I live in WA state & we switched last open season to BCBS Fed. Emp. Basic option. We called them before we made the switch & asked lots of questions. It seemed too good to be true. But it was true so we switched.
Not sure if the coverage is the same for you but ours is.... $100 copay per surgeon (I had 2), & the EGD was considered a surgery too. $30 copay per specialty visit (it is considered a specialty, so that is the copay for every office visit including fills b/c they are a Weight Loss clinic where I go) my overnight was only a $40 copay b/c they didn't consider it an inpatient stay it was called a "short term stay" or something to that effect, but I was prepared for the $100 per night stay anyway so it was good. Hmmmm, and any difference in the labs & such that they have a cap on. So far I have paid $185.00 & my surgery was in June.
Just call them & ask specific questions.
Best wishes!