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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by judysue

  1. judysue


    If you have not alreay found a Dr. I would recommend the Bridges program ans St. Lukes Hospital in Phx. They are wonderful and I have had nothing but support through my jourey. Banded one year and 60 pounds down!!!
  2. judysue

    Expensive Program fees and WLS

    That is what I thought about Bridges and 6 months, blah, blah. When I finally started the process it went so quickly. Bridges did most of the paper work. I let them tell me what I needed for BCBS. Jumped through all the hoops and went to their Seminars. I was approved on the first try as Bridges had all the ducks in a row. I THOUGHT I was ready and knew all I needed to know. When I walked into St.Lukes on surgury morn, I knew I was more ready than I thought I was before the process. I am 1 year out and and 55 pounds down. In the big picture, the getting ready is not really that long and SO important. I am glad now that I jumped through all the hoops and and have NO regrets. Good Luck
  3. judysue

    June 2007 Bandster Calender

    How do I find the calender for all the beautiful June 07 people?
  4. judysue

    June 2007 Bandster Calender

    6/28/07 and down 57 wonderful pounds and a new life. I would to get down 3 more by then. Judy
  5. judysue

    June 2007 Bandster Calender

    Looking for my name for June 28th. I am so happy to be part of this special group. I have lost 55 pounds and 10 to high goal. Thank for all the support here.
  6. judysue

    June 2007 Bandster Calender

    Please add me to the calender for June 28th. I am new at posting here. So much encouragement so far.

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