, I don’t feel like leaving the house today! No beach pictures today but I’m headed to a lake with beaches tomorrow.
  9. Search Mom’s spaghetti podcast with the apostrophe.
  10. Cheeseburgh

    The Maintenance Thread

    I avoid certain high carb foods because I know I like them too much and it can be a slippery slope. I still eat bread, however instead of sourdough or a really good French baguette, I’ll have 1 slice of Trader Joe’s ancient seed and grain bread or a corn tortilla to scratch that itch. I probably have a slice of bread or tortillas 4 days a week. I know I would have a super hard time if I cut out everything bread related. I did have a slice of a really fresh baguette Saturday night and it was the best thing I’ve eaten in a long time. I was able to stop at 1 small piece so I feel good about that, however, I really wanted another piece on Sunday. I had it at a restaurant so I was safe at home! Long story short, I’m ok with certain higher carb foods and I avoid or limit ones I gained weight with. I’m super close to maintenance and I’m getting a bit nervous.
  11. Cheeseburgh

    One week update

    I can’t leave my grammar mistake hanging; (too late to edit) He said, “You’re one of the lucky ones.” (Not “your”. ) It was making me twitchy.
  12. Cheeseburgh

    One week update

    I could chug water from day 2, I never tried to chug a protein shake but I’m pretty sure I could have. I don’t know how common or uncommon it is, when I told my Dr. he replied, “Your one of the lucky ones “ 11 months later and I can still chug water.
  13. Cheeseburgh


    Arm exercises & cardio done for the day. The clouds did lift and it turned into a pretty hot day. Here is my sunny day view from my hammock.
  14. Cheeseburgh


    Happy July! I am headed to the gym in a bit so I’ll add on the arm toning set at the end. This week I will be out of my routine since we are going to a family members summer home for a big family get together over the 4th. I think we will be there 3-4 days. I’m not worried, there will be a ton of healthy choices and I’m bringing up stuff that will keep me on track. I think I may even bring my food scale but just be subtle about it. Fitness wise just going to go for walks everyday and I’ll pack a few resistance bands. It’s a pretty active group with some very fit nieces and nephews I can try to keep up with. Happy Canada day to the Canadians! Sunny day picture, I’m crossing my fingers for that today.
  15. Cheeseburgh

    June 2019 challenge

    Come and join the June challenge if you wish. Do as little or as much that works for you. Hopefully @GreenTealael will provide “B side questions “ if she has time. Off we go! Start by saying hi, surgery date (unless you are pre-op), type of surgery and state 1 or 2 goals you plan to accomplish this month. Goals don’t have to be weight or food related. Everyone is welcome to join at anytime, we are just supporting each other.
  16. Cheeseburgh


    I’ll post too, I think my arms are ok, however, I have horrible upper body strength.
  17. Cheeseburgh

    when you ate eggs..

    My plan had us start out on egg beater only (basically yellow egg whites in a carton) for the first 2 weeks of soft stage. After one week and no problems I called and asked (begged) if I could have real eggs. They said go ahead, just go slow. I was never so happy to have an egg before. Maybe egg beaters will be tolerated easier for you.
  18. Cheeseburgh

    June 2019 challenge

    My past doesn’t define me...So now I’m going to discuss my past 2 months lol. My 2 month fitness assessment was interesting. I lost 16 lbs, 6% less body fat, 4 inches off my waist and 3 off my hips. Those were the only recorded measurements that I know of. My grip strength and flexibility decreased a little which I thought was weird but nothing major. This is the first time in forever I really did a program consistently, I was not expecting this degree of success so close to my 1 year anniversary and goal weight. 8 pounds a month is a huge number for me, I was losing about 3-5 prior. It can be done, just have to put in the work. As I figure out my final goal weight, I’m going to go to the gym 4 days vs. 5 days so I don’t burn out. I’ll go for a walk the other 3 days. I’m looking forward to the July challenge, my arms are pretty weak! I feel better than ever and I’m not looking back.
  19. Cheeseburgh

    June 2019 challenge

  20. Cheeseburgh


    I’m in!
  21. Cheeseburgh

    Spinning Lessons.

    Do I need special shoes or shorts with a butt pad? My Gym also has 2 new Peloton bikes, I wonder if that would be a good way to start.
  22. Cheeseburgh

    Spinning Lessons.

    @mousecat88 Are you still going to spinning classes? (Or anyone?) I’m curious about them and terrified.
  23. Cheeseburgh

    Stage 1 Diet and Ice Cream

    Ask your Doctor or nutritionist. *I feel like this is not a serious inquiry. I apologize if it is.
  24. Cheeseburgh

    June 2019 challenge

    That sounds like a fantastic vacation! I hope you share pictures and details when you return. It is funny, I can’t really think of any enticing Icelandic cuisine. Sounds like the perfect spot.
  25. Cheeseburgh

    June 2019 challenge

    @Sheribear68 Upper body TRX is a killer for me, I really need to work on my strength. @sillykitty I’ve noticed that when pushing a shopping cart my steps hardly count. I feel ripped off when I don’t get the recognition I deserve from my Fitbit 🤪 May I ask where you are off to? A vacation sounds wonderful right now! I’m still working out daily, the fitness calendar I chose was a pretty hard one, I don’t know what I was thinking. Mental health challenge today: I am doing my best. Yesterday was one of the first days where I REALLY wanted fries or a shake. I didn’t have any but I was caught off guard by how much I wanted it! I have my final assessment this Friday at my hospital gym. I’m excited to see the breakdown over the past few months.

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