I tried tricking my mind several years ago with a meditation CD that actually walked you through mock WLS. Spoiler alert: it didn't work. If I was able to lose and maintain weight by mental tricks or any other means then I would not be on this forum. I have never heard of anyone going through the pre-op process and diet with the intention of forgoing surgery in lieu of "tricking" the mind. If you have the spare time, money, and energy required to jump through the pre-op hoops then I recommend investing it in something that you intend to follow through with.. whether or not it is weight loss related.
We are surgery twins! Pills are much easier to swallow with a textured medium as opposed to a thin liquid. Take it with a spoon full of yogurt or cottage cheese and you should be fine. Good luck to you!!
I'm so sorry that you had this bump in the road. Thank you for sharing and encouraging the rest of us to seek help if we experience pain or sense something is wrong. How are you feeling now?
Thank you! I am keeping all of my surgery date twins in my prayers (along with everyone on this forum.) Oh, and to answer your question, no I'm not on liquids yet, my program only requires it for a few days before surgery.