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Everything posted by Krestel

  1. Meal replacement shakes are still an option even after surgery. Since most of them seem to be soooooo sweet, I typically water them down.
  2. Why do I keep hurting myself? Even if Im losing the weight, I can still feel my old habits clinging to me. I was really stressed this past week and ate at a fast food place and thought for some reason that I could eat my old meal. It turned out to be sooo not true and I felt sick after it. This is not the first time Ive done this kind of thing since surgery, but I seem not to be learning from the experience. So even if Ive been creating some really great new habits, my old ones are still hurting me. At 5 months out, I still have lots to learn about myself and my body. So even with all the weight loss, my journey isn't all that great since I know that if I keep doing this sh*t to myself, I am going to go back to my old weight after the honeymoon is over. 

    1. Lynnlovesthebeach


      You have to make the decision whether you want to go back there or not. You know what got you to your previous weight and know those habits can destroy what you have worked so hard for to get where you are now. Sounds like you need to have a serious conversation with yourself and change your negative thoughts! If that doesn't work does your team have a therapist you can talk to so you can rid yourself of the self sabotage? Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Good luck. This journey sure isn't easy but is so worth it!

    2. Krestel


      Yeah, the whole decision thing is where I need to work. I guess for a long time that Im going to have to make that decision over and over and over again. Falling back on old habits that Ive had for my entire life is so easy unfortunately. Ive got to stop it. Thanks for the insight.

  3. Not drinking enough water can really be a problem. I know that I don't drink near as much water post-surgery as I did pre-surgery. (No idea why though. Pre-diabetes? Habit? Filling the stomach with water to avoid feeling empty?) I can really tell especially in the morning when my urine is darker than usual. In fact, I have to take a water bottle with me for my morning dog walks or I get light headed and feel really off. I like really cold water and tend to put the bottle with just a little water at the bottom in the freezer to give me a nice piece of ice. Then I just pop it out of the freezer and fill it up before I go walking. My high-vis jacket has big pockets, so I just keep it in there to easily get at it while the dogs run around all crazy like. Another thing I do is drinking a meal replacement shake with extra water for breakfast and have a bariatric vitamin that takes lemonade-like and makes the water fizzy. I have to watch out for that one though since I love the taste so much that if I want more I can get constipated from all the iron (which I learned the "hard" way if you know what I mean). Now that I think about it, these habits really help me to keep hydrated. I never thought about it that way before. Get the water in though. The body has no way of metabolizing fat otherwise. (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322296.php#six-reasons-why-drinking-water-may-help-you-lose-weight)
  4. Found a wonderful cafe in downtown Stockholm that served wonderful smoothie "bowls". Got a greek yoghurt bowl with granola, all sorts of berries, and some honey. Was sooo delish. I hate sitting in cafes that only have sweet options cuz I really feel bad after eating a cinnamon bun.

    If anyone is thinking about coming to Stockholm, I definitely have some bariatric tips.

  5. One-derville has been passed today. Sort of a mental milestone, but I still have more to do/lose. Although it's nice to get over that hurdle for once (and all?).

    1. GreenTealael


      Congrats, enjoy every milestone 👌

  6. I baked a gross of (144) chocolate chip cookies for the coffee break (fika) at work. The cool part was that I managed to not eat a single one of them. Not only that but I finished with my baking by 11pm and got up at 5am for my doggie walk before work. This time it was MUCH easier to skip the cookies since I was thinking about dumping in the back of my mind. That and the damn gremlins (oops I mean  grehlins) are on vacation at the moment.

    1. GreenTealael



  7. How can a bowel movement make me lose almost 4 pounds? How much poo am I full of?

    1. lvidacovich


      I haven't pooped in a weed and I'd love a 4 pound poo right now lol

    2. FluffyChix


      Those are championship cups for both you guys! :) I personally came up a 1.4lb winner this morning. ;) hehehehe.

  8. Krestel

    3 Year Sleeve Anniversary

    Aha..that is so interesting. Good to hear that it's a natural process when it works. Ive heard all these horror stories about weight gain afterwards. Im still working on my new eating style and trying to get rid of falling back to my old ways.
  9. Krestel

    3 Year Sleeve Anniversary

    You look wonderful! But my question to you on the other side of the journey, when did you transition to maintanence and is it difficult to keep?
  10. Thank you for posting this. I soooo hear you! Ive been sitting in very much the same boat. Even though Ive lost somewhere over 100 lbs since January, I still have 50 to go. I look down at my normal size L jogging pants and am happily shocked every time I can see that I definitely have two legs now. Not to mention a colleague (at my new job which only knows me after my journey started) said that I dont look overweight. (I too am rather tall at 6 foot, so I "carry it well", but heavy is heavy.) However, I can still go buy a security monitor in a store and still only see a fat person. Our minds play tricks on us, and we have to get the "adult" in there to win the fight and let the kid "play" enough to let us not get overwhelmed by the journey.
  11. Ok, now im getting old...my body gets me up at my normal 5am dog walk even when it's the weekend, vacation, and most importantly when I'm sick. So now that I have more energy, my body wants to make sure I suffer even longer during the day when I have a cold! Damn being healthy again! (:D)

  12. First head cold since the surgery....at least I know that my body is back to "normal". /sigh

  13. Me: Hey Siri, Is it raining outside? (for my morning walks with the dogs)

    Siri: I don't think it's raining at the moment.

    Wet Dogs: Then why are we wet? This damn Siri person is more stupid than we are.

  14. It's easier to create new babits than to break old ones.

  15. Im originally from Ohio, but now live in Stockholm, Sweden. 5 months post-op and it was covered by national health insurance. Lucky me.
  16. I really like my 5am walks with the dogs. I can't even believe that I would ever say that, but I truly look forward to them in the mornings. Nothing beats happy dogs when you're grumpy! I even got a new (much smaller) high-visibility jacket in order to keep warm this winter and be seen even if it's dark. Since we have wooded trails close by that no-one uses (especially in the dark and during bad weather), I can let them off their leashes and run around and get in touch with their  wild gogginess. I can't wait for it to get reeeally cold (and snowy) so that I have to buy new snow pants as well.

  17. Krestel

    Pre-op and obsessed?

    5 months on and Im not as obsessed but I still am learning about my own body. I may be a bit more passive, but Im still thinking about my health most of the time. Just saying...
  18. Agreed...I had it in spades when I went on my pre-op diet along with massive amounts of gas.
  19. Do you normally drink coffee and have stopped now? The withdrawal from caffeine can be horrid. Also cutting out carbohydrates can also do it as well. I dont think it's uncommon to react that way. Try drinking more water. Headaches are a common side affect of being dehydrated.
  20. Goal setting should be something you have total control over. I was thinking about this the other day. Weight loss is not something we have total control over, but eating a certain number of calories or exercising a number of times per week is.

    I realized this when I was thinking about how my students set goals for getting better grades. Getting the grade they want is only partially within their power. So if they don't get the better grade they worked towards, then the positive behaviour they have formed will be seen as useless even if it's going to eventually get them to their goal.

    We've all played these games, but I think many times our goal setting misses the point. Choose something we have control over and measure ourselves that way rather than using something that can at times seem arbitrary. 

  21. I have been pretty down in the dumps recently due to the pressures of a new job....so I need a pick me up! So tell me all about: What is your WORST (in other words favorite) Halloween candy? Personally, Im stuck on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, but thank gawd I can't get them too often over here in Europe or I would be going BACK up in weight after my 4 month GBP anniversary! I can't weight (hehe..see what I did there?!?) to hear all of your stories.
  22. Krestel

    Emotional eating

    Gah! I don't know. I got some of my hunger back and seem to be backsliding after just 4 months due to really bad stress from my new job. Thank gawd for my dogs though. I get up with them at 5am and go for an hour walk in the mornings before work. I think this helps me keep sane. So I listen to my dogs in the morning and can't help but get caught up in their happiness.
  23. Today was a really tough day and I turned to food (and a watered down glass of wine). The interesting part was that I felt REALLY full after eating half my go to cheat snack, tortilla chips with cheese. So the GBP is doing its job!

  24. The only way I can tell that I'm losing weight is from the scale and my clothes "getting bigger".

    1. nenes78


      When logged in, click on your username up top then choose my surgery, from there choose your option on the left menu. Or click the link https://www.bariatricpal.com/patients/portal/?do=progress

  25. I can now buy clothes in normal stores again. Admittedly the first time when I started trying on clothes, I really had to keep myself calm. Normally trying on clothes causes me to become SOOO depressed that it take weeks just to get over it. Now, I have to keep myself from not wanting to buy everything!

    1. AngieBear


      Right?! It’s an amazing, freeing feeling.

    2. SabrinaGoddess


      Congrats! It's an amazing feeling. I am so happy for you! And yes...it's a BIG DEAL!

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