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Everything posted by starladustangel

  1. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I'm supposed to do all liquids for 3 days starting next friday. I'm allowed protein shakes in addition to clear liquids, sugar free popsicles and sugar free jello during my liquid phase. May start a little early on Wednesday or Thursday. I've lost 2 pounds since Monday on 2 shakes, 1 protein bar and 1 light meal a day. Having a plain non fat yogurt this morning though. My husband got the kids donuts which is tempting.
  2. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I am doing two shakes, a protein bar and one light meal. I don't have a pre op liver shrinking diet other than 3 days of liquids before surgery but I'm trying to do one anyway to get myself used to eating less. I feel like I'm getting used to it
  3. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    This is the brand I buy as well. It's not bad
  4. Neither my insurance company nor the surgeon required weight loss but I did lose 10 pounds over the course of 2 months after my consult and my surgeon was happy about it.
  5. starladustangel

    IUD Before or After Surgery?

    I've had a mirena for a year. No weight gain from it
  6. starladustangel

    Ancestry.Com and such Things

    I did Ancestry. My mom also tested. It was accurate in terms of family matches. My mom matches as my mom. My dad didn't test but his younger sister and his elderly uncle both did. My aunt and great uncle are both close matches so my dad is clearly my dad. Ethnicity percentages are a little iffy and Ancestry changes them a lot with updates. Right now I have some French and Norwegian percentages that don't match with having a mom who is primarily German and Irish and a dad whose family was mostly British.
  7. My insurance is paying and I did the online seminar January 30th and am having surgery June 3rd. So about 4 months total.
  8. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I slipped up and ate some grilled chicken and veggies at lunch instead of a protein shake. At least it was healthy. Doing a ton of housework for our landlord's annual inspection so I think the activity is why I was hungry
  9. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    My paperwork says all liquids 3 days before surgery but no instructions before then. I am trying to ease myself into it gradually Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I don't have a required pre op diet but I figured I better start one with my surgery being two weeks away from Monday. It's been hard. My PCP gave me a phentermine prescription but I don't think I should be taking it with surgery so close. I'd been replacing one meal with a shake for a few weeks. Yesterday I started replacing two meals.I am hoping it gets easier but I had a headache by the end of the day.
  11. starladustangel

    Return to work?

    I'm having surgery the same day. My surgeon said anywhere from 1-4 weeks but most people take 2-3 weeks.
  12. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    No pre op liquid diet but I have been tracking calories and making better choices over the last 3 months and the surgeon was happy with the 10 pounds I've managed to lose since my last visit. I'm not since that's so little for 3 months although I really have only been getting stricter with myself for two months. Still not very much. I've done keto and atkins before so watching carbs and protein is something I am familiar with. I'm getting gradually used to having 1200 calories or less a day. I've signed the consent forms. I cleaned out two Grocery Outlet stores of Siggi's plain yogurt today. It was 2 for a dollar. 16 g of protein, 6 carbs, 4g of sugar and 90 calories. They are so creamy and delicious and provide a lot of protein. Usually they are 2.00 each at the other stores so I stocked up but it was maybe 8 or 9 in total. They mostly had the sugar filled flavored ones.
  13. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I had pre op nursing class this morning. This afternoon I have my pre op appointment with the surgeon. At the nutrition class we were told that the program didn't require a preop diet but the paperwork I have says the surgeon may require it so we will see.
  14. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    Found these at Grocery Outlet today. It was 2.00 for a 4 pack. I only bought 2 packs as I was with my husband doing our regular shopping but may go back on my own to get more.
  15. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    My weight was down to 289 this morning but I definitely need to up my water as my mouth and throat were dry when I got up I went to the store and stocked up on sugar free popsicles and jello. I found budget saver brand popsicles are a really good price compared to the name brand and you can split them in half https://www.budgetsaver.com/our-products/product/sugar-free-twin-pops/10 Are other people buying premade jello or the boxes? I bought a bunch of small round containers about the size of an individual jello cup and the boxes of sugar free jello mix
  16. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    Maybe. I drink a lot but it's been warm
  17. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I've somehow gained 2 pounds in the last week. I'm averaging 1000 calories a day. Wasn't losing weight on 1500. Dropped to 1200 and lost a few pounds but stalled. Now this morning I'm back up to 292 after a week of stricter calorie and carb restriction. 🤦‍♀️ My biggest fear is I won't lose weight after surgery. I'm not on an all liquid diet right now but my surgery is still 3 weeks away and the nutritionist told me they don't require one. I am doing a protein shake at breakfast and then a healthy snack and two meals. Probably going to start doing two protein shakes and no snacks next week. Ugh. Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. I haven't been given one. I started today giving up breakfast for a protein shake. I got hungry though and ate a little cottage cheese for a snack later. [emoji26] Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. starladustangel

    Anyone in the Tacoma WA area?

    June 3rd Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. starladustangel

    BCBSIL anyone? How long to approve?

    BCBSIL Approved in 3 weeks. However they approved on 4/5 but then my surgeon's office was so backed up I didn't get a surgery date until 5/2. Surgery is 6/3. I did my seminar 1/30 and had my initial consult 2/15 so the whole process will be about 4 months total.
  21. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    My program doesn't require a pre op diet. Tempted to do one the week before surgery though
  22. starladustangel

    GALS who started their journey over 300 lb+<br /> +

    Highest weight: 315 June 2017 Got down to 265 on keto then developed rheumatoid arthritis Spring of 2018. Regained back up to 305 after being on prednisone for inflammation and pain. Stopped gaining once I was taken off fortunately. Was 303 at my consult appointment with the bariatric surgeon on 2/15/19. I am currently 290 as I'm back to calorie and carb counting for the past month. My surgery date is June 3rd My program doesn't require a liquid preop diet but wondering if I should do it anyway. My surgeon set a goal of 168 but haven't been that low since 9th grade so not sure if it's possible.
  23. starladustangel

    Carbohydrate intake

    My nutritionist recommends 40-80g net carb per day at the nutrition class. I think that might be once you're on regular food again. I am very carb sensitive so this is fine with me. I spent months counting calories pre op and lost nothing until I started following the carb guidelines. I've only ever lost weight on keto or atkins so it's not a shock. My surgery is a month away and I've lost 7 pounds this last week from 297 to 290 staying below 50 g of carbs and 1200 calories. I got down from my highest weight of 315 to 265 on low carb but regained back to 297 after spending months on prednisone for rhuematoid arthritis last year
  24. starladustangel

    To tell or not to tell

    I've been open about it at work. Coworkers who had it before me were open about having surgery and it made me feel more comfortable to seek it out knowing how our benefits would apply for bariatric surgery. I've had two coworkers who are thinking about weight loss surgery talk to me about it recently. Our benefits used to not cover it up until the last few years. I've only gotten one negative comment from a rail thin coworker who thinks our insurance should only cover it if you're near death. Most people have been supportive. I want my coworkers who are struggling with their weight to be comfortable seeking out and to know that insurance wise it is an option for them just like the people who have already had it before me at work. I've been open with friends and family as well. My mom had surgery at the end of February and was open about it and it made me feel less like I had failed for seeking out surgery. I personally choose to be open because I want to remove the stigma of surgery being a sign of failure or the easy way out. I want more people to view it as a valid tool and that we still have to put in the work pre and post op for it to work. But it's a personal choice to share and I don't think anyone should have to share if they don;t want to.
  25. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I also have PCOS and insulin resistance. It was difficult to get pregnant although I was able to. I do wish I could have gone through WLS when younger as it may have made it easier to get pregnant, I was older when my daughter was born after fertiity treatments and don't have as much energy to chase her around. Hoping that I do have more energy and less joint pain

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
