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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Tamboh63

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/06/1963

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a mom of 5 + 2 sons-in-law, married for over 28 years to my best friend. I have (or have thought that I had) a weight problem since high school. After 5 babies and not taking care of me, I really did have a weight problem!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    paper crafts, crocheting, home improvement
  • Occupation
    Mom, business owner
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  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, Tamboh63!

  2. Happy 50th Birthday Tamboh63!

  3. Happy 49th Birthday Tamboh63!

  4. Tamboh63

    One year update

    Kheri! I have been there done that! Back on track AGAIN! I will send you my email Tamboh<a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wcuXTNd/"> <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wcuXTNd/weight.png"></a>
  5. Tamboh63

    One year update

    Dazzle! I am going to send you my email! lets chat! Tamboh:thumbup:
  6. Tamboh63

    froggin for banding!

    I am thinking of you today! Good luck! Tami:smile:
  7. Hey tamboh!!! Thanks for requesting me. Love the profile girl--very pretty. How are you doin' with your band? :)

  8. Tamboh63

    One year update

    Lois! Wow Woman! You have done so well in ONLY one year! You are obviously proud of yourself, as you should be! Over 100# in a year.... 40-is-my-year! You too! and CONGRATULATIONS on being at goal!:cry_smile: Your pictures are amazing!!! Over 100# in a year as well! wow... Gingerbug - I completely agree with you. This band is the best thing I have EVER done! I tend to catch a glimpse of myself sometimes and think the same thing you do. My oldest daughter has recently lost some weight, so I asked her for her old jeans sz 10? (thinking WAY in the future, right?) seems I have been in sz 12s for so long... I had a fill right after Thanksgiving and have been doing relatively well so I thought "just try them on" OMG THEY FIT! ok - they are tight and she wears super low waist (ugh), but I can zip with out lying down! I have quite a "muffin top" and won't wear them publicly for a while, but THEY FIT!
  9. Tamboh63

    Tamboh's Pics

  10. Tamboh63


    This has been my experience as well. I think from others that I have spoken with, it is a normal thing to have great restriction one meal and not the next even. There are even foods that one time I can eat fine and other times they feel like they get stuck! Tami
  11. Tamboh63

    Frustrated & discouraged

    I know how you feel. I am a little frustrated as well. I have been at or around the same weight since March 30th or so. There are times that I feel restriction and times I don't. One thought though - at least we are still down in our weight from the beginning. I mean, it used to be that I would lose 10 gain 20 and the cycle would repeat - so frustrating! Sometimes I love all the feedback you can get from these support sites, but I gotta tell ya, I tend to be a little competitive. So, when I read about ppl who have had surgery and six months later have lost 80 lbs or so, it kills me. Instead of it making me want to work harder, I tend to just sulk. I have learned (it just escapes me at times) that we are all different and the band is included in that difference. Some of us lose faster than others, some of us feel that sweet spot of restriction, some not so much yet. It will happen for us. It already is! We may not be melting away like we want to, but we aren't gaining, right? Be proud of what you do. Be happy you haven't gained. You are going in the positive direction or should I say we...
  12. Tamboh63

    In Need of Encouragement

    I am going through the same sort of thing, Alisa. I actually do know how you feel. I agree with Leslie, apples and oranges! Your thinking is right on track, they will help you to re-learn healthy eating, that can only be a plus. Just listen to the motivation at the meetings, learn everything you can and let the rest go. You know you are only going down (weight wise) from here!:tt1: I am struggling with the up 3 down 1.5 up 5 down .4 I have been in the 180's for almost 3 months! Yes, I have lost 50 something (depends on the day... ugh) but I feel frustrated about the lack of change, ESPECIALLY AFTER ALL THE CHANGE IN THE BEGINNING! I know that I need to hit the "sweet spot" with my fills, so I am trying to be patient.:confused_smile: I go for a fill next Thursday, hopefully this will be the kickin the a$$ I need to start rolling downhill again! Hang in there - YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT ALONE! Keep up the great work and look at all the positive things you are doing for yourself! I am impressed! Tami
  13. Tamboh63

    My own worst enemy

    I am so happy/sad/mad/relieved that I saw this post!:biggrin::sad::ohmy::cool2: Wow! Ok, first of all any loss is a good loss, right?! We all know that, but I definitely know how everyone here feels. I sit here after eating lunch and feeling ugly full, wondering when I am going to stop trying to sabotage my own efforts! I have had 3 fills for a total of about 4mls in an 8(?) ml band. I do feel restriction, but am continually amazed at how much I can eat. (my mom even commented on that one day and it made me so mad! LOL) After reading some of your posts, I think I may not be at the optimal fill level yet! yay! there is hope!!!:thumbup: I do also realize that I need to change some things like: not drinking with my meals, exercising ( I hate it but I really want to), eating healthier choices (freaking candy dish/tub at work is killing me!), eating protein first! Also, for those of you "worried" about "only" losing x amount of weight - I count from when I started (this time!LOL:tt2:) which was LAST July. So, I have "only" lost 51 lbs in 10 months? better than continuing to gain! I feel so much better (well, usually, not right at this moment, blech...) I am sizes down from where I was! We are all really doing great! Even if we are only in the thinking about banding stage, we are better for it!:wub: It totally helps me to know that this feeling must be normal and that I haven't "failed" my pre op psych eval and really must be a poor candidate for the surgery and they only did it for the money... :whatchutalkingaboutphew! I love me, I really love me! I just need to show me better! LOL Thank you thank you for posting - everyone who did - you helped me!
  14. Tamboh63

    Colorado Surgeons

    Surgeon Name Dr. Stacie Perlman Location Colorado Springs Date of banding What your surgeon closed with (sutures, glue, staples, etc) sutures, glue How many incisions one main one and 4 little poke marks Type of band (if you know) I am not sure, I just know that it is the smaller one? Overall cost of your surgery (if you wish to share) so far, about 15 K, but Insurance (BCBS) is covering like a normal surgery? not complaining... And your personal review of the surgeon and his/her office and staff I love my surgeon, she takes all the time you need to answer questions you may have. The office staff is exceptional! They did all the leg work for me!:cursing:
  15. Tamboh63

    southern colorado

    Extreme southern! ha ha! I live in Trinidad and had my banding January 9th, 2008 in Colorado Springs. My surgeon is Stacie Perlman and she is with Colorado Springs Surgical Associates. My insurance is BCBS and they cover the surgery if it is done in a Center of Excellence which Penrose/St. Francis is! There are about 5 doctors in this practice that will perform this surgery and their office is fantastic!!! They did everything they could to help me and still do! Do you know when you will be having surgery? I had started the whole journey with Dr. Smith in Pueblo, but opted to go with the insurance's choices. Dr. Smith's people got very irritated and a bit rude honestly once the insurance got involved. I just wanted to have this done and start on my new life. If there are any questions you have, I would be happy to help! Tami:biggrin2:

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