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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Dubchild

  1. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    The unflavoured protein powder works well in yogurt or if you’re gonna add it to soup mix it up in some skim milk before you add it or it will definitely clump up
  2. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    16 days out from bypass surgery and I just had 3/4 cup of soup with 4 saltines and ate it within 15mins with zero pain.. I’m wondering if something is wrong or it’s just a matter of everyone being different. So far today had 1 - 30g protein shake and 1/2cup cottage cheese and 1L water
  3. Duck: my doctor told me the exact same thing, if he couldn’t do the bypass he would do the sleeve. I think it’s just to cover their bases but my bypass was successful. I think that’s a pretty common line
  4. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I was told to get the campbells low sodium variety for all soups
  5. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Avoiding tomatoes pre op, I’ve had lots of tomato soup post op and was allowed to introduce V8 on day 14
  6. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Anyone else ready for a glass of wine 😶
  7. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Halo: my surgery was feb 12 I was supposed to add oatmeal and cottage cheese to my liquid diet tomorrow but cheated and added it today. So tired of just plain soup and protein shakes I’m just counting down to next week when I can start purées and add eggs/ricotta cheese/ crackers . Pain is nearly nil save for for when I stand up straight and get the sharp pains in my side for a minute or two. Can’t handle sleeping in bed for more than 4 hours but couch naps make up the rest. Daily diet is pretty standard: 30g protein shake throughout the morning (2.5 hours), 15g cottage cheese with pepper, 1/2 cup strained soup, 1 packet oatmeal, miso soup or broth, and then another 30g protein shake in the evening
  8. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Yeah as long as it’s just a liquid no chunks
  9. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Since surgery I’ve been pretty steady losing 1-1.3 lbs per day
  10. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    My sense of smell is decidedly heightened for sure
  11. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    When does everyone get to have that ricotta bake? Day 14? Day 21?
  12. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Thanks for the reply It’s comforting knowing these pains are common
  13. Dubchild

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Should’ve found this thread earlier but I had bypass on feb 12. I’m 36 yrs old and work in construction so I had a feeling I would be quick to recover and was off pain meds by feb 15. The liquid diet has been no problem and walking everyday as well. Now the problem... I decided earlier this week (day 7/8/9) that general housework and bending over to pick up the dog (17lbs chihuahua) was within my scope but apparently not. While sitting on couch or in reclining chair I feel zero pain. When I stand up it’s a slight burning sensation on the left side. First thing in the morning getting out of bed is sheer torture. Sharp pains in the mid left side that is basically crippling until I make it downstairs to the couch but then less and less pain throughout the day until before bed it returns again. I’m not sure if I’ve pulled something or the muscles just hadn’t healed yet but now (day 11) the pain this morning in my left side is bad as ever. Selfishly hoping this is happening to the other buddies who had surgery the same time as I did just so I can stop worrying... any feedback is much appreciated folks cheers ps. Our post op diet is not specific per person but I feel like I could move on to purée but they don’t suggest it till day 21... I’m craving any sort of real food
  14. Dubchild

    Alcohol and RNY

    When was your first drink ?
  15. 7 days post op and I swear there’s garlic hidden all over our house! Also I couldn’t drink tap water anymore it just tasted really off I’ve had to buy bottled water by the truck loads
  16. Dubchild

    Am I eating too much?

    Loll how does this help , get the back patting machine out I think there’s a separate forum for that
  17. Dubchild

    Post OP question

    I’d like to know more about this? Link?
  18. I had my surgery yesterday (Tuesday feb 12) and still haven’t passed any gas and it’s almost 11pm on Wednesday. Couple minor very painful short burps but nothing else. Did anyone else take this long ?
  19. Gastric bypass scheduled for 2/12 , work in construction which means a lot of energy needed.. anyone have an idea on time off work?
  20. Dubchild

    Recreational Drugs

    I really appreciate the people attempting to answer this honestly and not jumping down this persons throat. The reason we have these forums are for questions some people might find uncomfortable. Shame on those people acting all offended... this is a SUPPORT center

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
