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Everything posted by DeniseADK

  1. thanks.. I think i needed to hear that.
  2. Since making the decision to start on the path to getting VSG surgery I have only had one "freak out", you know the "OH my God, what am I doing???" thing. My surgeon, who I love and have the utmost confidence in laughed when I told him about my first freak out and told me I was doing great as most people have had several by that point and that the "mother of all freak outs" usually came when people actually get their surgical date. Well, I got my date 25 days before surgery. Today is now 14 days. Until last night I was super comfortable and "go go go" about getting to the surgery. Following the hight protein, low carb diet really well, losing weight, trying different protein shakes to find ones I like, even have my hotel reservation near the hospital for the night before. Then last night, well in hind sight, it started in the evening I think. If any of you have been on prednisone or any other medication that makes you eat everything that isn't nailed down and messes with your head, you will understand when I say I felt like I was on it. (I'm not). DESPERATE head hunger, feeling like I wanted to either cry or throw things or both. Wanted to binge on bad crap. I kept reminding myself that in 2 weeks, that coping skill would not be available and I had to get through this. I had even discussed how I get when on Prednisone with my surgeon, who could relate because he has been on it too, and he told me he knows it sucks but you just have to get through it. Well, in a few hours it passed and I got ready to go to sleep. (sorry this is taking so long). Then the freak out began. I had downloaded the app which predicts your weight loss assuming you are following the diet. I set the 12 month view. It showed me only losing 25 lbs and still being just under 200. Freak out begin. "OMG I'm putting myself through all of the risks of surgery and a life of being dependent on vitamins etc just for 25 lbs and to still be fat????? etc. " It took me hours to go to sleep and until this morning to realize that a stupid app is not a real thing to make me consider cancelling my surgery and that it was indeed, a freak out. Any suggestions for handling these if they happen again as I"m now only 2 weeks from surgery? Thanks for "listening"
  3. DeniseADK


    I'm 50 and going through my pre-op workup now. I also feel like most people have this surgery earlier in life but this is when I finally realized that it was the option for me so I'm going to pursue it. Good luck to you. I'm hoping for a date in May. Fingers crossed.

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