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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by starladustangel

  1. starladustangel

    Lying about not getting surgery is awful

    I have been very open with everyone about my surgery. I agree with what someone said about about their being a big difference between not telling people and flat out lying. I've heard of some "influencers" who had surgery but lie about it to their followers to shill some scam weight loss product they claim worked for them. It's one thing to just not tell people and keep it to yourself. That doesn't hurt anyone. But when you're out there lying to other obese people who want to lose weight about how you did it and convincing them to try some crash diet or waste money on a products its just wrong.
  2. starladustangel

    The Sleeve vs Bypass?

    If you have had GERD at all I would recommend bypass. I never had GERD before my sleeve but now have to revise to bypass due to it. Sleeve was great for me weight loss wise and I hit my goal but GERD has taken over my life because of how sick I am.
  3. I am almost 2 years out. I do not regret the decision to have weight loss surgery at all although if I had known I would end up needing a revision due to reflux I would have chosen bypass initially instead of sleeve but I had no way of predicting that. I'm down 172 pounds. From a 54 BMI to a 24 BMI. Russell stover makes delicious sugar free peanut butter cups. There are reese's and quest ones too. I made what I call peanut butter cup oatmeal for breakfast today which is oatmeal, pbfit powder for protein and Walden farms zero calorie chocolate syrup. I've had diet coke a few times but carbonation bothers me so I have to let it go completely flat and it isn't worth it. I don't miss it too much. My PCP wasn't super big on WLS but my insurance didn't require a referral from him and honestly when I went back for a regular visit about a year post OP he was happy to see that it had been successful for me to have surgery. I don't eat red meat often as I don't do as well with it since my galbladder was removed.
  4. starladustangel

    Gastric Sleeve and Reflux

    I would not get sleeve if you already have reflux. I had no reflux before my sleeve at all but now have such severe GERD I have to revise to bypass. Sleeve was great for me weight loss wise as I lost all my excess weight but the GERD has been awful.
  5. Had my appointment this morning. My surgeon is reccomending revision to RNY with hernia repair. He thinks I should likely maintain my weight as long as I keep watching what I eat and tracking my food.
  6. My biggest fear is regain with all the talk from people about the lack of restriction they feel post vsg to rny revision. I would prefer to keep maintaining close to my current weight as it is a place I am happy with.
  7. I am a breakfast eater. I know that puts me in the minority but it works for me. I bought a Dash Eggbite maker so I make eggbites a lot and have them with fruit. Oatmeal with pumpkin puree and lily's chocolate chips. A mini bagel with a yogurt.
  8. starladustangel

    Why the same advice over and over?

    I agree with you that therapy is hugely necessary for so many of us. I think the reason that people don't suggest it is because so many people get offended and upset by the suggestion they see a therapist or even a dietitian. A lot of people ignore the mental reasons that caused them to overeat in the first place. I fully admit I was a sugar addict who ate candy and sweet things to cope with anxiety and depression but I hear people insist over and over that "I just liked to eat".
  9. starladustangel

    Ideal body weight

    My surgeon's office gave me a goal weight that they felt was realistic. I did surpass it though.
  10. Developed GERD right after surgery. It was mostly controlled by diet and omeprazole until December 2020 when I began having massive issues. My PCP switched me to pantoprazole/famitodine which helped but as I was still continuing to have issues I was referred to the gastroenterologist. Gastroenterologist decided I needed both a colonscopy and endoscopy. Yesterday was the earliest they could get me in for one. Colonscopy came back with mild diverticulitis and they are recommending I increase my fiber and fluid intake to manage it. Endoscopy came back with a lax LES and a 12 MM antral nodule that has to be biopsied. Hoping the nodule comes back as benign and not cancerous. The lax LES seems to be the reason why I am having so many issues controlling GERD. I have a follow up appointment to discuss with the doctor in a few weeks. Google is telling me linx procedure is the best option but some posts here are saying revision to bypass is better for bariatric patients. Putting my concerns about the antral nodule aside, has anyone had any experience with a lax LES and severe reflux after VSG while at a healthy BMI? I don't want to have a revision and lose a ton more weight. I can lose more as I am in the upper range of a healthy BMI range but I am happy with my current size. Was linx reccomended to you or revision? If you had a revision did you lose a bunch more weight or just a little?
  11. starladustangel

    Post Op Covid Vaccine

    I'm getting my first Moderna shot today but I am almost 2 years out. Definitely check with your surgeon as they may recommend waiting a little more if you still healing.
  12. Upper GI barium swallow shows esophageal dysmotility and it also found a hiatal hernia that the endoscopy missed. I can't find out much about the esophogeal dysmotility googling but the radiologist said I am either going to need revision to bypass or nissen fundoplication and that the hernia will need repaired. Waiting now to see what my surgeon says.
  13. starladustangel

    Too old for plastics?

    I'm 40 and old or not I am considering it due to constant rashes under my breasts and loose stomach skin
  14. Halo top, a piece of sugar free chocolate, sugar free popsicle, sugar free pudding, fiber one brownies or cookies. Usually have tea with stevia before bedtime.
  15. starladustangel

    Can We Talk About...Birth Control?

    I have a mirena IUD. No issues with it. I'm 40 and done having kids. my mom had a mirena during menopause to help with heavy bleeding and it helped a lot.
  16. None here but left the bariatric pal facebook group as it was full of toxic people who loved to enable each other eating like crap and call anyone who said differently the "food police" while inevitably they would post a few months later whining about stalls or regain. People were cheering people on eating cake at a few weeks post op because "it's a soft food". There were posts like that constantly. Maybe it's changed since I left but that's not a great support group for making better food choices.
  17. starladustangel

    Lie on food log

    I sometimes have a piece or two of sugar free chocolate. I do log it in my fitness pal but I have not had my food logs checked pre or post op. For some people one piece of candy can lead to binges though.
  18. My surgeon actually set my goal weight to 168 pounds which is overweight but said he would be happy with anything under 200. Been maintaining 145 for the last 4 months. My surgeon is pretty happy with that. I lost far more than what he expected me to lose and more than I expected to lose. I had a 54.1 BMI so no interested in being super thin. If I can maintain here at a 24.9 BMI long term I will be thrilled. The goal of surgery was for me to be able to be more physically active without pain. I hike and bike with my kids now. I have so much loose skin though.
  19. It was two weeks from seminar and completing the paper work to my consult appointment
  20. starladustangel

    Calling all vets- where are you

    It's similar for me. I've had a sore throat since December. I take two PPIs plus an H2 daily. Often take zofran due to the nausea and vomiting. I eat a very limited diet right now to try to keep it all in check. Endoscopy showed reflux and gastritis. My gastroenterologist sent me back to my bariatric surgeon. Saw my surgeon last week and he said the next step is upper GI xrays to make sure the endoscopy didn't miss anything. I have a lot of rashes from excess abdominal skin and was hoping I could starting looking into skin removal this year but I guess not now
  21. starladustangel

    Calling all vets- where are you

    2 months shy of 2 years. Happy with my weight loss but struggling with GERD and may need a revision. Currently undergoing testing.
  22. Nodule came back as benign but they want to remove it with an endoscopic ultrasound. My gastroenterologist says their recommendation would be revision to RNY. I had a virtual appointment with my surgeon and my surgeon is sending me for upper GI xrays in case a hernia or stricture was missed in the endoscopy,
  23. starladustangel

    Any suggestions for bras while losing?

    Maidenform bras like these on Amazon or Target. cheap, comfy and come in a two pack. https://www.amazon.com/Maidenform-Expressions-Womens-T-Shirt-2-Pack/dp/B07CRMV38Z
  24. starladustangel

    GALS who started their journey over 300 lb+<br /> +

    Currently 145. 170 pounds lost. Unfortunately dealing with severe reflux right now but I am a normal bmi 24.9 now
  25. starladustangel

    GALS who started their journey over 300 lb+<br /> +

    I just hit 150 last week after being at 152 since October. I had been ok with being 152 so any weight loss at this point feels like a bonus. Normal BMI would be 145.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
