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Everything posted by ncbludvl

  1. ncbludvl

    Hello Lovelies!!

    Hello Ladies, Just came across this thread here recently, but have been on the site for about 2 years. I'm two years out the 30th of this month and down approx 140lbs. I wish you nothing but the best in your upcoming and continuing journeys. Rhonda
  2. I want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have posted. Your stories are an inspiration to all of us out here who have had difficulties and those who continue to suffer from unexpected complications. Living one day at a time and making it better than the day before, Rhonda
  3. Hey Jasleeve, I can identify with your colorful post surgery problems, mine were very solar to yours. All I could drink for three months was ice Water. My new stomach tolerated nothing. I ended up in a wheel chair for almost 6 month. I had no strength for anything. The dry heaves took over what was left over what was left of my life and I wanted to die. 18 months later I can walk and have balance issues but thank God I. Can walk. If had asked the first few month if I regretted my surgery I would have said ur. Absolutely . But now 2 years out and I've lost 140 lbs I feel great and do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you all!
  4. ncbludvl

    Any Charlotte Nc Sleevers?

    Who knew there were so many NC people on here. I'm Rhonda and from Durham. I was sleeved in August 2010 at Durham Regional Hospital. Good luck everyone!
  5. I gained 30lbs while in the hospital. It was all fluid weight due to renal failure and it took about a month to loose it.
  6. ncbludvl

    022. 4-12.JPG

    From the album: ncbludvl

  7. ncbludvl


  8. Hello Ladies, I'm so sorry to hear about your difficulties following your surgeries. However, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who this has happen to. I am here to say it gets better. I'm 2 years out next month and have been through the mill and back with complications. Mine started out much like what you've described but continued to get worse. I was sick as a dog for 4 months, dry heaves 24/7. Needless to say, I got dehyrated and hospitalized 5 times in that short window. But allas the nausea stopped like someone had flipped a switch once I was placed on Reglan. This was not quite 2 years ago. I suffered long term effects from malnutrician and ended up losing the feeling midchest down. I was thought to have MS but it was ruled out. I cried for days and regretted even having thoughts of the surgery, but after much PT I went from wheelchair to a walker to cane and finally nothing. I can't squat yet but I couldn't do that before surgery. I'm not saying this has been easy, because it hasn't. But I can tell you I would do it again in a heartbeat. I feel sooooo much better. I can wear normal size clothes, go places with friends without feeling like I was slowing them down, take the steps and finally I can breathe without getting winded. With this being said, I wish you all nothing but the best! Love and Light, Rhonda
  9. Hey, just wanted to touch base and let everyone know things are looking up. I'm still having dry heaves 5-7 times a day. Has anyone experienced this? My food stays down, just spit comes up. Had my sleeve checked yesterday and it was fine. Any suggestions. Rhonda
  10. Hello, I've got a question? Has anyone had really bad nausea brought on my different smells and odors? I'm finding myself nauseaus most of the day. I can't live on Zofran and Phenergan. Rhonda :001_unsure:
  11. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've never been pregnant before and now I can I confirm that I never will be. Not that that was an issue. but this nausea is killing me.
  12. Hi, I'm Rhonda and it's been two weeks since my sleeve. I posted on another post a week or so a go but decided I needed to do my own. While in the hospital I went into renal failure and ended up getting 2 units of blood. Since being at home, things have steadily gone downhill in my opinion. I'm exhausted all the time, getting my Protein and liquid down is a feat in itself. My kidneys are acting up again and now I've started throwing up. Is any of this normal? As it is no where near what I expected. My mood swings are horrible. I go from crying to being okay in a matter of minutes. Please say a prayer or two for me as I am at the end of my rope. If anyone has experienced any of this I could use your input. thanks again.
  13. My labs still aren't back or should I say they are not back to me yet. My kidneys are feeling better but I have to psych myself up to take the big pills. I've resulted to cutting them in half. Works better but they are far from mush.... My newest issue is a heighten sense of smell. I keep candles lit as much as possible, but there are times when the smells lead to massive nausea and I end up in bed with a cold rag, a bucket near by and my phenergan from the Dr. Other than this my world is getting better with real food. Anyways how is everyone else doing?
  14. Thank you all for advice, support and prayers. I was able to see my Dr. today. We agreed I have a Kidney Infection and she has placed me on Septra DS. She ordered a full work up in the hospital lab in the morning to ease some of my other fears. I also stressed to her about my inablility to get all my Protein in and she went ahead and placed me on the next stage of the diet. This eases my mind as well as my stomach. I will keep you all posted as to how my labs come back. Thank you again for your support. All of you are worth your presurgery weight in gold.
  15. I feel your pain. I was sleeved last Monday due to an overwhelming amount of scar tissue and adhesions from a previous surgery. Last Monday started off great. I was ready and as prepared as I could be at this point. Then came Tuesday. My kidneys are failing due to too much potassium and my heart rate is through the roof. They keep pumping fluids (6 extra liters) trying to jump start my kidneys and gave me some Kayexelate for the potassium. My heart rate is still going crazy and i'm exhausted. Finally, after labs every 4 hours and having no viable veins left they decided to give me 2 units of blood. One of which ended up in my arm not my vein. I'm a black and blue mess and have trouble with not getting out of breath too often. sleeping is complicated as every position hurts. like I don't know what. I feel like such a failure for not bouncing back, but I'm at a loss for my next steps as my dr. isn't concerned. I get it's normal be patient. Anyways thanks for letting me deflate a bit and good luck with your continuing journey.

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