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Everything posted by jazzyj13

  1. I’m almost 2 weeks post op and had a serious craving for something sweet....put some light cool whip in the freezer....put a tiny bit of caramel sauce on it and I’m in HEAVEN!!! Better than ice cream 🙏😱
  2. Hi! My doctor wants me drinking 3 of the premier protein shakes a day, however I’m not doing too great with them! For some reason they just feel too heavy for me to tolerate and I just feel super queasy after. Does anyone else have this experience with these particular shakes? Anything that helps?? I saw they make a juice version of the premier protein which is a little less protein but I’m thinking it might be worth a try.
  3. I just want to brag a little bit.... Today marks 6 days post op and today has been my BEST day yet!!! I finally feel normal again! I put makeup on, left my house for awhile and felt great!! Decided to weigh myself for the first time and I’m down 14 pounds in 6 days! Wahoo!!! I’ll admit, I was in a slump for a couple of days post op feeling a bunch of negative emotions. Today I’m feeling great! Not to mention, it’s the first day post op that I haven’t had to take anything for pain or nausea!!! Ps....I’m choosing to remain private about my journey with WLS...only telling close family and close friends and I’m so glad I have you guys to relate to!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
  4. Hi! I am exactly one week post op, and I have kind of a silly sounding question. When I eat or drink anything, I don’t really get a feeling a fullness like I did before surgery. My surgeon said to stop eating at the first sign of fullness, but I don’t know what that sign is in my new body! Obviously I’m still taking things slow and being mindful, but does anyone have any helpful indicators to help me tell when my stomach says no more?? And does anyone else struggle with this?? Thank you!
  5. Hi friends! I just found this group and I love it! I can spend hours on here just browsing and learning new things! My surgery date was 4 days ago on March 12. Does anyone else have that date? It would be nice to have a support friend! For reference, I am a 22 year old female!
  6. jazzyj13

    March Bypass Buddies

    I’m glad you’re doing well! Im doing okay-ish.....my nausea comes and goes still and when it comes, it comes hard and fast! I haven’t thrown anything up, I just feel like I’m going to quite often!
  7. jazzyj13

    Premier Protein

    Just 3 a day until my first post op appt which is on the 25th! Hopefully then I can move to a soft diet
  8. Hi friends! New to this group and happy to have found that something like this exists! I had RNY on March 12 (it’s now March 16) and I have some questions.... I’ve been doing pretty good I would say up until today. I had a protein shake upon waking up...went to the grocery store shortly after and started feeling really nauseous. I didn’t end up throwing up, but I was dry heaving a ton! After I got home and laid down awhile, I had another shake (supposed to have 3 a day) and again, felt super super nauseous! This time I didn’t dry heave or anything, I just felt miserable until my nausea meds kicked in. I’m afraid to eat again because it was such a miserable feeling! Has anyone else had any similar things happen and can tell me if I should be concerned?? Also, side note, it seems that especially after consuming anything, my throat gets super gurgly to the point where it’s so loud the people around me notice it, too! Is this normal as well?? Like I said, new to this group and I appreciate any support!
  9. jazzyj13

    March 2019 sleepers

    It’s only been 4 days but I’m seeing these shakes in my nightmares 😂
  10. jazzyj13

    March 2019 sleepers

    I miss chewing too!!! And different flavors 😂
  11. jazzyj13

    March 2019 sleepers

    I also am 3/12! Been doing great so far besides today I’ve been struggling a bit! For protein my doctor only allows premier protein...and I hate it! I’m supposed to have 3 a day and I’ve felt nauseous after each one! But part of me thinks that it’s because I hate them so much that I try to drink them fast to get it over with
  12. jazzyj13

    March Bypass Buddies

    March 12 anyone??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
