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Everything posted by marathonman

  1. marathonman

    Starting over.... Again

    Ok so here is my story. I hesitated to post until now. I was banded march 08. I lost a ton of weight. But like so many others, took my eye off the ball and it slowly creeped back up. So as of December 10 2012 I am back on the program. That means that Ihalf way through my fourth week. I decided to get active. I walk like it is a parttime job . I use the excuse that I work so much anyway i did not have to work out....lie number one. Aso told myself that sincr I recently got married and had kids that it was "natural" that I put on 90 pounds.... lie number two. But I am young I have plenty of time to lose the weight.... you guessed it lie number three. Ok so I finally quit lying to myself.. As i stated getting active... walking is a must for me I have also bought an elliptical machine which I love... I have relized that I have a food adiction and I am getting help for it. I found a great book written by Steven Arterburn called "Lose it for life" There is a great bunch of ideas and it helps you deal with the addiction as well as the weight loss and keeping it off. Anyway I plan on posting more on my new start. With the Lords help I will make it happen for good this time. Currently I am down 14 pounds from my restart weight of 291. As of Monday 12-31 I was 277. Please feel free to leave comments or some encouragement if you would like to. Thanks!
  2. marathonman

    Starting over.... Again

    Well the weigh in news is not good. I actually gained 2 pounds. Discouraged but not defeated. Normally I would probably go off on a binge...but as most of us know next week could be totally different. I really worked hard. So anyway that is that.
  3. marathonman

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    I really like this idea! However my elliptical only showed 9 miles...I did 3.9 hrs for the week. I think my odometer is wrong. But my heart is definatly in it!!! Thanks for the challenge!
  4. marathonman

    Elliptical beginner

    I can say start out slow. shortest stride that the machine has. Walk to start out with. So what if it is only a walk with no or little resistance, it is more than sitting on the couch doin nothing. I am an elliptical fan big time. Simple reason is it is a serious workout...but, it is a serious workout. It work you so don't get too discouraged if you cant go long...one other thing keep moving when it hurts your legs will get used to it or go numb... either way the pain goes away!
  5. marathonman

    Starting over.... Again

    I am so thankful for all the support that is being poured out! That is what so many of us need. I am treating my eating as an addiction that is no different than an alcoholic. It is that serious to me. keep checking in yall. I weigh on monday mornings so I will try to post my results, hopefully it may be an encouragement to someone!
  6. marathonman

    Starting over.... Again

    Hey Lauriegee! Step one done! Let's all rock this thing! I think you will find out that the band has not slipped... I thought the same thing too. Try this... Go at least 1 or two days on a liquid diet. Then wait until you are physically hungry.. wait for a good stomach growl. Then eat small meals every three hours.. you will find that your stomach will shrink back. I promise. That is what I did and found I had stretched it but it will go back!
  7. marathonman

    Starting over.... Again

    First off congrats on the new baby! You can get back to it!!! Step one, draw the line in the sand! Step 2 Eat more....often. I found that 6 small meals through the day is the ticket. I eat first thing and then every three hours. Small meals 1/2 sandwich, 1/2 cup of food max. Stick to it. Try to before your restart to wait until your stomach growls, even if it takes 2 days as it did for me. Step 3 get movin' 20 minutes 2 times a day should be nothing. even at 300 pounds. When your legs hurt keep walkin they will go numb and will not hurt anymore. Step 4 get movin' ya I know I already covered this one...or did I? I am talking about using a fiber supplement....I need not say more.. The fact is we carry so much junk in our system that needs to be flushed out. I take one in the morn and one at night. It will make that bloated feeling vanish.. Keep in touch. You will get there again!
  8. marathonman


    From the album: Progress pics

  9. marathonman

    Progress pics

  10. marathonman


    From the album: Progress pics

  11. marathonman


    From the album: Progress pics

  12. marathonman

    Christian bandsters

    There are Christian programs such as RU and many others that deal with addictions. Let's face it we are addicts. Just because you are born again, (and that is the only way you are a Christian by the way) does not mean that you will not struggle with sin. Yes overeating is sin, but praise the Lord He is faithful to forgive and heal us. See 1 John 1:9. I will pray for us that God will give us grace to overcome in His power and for His glory.
  13. I just in the last few days got back to the program. I am excited to say down 4 pounds! I have been walking a good bit, and finally after two years learned how to eat and be content with the band. As many of you have, I have tried every "DIET" under the sun. The one I most enjoyed was the low carb/Adkins. I was wandering if this would work well with the band. My fear is that after getting to goal, the weight will come right back on. However, with proper restriction, I may actually be able to eat the right foods on a small portion scale. Thanks for all the input.
  14. Ok anyone who knows me know's I am an ice cream feen. I NEED a recipe for low carb ice cream that doesn't tast like garbage. Any Ideas? I make homemade ice cream but it may have 1,000,000 calories per serving. Any good ideas will be helpful!
  15. marathonman

    Concerned Mom

    Just so I am being completly understood. I do not think your daughter needs to have fill taken out, and i do not think her doc will. She needs to slow way down on her eating. small portions, plenty of time. We are all food addicts. Some of us will even admit it. Three things your daughter needs. 1 a support system- you love your daughter and want what is best for her.. that is very clear, but if you are not banded or struggle with food adiction, you may not be that support system. 2. make better food choices. At restaurants order sides only. It is embarassing for us if we get stuck in public. 3. Get motivated... walk walk walk and throw in some walking too. To be clear motivation is not thinkin about doing... it is doing, and SHE has to do it.
  16. Two words.. Cool Whip. Low carb curbs cravings.. I am trying to come up with a low carb high protien recipe so staytuned.
  17. marathonman

    Protein powder that tastes good with water?

    Here may be a good idea. I go to GNC for my protein. Any time i have wories about taste I ask the guy who runnig the store if there are single serve pacs. Generally there are for about all the proteins. They are rediculously expensive. 3 bucks or so. But I have thrown out Beverly proteins in the past, which is top notch stuff. (everyone else loves this brand, so I am in no way slamming them, however it was a taste to me that was not good at all.) Hope this may help.
  18. marathonman

    Concerned Mom

    I can say that I went through this for about 18 months. I gained 30 pounds along the way. I ate WAY too fast and ate too much. I would not be concerned too much with an eating disorder other than overeating. What happens with folks that are banded is when you eat too much too fast, food gets loged in the opening. This feel very uncomfortable. She is going to the bathroom to "Get it back up". She probably at some point of getting up gets to the point where it all starts going through. Everyone learns how to cheat the band at some point. The band is a tool, just as a tool in your tool box. A wrench can be used as a hammer, but it is best used as a wrench. If your daughter does not want to use the wrench as a wrench, you may not be able to tell her anything. To me it sounds like she needs to see if she is COMPLETELY committed to the program. For me (only a week and a half back on track), I learned if I get a small dish and put my small portion on it, eat it very slow, i feel fuller faster. You will see the trips to the bathroom cease as well. It should take aprox. 20 minutes to eat a half cup of food. Some can eat faster and be ok, but it will make you feel fuller. Also try baby spoons. I know it sounds silly but it helps. Trust me you cant get any sillier than seeing a 31 yr old truck driver (me) walking through a truck stop with a small dish and a baby spoon in hand. We do what we gotta do. I hope all goes well/
  19. Deeves. Hey. Ya I know it's been a long while. Was reading one of your posts. Thank you so much for your wisdom. Anyway good to see ya. I am ready to be a loser again lol.

  20. Ok, so here is the deal. I have been way off track for far too long. I just need some encouragement. I am finding it really hard to not eat everything in sight at night when I get home from work. I get up at 2:30 am and get home at 4:30 pm most nights. Through the day I can refrain from overeating. I hold myself to around 500 cal or so. But when I get home It is a whole different story. It has been 18 mo since last fill. I made another apointment on Aug. 10. I went pre surgery 323 pounds down to 212. I am guessing myself at around 250 or so. I am very ashamed to even go to the doc. Well anyway, thanks for letting me vent.

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