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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About featherbird007

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  • Birthday 11/14/1975

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    HR Manager
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  1. featherbird007

    Sleeved on March 27 and I feel fine?

    I was sleeved on the 27th and went back to work today (4/2). I'm lucky to have a desk job. I too, am doing really well. I swallow better each day and feel I'm swallowing almost to before surgery but continue to take it easy. I never had any initial problems except my tummy letting me know it was too much. The only pain is the external part of my stomach where the incisions were. It's minimal now but have to watch certain movements yet. I think everyone reacts differently to surgery. Hopefully, we all end up pretty much feeling great in a few weeks. Good luck!!
  2. I had my sleeve surgery on the same day as you AND they fixed a hiatal hernia. I can swallow liquids but have to watch the frequency and amount I'm swallowing. My tummy will let me know by giving a feeling of "a burp that doesn't come out" kind of pain that lasts a few seconds in the chest area. We are still very inflamed. I see that I'm able to swallow more than I did the first few days. Swallow less... it'll get better.
  3. featherbird007

    last minute cold feet?

    I just had my sleeve done. I was wondering many of the same things with regard to new technology. I found quite a few cool devices that are being tested but it will be years before they would go to the market, if at all. I still feel the VSG is a rather safe way and really a brilliant concept. It's just a tool, though. We still have to have some healing in our brains... takes more than just the surgery, I think, to make us function better than before. I have a therapist lined up and plan to attend groups when I'm healed. You sound like an analyzer like me! I know after reading and researching, that the sleeve was what I needed.... even though it was a scary decision.
  4. featherbird007

    March 2019 group?

    @Briswife15, I've having the sleeve (vsg). Good luck!
  5. featherbird007

    March 2019 sleepers

    Thinking good thoughts!!!
  6. featherbird007

    March Bypass Buddies

    Sleeve on the 27th like so many others! Best of luck everyone!
  7. featherbird007

    March 2019 group?

    Briswife15, we have the same date! March 27th for me, too! Best of luck!
  8. featherbird007

    March 2019 sleepers

    March 27th!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
