Hello Ladies,
I'm so sorry to hear about your difficulties following your surgeries. However, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who this has happen to. I am here to say it gets better. I'm 2 years out next month and have been through the mill and back with complications. Mine started out much like what you've described but continued to get worse. I was sick as a dog for 4 months, dry heaves 24/7. Needless to say, I got dehyrated and hospitalized 5 times in that short window. But allas the nausea stopped like someone had flipped a switch once I was placed on Reglan. This was not quite 2 years ago. I suffered long term effects from malnutrician and ended up losing the feeling midchest down. I was thought to have MS but it was ruled out. I cried for days and regretted even having thoughts of the surgery, but after much PT I went from wheelchair to a walker to cane and finally nothing. I can't squat yet but I couldn't do that before surgery.
I'm not saying this has been easy, because it hasn't. But I can tell you I would do it again in a heartbeat. I feel sooooo much better. I can wear normal size clothes, go places with friends without feeling like I was slowing them down, take the steps and finally I can breathe without getting winded.
With this being said, I wish you all nothing but the best!
Love and Light,