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Posts posted by mesabrenda

  1. I had my surgery March 2008 and have only lost 7lbs. I have had four fills and only started feeling restrictions on this last one (April). I have had some sliming but not too bad. I have a personal trainer that I work out with three times a week and am also training for a marathon so I'm running at least 15 miles a week on top of that. I am not eating much at all but still not losing any weight. I had my thyroid removed in February 2008 and am taking synthroid which I finally have the right dose of (.125). I am so discouraged!! How can I be doing all these things right and not getting any results? Can someone please tell me what to do. My trainer says that I am not eating enough and that I need to eat 5 small meals a day. I have tried doing that but I'm just not that hungry and end up sliming if I do. I feel like I'm going crazy!

  2. I had my surgery March 2008 and have only lost 7lbs. I have had four fills and only started feeling restrictions on this last one (April). I have had some sliming but not too bad. I have a personal trainer that I work out with three times a week and am also training for a marathon so I'm running at least 15 miles a week on top of that. I am not eating much at all but still not losing any weight. I had my thyroid removed in February 2008 and am taking synthroid which if finally have the right dose of. I am so discouraged!! How can I be doing all these things right and not getting any results? I started out at 170 and am now at 163 and some days back up to 165. Can someone please tell me what to do. My trainer says that I am not eating enough and that I need to eat 5 small meals a day. I have tried doing that but I'm just not that hungry and end up sliming if I do. I feel like I'm going crazy!

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