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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by moder

  1. moder

    taking meds?

    Hi, Been 4 weeks since I had my banding. I took my pills everyday. I also am on blood pressure, antidepresent etc. but even the one night in the hospital they gave me my pills. I crushed them and put them in jello, the caps I opened. I can now take them whole if they are not to large and break them in half if they are large.
  2. moder

    age question

    Hi, I just had my banding done on April 28th. I am 66 years old. I really haven't had any problems except for the gas. I hate that. Some doctors I called would not do the surgery if your were over 65 but was lucky and found one that said he had done this on some in thier 70's. Good Luck
  3. moder

    Surgery Date

    Hi, I know just how you feel. I was so excited to get the band but the night before surgery I had a panic attack. We had driven 500 miles to get the job done & didn't dare go home without it. Luckly my daughter was with me and the night before in the hotel she talked all night until I went to sleep. The next morning I was fine and ready to go. I am only a week into my adventure but do not regret it. Hang in there. You will be thankful you did.
  4. Received my band on April 28th. Dr. Rohrer did the surgery. I am only a week into the program and have experinced the same pain problem in my shoulder. I was told it was to be expected. Guess I am normal? I need to loose about 75lbs.

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