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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rohan317

  1. I just had mine yesterday (5-13) and I'm doing great! I was apprehensive of course but would only let myself think of how great it would be after the surgery. You'll do fine, I did!
  2. rohan317

    Feeling Unmotivated!! HELP!

    Hi, I have just joined LBT and am scheduled for my surgery May 13th. I had the same feelings you did during the "weight loss" phase -- how can you get motivated when you know that if you lose a good bit of weight, you will no longer be a candidate for lapband. If you still aren't feeling motivated, don't jump back into it right away. You won't be in the right frame of mind. Let your mom be your biggest motivator! Watch what happens to her and if that doesn't get you motivated, nothing will. Plus you can be your mom's biggest cheerleader!! Good luck and let us know what happens. For the rest of the forum, please say a prayer for me as I prepare for this wonderful change in my life! Thanks rohan317

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