Hi all been some time from my last post, I need to hear from others just to see if how i feel is right, I have had lots of fills and nothing i lost well in the 1st 6 months, its been the odd LB from then on, in Oct i had a fill what was done by Flo it was bad but i put that down to the lady who done it! she 1st over filled it and nothing would go down i got her to take some out in half ml goes till the water would go down,
Any way still didn't lose anything over the next 6 weeks went back on the 6th Dec and saw my doc he did a blind fill but unlike the silly *** who did the last one didn't hurt me and took out all that was in it and added a ml so i now know what is in it,(7ml)
right now for the point of this post....
All i can do is have very small drinks and then by late afternoon i can eat a very small bit of pasta but thats it, if i try and eat i am sick and it hurts i don't know if this is right, If it is and i have to learn to live like this for the band to be a working tool then so be it but I'm worried its over filled and will do harm,
Thank you for any help out there
Cherie x