I had mine put in on 11/5. The surgery was pretty uneventful.
A friend of my wife's, who is a surgery resident, was in the OR with me and she was nice enough to send her text messages as to what was going on. It's funny reading them (He looks good! He's out! Trocars in!, Liver great! Band In. Port Done. Incisions closed. Off to recovery!) The whole procedure from when I was asleep to when I went to recovery was 18-20 minutes. Wow.
Both surgeons (Dr. Tiffany Jessee and Dr. Lowry) did a fantastic job. The small openings are REALLY small, and they even stitched my port incision internally. Honestly, once it's done healing, I think I'll be hard pressed to find any scars. Didn't even have to use steri-strips.
I felt pretty good when I was finally able to stay awake a few hours later, just really sore at the port site. No nausea, and I never got the shoulder pain. Went home that night and only needed to use the liquid Lortab a few times over the next 2-3 days post-op.
Since then, I've felt fantastic. with no pain. I lost 14 pounds pre-op and I'm down close to another 10 since the surgery. I have my follow-up today so I'll get a good accurate weight then.
I'm getting a bit sick of soup and can't wait to start mushies this week!
However, it's really nice to be able to eat just a 1/2 - 3/4 cup of soup and feel pretty full. My wife's egg-drop soup recipe has become my friend!